Worth The Wait

I'm sorry...

“You promise?” She asked me to make sure. I didn’t even have time to think and the words “I promise” uttered from my mouth.

“Oh, ha-ha great, I’ll see you later.” She told me and she walked away. I stood there thinking.

I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into; I just agreed to walk her home. I don’t even know her. I feel no sense in just standing around the courtyard of the school. I felt like I had to go tell Daniel about this. I haven’t told him what really goes on in my head for about 6 months. I really felt like sharing this and no matter how much I want to keep it to myself; it’s eating its way slowly towards my mouth.

I walked in the hallways of Berkley Hills High School to get to my class. On my way I couldn’t help but to think about Jaimee. It was like everything seemed to be happening so fast. I thought maybe everything was happening fast and everything is only how I wanted to see it.

Then it hit me; the way I wanted to see it. Was I falling for this again? The thought of actually starting to like anyone sent shivers through my back. I couldn’t think about anything else, but this. I really am clueless when it comes to this.

I knew for sure that Daniel had to know. Maybe, just maybe, he could give me the best advice. He’s probably the only one I’d turn to. I scurried through the hallways until I got to the door with the number 4-13-09B on it. Of course that’d be a long number to say for a room so we made it shorter by just saying 4-13.

I turned the knob on the door and I find everyone out of place and sitting with their friends all over the room. This would only mean our teacher is running late. I looked for Daniel, who was sitting with Josh I grab his arm and pull him with me outside so I could tell him.

A minute passed by and I told him that I may have started liking this girl, he told me, “Is this what you really want?” I remained in thought while the ceaseless silence was in between Daniel and I. “I...I don’t know, I’m unsure.” I said with a ‘deep in thought’ face.

I could see Daniel’s facial expression change as if he was going to say something serious. “Well you do know if you want to start liking this girl, it would also mean you’d fall for others and you’d miss your chance with me.” After he completed that totally idiot sentence of his. He was just playing around this time.

“Yeaah thanks.” I said quietly. “You know what I mean, Gerard. We just haven’t really had these serious talks in a while so I thought of lightening it up.” He patted me on the back.

I know that maybe he wasn’t the best friend to turn to, but I feel like I have no better option. It’s only been a day and she got me head over heels already. Maybe I need to avoid her. It’s probably not the best choice, but I shouldn’t walk with her after school.

While I was thinking the teacher was walking towards us, so Daniel tapped me on the back to get inside. So, I followed him inside and we warned the class to get in their seats.
I sat down almost unnoticeable, because you couldn’t hear a single sound from me.

It’s like I couldn’t breathe. My heart was pounding against my chest, flutterlies aching in my stomach urging to get out, my knees shaking weak. It’s as if the world could fall down on me. It’s like every second I think about her eats me up. It starts to overwhelm me. I can’t think straight.

I put my thoughts aside to listen to the teacher, then the next thing I notice it was 10 minutes before the bell would ring. I sort of panicked, because today was a review for a test for our next class meet.

The school day seemed to be passing by so quickly and I don’t know exactly what to do. It’s already the last class for the day then I see Jaime, but I know I have to try avoiding her. It’s weird how I never really noticed how she looked. I can’t picture her face at all and here I am thinking about her again.

The bell rang for the last class of the day I was facing the ground while we waited for the teacher. The teacher opened the door for us to go in and walked straight to my seat and I put my head down. When the teacher told us to sit straight and pay attention to what she was going to say I noticed that there was a lot of commotion going on in the classroom. Then suddenly I hear “I’d like to introduce a new student in this school and in our class, Jaimee Spence.” That sentence came from the teacher’s mouth. I put my head up slowly to see if it was actually was her. My heart started pumping again and when I saw the person standing in the front of the class it was Jaimee. She sat across the room from where I was. Now I knew for sure I wouldn’t be able to think straight.

The time flew by slow while I was thinking about her. It’s like time was doing this on purpose. I’d sometimes look up from my work and get a glimpse of her until she turns then I suddenly look away. It was the same thing over and over until the bell rang.

I suddenly got up and left the classroom to go home. I was walking fast trying to avoid her. I thought she wouldn’t notice that I was there in the class with her. Then I suddenly see my dad waiting outside. I run up and ask what he was doing here and he says, “So, what you want me to leave you here to walk?” I didn’t know what to do. I looked backed and I saw Jaimee and I’m sure she saw me, cause she waved at me. I remember the promise I made her. It made me unsure about what I’d choose to do.

I took a look at Jaimee while I placed one foot in the car. Her face was gloomy, as she looked at me go in the car. I put my full body in the car and watched her from the window. She was just standing there. I mouthed the words "I'm sorry."