Worth The Wait

That's not what I meant

I couldn’t get it off my head… the way she said all those things. The way she was right. How could I be doing this to him, he’s been a big brother for me. He would take me in help me out, give me words and mostly I know he’d get into fights if he had to. I don’t know how I didn’t see what I had and what he’s giving for me. I don’t know what I’d do if he’d go away. I know that maybe, just maybe if I told him to move on he might like… no I know that no matter what it’s not fair to him. I made a big mistake.

I totally forgot the fact I was in class. I’m glad the teacher didn’t catch me with my head down.

“Mr. Daniel sir, I said nothing should be on your desk.” I was wondering what he meant by that. So, I peered at my desk and on the bottom left corner was a folded note.

On front imprinted a name, “Michelle”

My heart started beating faster, it was her … I pondered and pondered. “What could it possibly say?” I knew if I stayed on this same subject in my head I’d go crazy, so I waited the rest of the class off by listening to the teacher babble about where he lived.

As earlier as 23 minutes the bell rang and I streamed off to the door as quick as possible, but tried to be quiet. Just to avoid the teacher calling on me, but I knew I didn’t do so well as he said, “Daniel, a minute of your time please.”

I headed over to where he was, sitting on his own desk. “I noticed Gerard isn’t here and you’re awfully quiet on this day of his absence. Must there have been an accident that you may have caused or some form of misbehaved activities you two do?” He said calmly giving me a suspicious look.

“No, sir.” I reply to his inevitable accusation.
“Very well Daniel, I have nothing against you.” He grinned. For a while he made me feel uncomfortable, but it was nothing too bad I guess.

I opened the letter with curiosity. “ Maybe I haven’t been giving out as much hints as I thought I was, but I like you... I think and I hope you know that.” More was written inside, but my heart was pounding like crazy. It felt like it was going 200 mph.

It was too much for me so folded it back and on the other side of the note it was written, “To Gerard.”

It made me think about what Jaimee said and what she told me, my reason for keeping Gerard at his worse. I hated it, I hated the fact that I got my mind straight because Jaimee's right and I hate the way this stupid letter makes me reconsider EVERYTHING I thought about.

School ended momentarily and all I thought about was that stupid thought. I saw Jaimee already waiting. It was no surprise, because I was walking so slowly.

I assumed she noticed me looking a bit gloomy. She asked, “Are you still thinking about what I said earlier? I’m sorry about that.”
“No, you were right. You should know you’re right. I thought about it and I was going to tell him about it today…” Then she cut me off, “WAS?”
I didn’t want to tell her about the note. She probably thought she was getting in the way of Michelle and Gerard. “Well, that’s not what I meant. I WILL tell him.”

I saw a smile cross her face and I knew I did the right thing, now the decision was how to really tell Gerard and if my insecurity would get the best of me.