Worth The Wait

Chapter 16

We finished our meal. We just waited outside.

It took a while and I brought up something so the silence would drop dead. “So, how was the movie?”

I knew you were going to ask that sooner or later, but it was fine.” She smiled a rather awkward smile, something you’d never really get if it were sarcastically intended to hide something or whether she meant it.

“I’m glad you liked it.” I said with a rather calm voice staring out at the sky.

I gazed off for a moment or two with my eyes suddenly lurking off everything as I noticed straight ahead of me Rovvy and Jaydylee walking towards me. Their hands pursed together one finger over the other until ones thumbs were at the top. Swinging their hands back and forth laughing and talking. They seemed almost perfect, but I wouldn’t know what a perfect relationship would be like. I watched them steadily, their mouths always talking or either laughing either way something or some noise were always made as if they never ran out of things to say as if they had no other day together just with out the sorrow.

Jaimee probably caught me staring at them. I knew she did, her head facing toward my direction in the corner of my eyes. So, I turned to her to meet her eyes.

“Whoa, Gerard, haha, I didn’t know you and Jaimee were together. Congratulations.” Rovvy said from the front of Jaimee and me. I open my mouth to respond a negative answer to Rovvy’s presumption.


“We aren’t dating. We aren’t together.” She interrupted and said a bit feisty. I sort of thought it was because she was just impatience, but remembering Rovvy and Jaydylee holding hands might have made her a bit sad and well jealous.

We started talking and I rememChapter 15ber the time when Rovvy was one of the people who I’d talk to a lot and help me with stuff.

Standing there next to the entrance we were just talking to each other about daily things in life. More of small talk and I notice my mom outside and she was flickering her hand towards me to tell me to come over. I held out my hand to tell her to wait and I said goodbye to Jaydylee and Rovvy and grabbed Jaimee’s hand as if we were holding hands. Her face seemed like she was daydreaming and I went to the window of the car and mother spoke.

“Jaimee, your mom told me to get you because she’s being held in a meeting.”

“But she doesn’t work today.” Jaimee said.

“I know, but it was an emergency meeting for her.” Mother said with a questionable tone.

She continued, “ So come on Jaimee you’ll stay in our house until your mom comes back.”

She seemed happy and mother had work soon it’s going to be me and her alone in the house…