Worth The Wait

"So, we're okay now?"

(Gerard's view)

“Stuck home all day, what am I suppose to do... I should be happy I’m still alive.” I guess it would run through my mind more than once and more frankly I’ll be more prone to answer myself. Tick tock, tick tock, I watch the clock move ever so slowly towards 4:45 p.m. I tried to turn away as every second ticked away was another second I’d count.

I got up to subside from the substantial benefits I think laying in bed has. I doubt just cause I stood up time would go by faster, but it was worth a shot. I want to sleep, I really do wish to. It is like something’s eating the time away, but it was so slow.

Was it still the fact that I was thinking about Jaimee? It does bother me. Every second is another second working it’s way up to overwhelm my feelings.

“She’s… just a… girl.” I spoke out silently. Even though no one was around to hear it, it felt harsh, as if I could be the meanest person in the world to just think so.

“I wonder how she’s doing… I hope she’s having a great time.” I couldn’t help but to smile a slight smile when I said that.

I was sort of hungry between all these things. I didn’t notice the fact that mom even cooked for me. I wonder how early or how late she got just by doing this for me. The kitchen air was fluctuated with a lot of aromas. It was cold, but just wasn’t as fresh as I wish it could be. I decided to do what I used to do. I went back into the room and grabbed a picnic matt and a very big and stable umbrella and put my food in a container and brought paper plates. I headed out the door and up the ladder to get on the rooftop.

I set my food down and started placing everything where it belongs. It felt nice to sit under an umbrella eating food, just looking at the sky so blue. Of course looking where I was looking it made me think, but it didn’t stop me from eating. I knew school would be over in 4 minutes. I was just hoping that no one would see me eating outside, especially out on the roof.

I finished my meal in just minutes. I wanted to go back down and get a pillow so I can relax more, but I guess laying down on the matt was just as good.
“Wow, everything here feels so much mellow than I thought.” I spoke to myself.

It was true even though I thought about all the problems and all the guilt I was thinking about earlier, I felt like I can finally breathe. I finally had time to think. I settled it right away “I’ll just talk to her on her way home.”

Even though I know it’s easier said than done, I know it was a decision I should just take rather than just killing myself over it. I was glad I had it out of my system.
“I should’ve been out here earlier, WAY earlier.” The words came out right before my sigh of relief.

I was falling asleep slowly and I knew so. I tried to stay up and force my eyelids to stay open. Moments passed and I thought of looking towards the sidewalk to see if there were people and boy was I right.

I saw Daniel and Jaimee walking and getting closer. I watched them trying not to be noticed and I see them talking about stuff. Of course with each passing minute I watched the closer they got.

I saw Daniel reaching out his hand giving a folded paper, more likely I knew it was a note. I headed down the ladder so I can greet the both of them.

“Hey guys.” I said in a hush tone, but with a smile. They looked at me and Daniel was first to speak. “How’s been the day skipper?”

I chuckled a bit, “Yeaah, it’s been doing me wonders… and you?”

“It’s been alright, but I got something to say.” Daniel said. Then after a while I saw Jaimee flick her head a little as if she didn’t want me to catch it.

“OH, I have to go home and do something first, I’ll catch you around.” He told me normally. Then he turned to Jaimee and smiled then hugged her goodbye.

I scratched my head a bit and said, “So, you still mad?”

“Mad? I wasn’t really mad, more of like an upset disappointment or something if that even makes sense.” Jaimee said brightly. She smiled and I saw that note in her hand.

“Oh, what’s that?” I asked curiously.

“This is from Daniel.” She said moving her arms towards her back.

“Oh? Okay…” I sort of wanted to know deeply what it could’ve been. I didn’t want to be too nosy.

“You know I’m sorry about last time, right? It’s just… the truth is I’m afraid of these things, I’ve been afraid for quiet a while and....”

She cut me off, “Afraid of these things? What things?” I didn’t know what to say.
It was hard to tell her I like her and I just met her.

“Well, the feeling being around girls. I don’t really like getting to close.” I said to save myself.

“Oh, so you don’t really want to be good friends?” She said in an intimidating way.

“NONONONO, not like that. Just some paranoia, I think you’re great though.” I smiled a smile.
“Yeah, I heard what happened, Daniel told me.” She said lightly.

“Oh, well I know it sounds a bit harsh, it’s just…” I thought about what to say next whether it’d be said well or if it’d sounded harsh.

“A way to protect your feelings from being hurt or something?” She finished it off for me and I Just gave her a slight nod yes. It felt weird after that, like no one said anything.

“Sooo, can I see that letter?” I said.

“Oh, I put it away in my pocket thing on my bag.” She replied as if she was trying to hide something.

I looked down behind her and it was on the floor, I was guessing she thought she put it in. I didn’t want to tell her, cause I wanted to read it, but if I kept it and didn’t tell her she might get mad again.

“Oh, I see” I said as though nothing were wrong.
“So we’re clear with the whole thing yesterday?”

“We would be and we CAN be if I can get one thing?” She said smiling and twisting her body slightly left and right.

“And what is that?” I said.

“A HUG!” She said out loud.
I was sort of shocked and I said nervously, “Uh, okaayy.”

I reached out to hug her and she just swooped in real fast and gave me a tight but firm hug. She wasn’t letting go. I sort of liked the way it felt or I know I liked it.

“So we’re okay now?” I asked her, still in my arms.
“Yes.” She said with a low tone.

After a while her mom was passing by from work and saw her and decided to pick her up. She parked right next to us and beeped.

“I have to go now, I’m sorry, bye.” She smiled. I had time to say bye too.

Since her mom was on her way home, that would mean mom would be home any minute too. So I headed inside to see if everything was clean and neat for mother. I sat after 5 minutes and I was thinking about Jaimee and everything. Then another two minutes passed mom came and I remember about the note that I left it outside. I ran quickly outside before she noticed it, but I was too late I guess. It wasn’t there and I saw mom walking in coming from the trash bins.

“MOM. Did you see a folded piece of paper here?” I asked.

“Yeah, I threw it. Why, was it yours?” She asked with one eyebrow raised.

“No, I just saw someone drop it.” I defended myself.

“Well, sorry, I threw it, but I did read what’s inside or at least a little bit of it. It was sort of like those ‘I like you’ sappy letter things.” She said.

“Oh, okay, never mind Thanks though.” I said.

“Was that from Daniel to Jaimee.” I had thoughts again. I didn’t want to think about it, but they seemed happy earlier and I don’t know what to expect…
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I haven't used my dictionary in such a long time D':
I'll use it next chapter! (: