Worth The Wait

Chapter 14

I walked home, not too far from where I already was with Jaimee. I simply opened the door and greeted mom and Ryan, I would greet pops, but he’s never really home. Then I went straight to bed for the rest of the day.

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."

It rang in my head, like I’ve been told many times. What was I suppose to do? It really meant something. I knew that I shouldn’t pry so much about what happened before. I’m blaming Jaimee for something that happened before, something someone else did. I should be ashamed of myself.

I know that Jaimee wouldn’t do anything like that. I mean she doesn’t look like the type.

I woke up and I noticed the calendar said Friday I was late for school I panicked started jamming books in my bag rushing to put on clothes. Then moments later the phone rang and it was Jaimee.

“I’m sorry I’m late already, I’ll be there soon.” I said in a rush to zoom right out of the house.

“What are you talking about?” She responded back to me.

“School?” I said as if she was wrong. All I heard was a loud chuckle and I answered back that laugh with, “What’s so funny?”

“Today, its Saturday.” She said. I could still hear her laughing.

“REALLY?!” I checked my phone and she was right.

“Anyways, can you go mall with me today we’ll watch movies and just hang out you and I and no Daniel.” She said in a playful way, but you can hear that nervous shaky voice in her.

“Oh, sure what time and just let me dress up again.” I said. I knew she was going to laugh, but she didn’t and all she said was, “Okay.” In a happy inside voice so, I got showered since I didn’t get the chance during my rush. A few minutes later I was dressed with out shoes. “Shoes, where did I put my shoes.” I couldn’t remember if I hid them or if I slept with them and if mother hid them for me. I heard a beep and my name yelled right behind that beep.

I panicked again, the second time today. So, I grabbed slippers and ran down to go meet up with them. They were laughing at me instead of a simple hello. I was dressed so nice and to top it off I was wearing slippers.

I explained my reason. Then all that came out from Jaimee was, “Suuuuureee.” So, I just got in and sat in the back and Jaimee in front this time. The drive was long cause the traffic and I fell asleep in the back seat.

Moments later I hear, “Gerard, get up now, we’re here.” I open my eyes and see Jaimee’s mom right in front of my face. I wanted to yell and freak out, but I thought that would’ve been rude. So, I tried my best to shrivel my facial expressions.

I settled my appearance outside the car. Jaimee crawled up right beside me cling onto my arm. The mom said bye and went off.

“So, what movie do we watch or have you planned a movie already?” I asked her, still attached to my arm.

“Don’t worry so much about that.” She said.

So, we walked in and the theater was in right side and I noticed we went straight there and she pulled out the tickets and I was pretty embarrassed how she got out tickets. So, I decided to buy all the food and drinks just incase she got hungry and IF she did get hungry she would be thirsty.

I still didn’t know what movie we were watching and I wouldn’t really know cause we were 25 minutes early watching a black screen with music playing. I guess we had time to talk, which we did.

“You’re very pretty, you know that.” I said seemingly how she was only staring at me.

She looked embarrassed, but very flattered. “Thank you.” It came out of her.

She laid her head down on my shoulder and began talking about a lot of stuff. Then it suddenly came up.

“If we were to end up together like this every now and then so calm and relaxing, I wouldn’t mind, no not at all.” She seemed happy with her eyes calm and almost as if she was closing them.

“I know, it’s breath-taking, I wouldn’t mind either.” I said. “Maybe you know or maybe you don’t, but I like you.” I said nervously.

She picked up her head and looked at me sweetly and her eyes seemed awed. “Really?” She said wanting to hear it again.

“Yes, really, I just never thought I could tell you. I really do like you.” Her face came closer and she seemed so calm and happy.
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I don't know where this is really going, but bare with me if it gets out of what you think of. D':