Worth The Wait

Chapter 15

It seemed like she was going to kiss me, then it struck, a hug followed by words, “I’m so happy to hear so. I spent all day yesterday worrying that maybe you liked another girl. That it might be that girl from the note.” She said as if she could cry.

“Yeah, no, I like you and I have, but I just…” Then I changed the subject and said, “Who is this girl?” I really was curious.

“I don’t really remember. Michii...?” That’s about it that she could recall.

“OHH, Michelle? That’s who?” I said. I probably had a weird vibe as I said it. Michelle the one I’ve known for so long almost years. I used to talk to her about everything and she always tried helping.

“Yeah, her.” Jaimee paused for a while, “Today is a very nice day. It’s starting off with me being with you and hearing something I thought I would never hear.”

She leaned once again on my shoulders she kept creeping closer and closer towards my head. I could almost feel her breathing on my neck.

“I’m very happy.” She whispered slowly to me. She moved her hands slowly and grabbed my hand and held it, felt weird knowing the girl was making all the first moves, but I wanted it. I relaxed myself and put my head on hers.

The movie started, it was a chick flick. It was nice 30 minutes into the movie was very nice, every second. It made me wonder how they could make movies funny and incorporate sad moments and teary-eyed speeches. It was nice watching, especially with Jaimee right beside me.

I could hear her sniffling, crying from the movie I suppose. We just sat there. I felt her hands shaking like she was nervous. Maybe she wanted me to kiss her? I doubt so it was too early we weren’t even dating. Then I thought about it and maybe she wanted me to ask her out. I wasn’t sure about that.

The movie was ending soon, I could tell from where the characters where at. There was something there that made me feel all better and warm inside. A line from the character, “No matter where you go, what you decide to do, who you decide to change to, I’ll know you for who you are and you’ll always be worth the wait.” I kept that in mind. I wanted to live by it. I wanted to make that be something I could do and say.

The screen was darkening and the 3 other people in the movie theater were getting their things ready, but not Jaimee, she was waiting for something most definitely. I had to say something and I did.

“Hey,” I said making sure she could hear me through all the noise.

“Yeah?” She replied with her eyes looking straight at mine.

“I like you.” I said with a smile. She was probably expecting something different, but I said what I said and I knew I had to say something.

“Aww, I like you, too.” She seemed okay, maybe disappointed, but I don’t really know.

She got her stuff ready too and she called her mom and told her to pick us up one hour from now so we can go and eat.
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It's short. Live with it.