
I've thrown away a lot of my songs because I had doubt in them [I regret it], so these are the ones that are saved.

I'll post more when I come up with more.

Don't steal.
  1. Suicide.
    A Christian song I wrote; I'm Atheist now but I have really good music in mind for this song. I'm keeping it.
  2. Ignorant Heartbreak.
    My friend Jessica started this song and I basically wrote the rest. The verse with the star is where I started writing.
  3. Guilt.
    It's about how when people judge, they might not admit it but it'll come back to haunt them eventually. If you have problems reading it...feel totally free to ask what the each line means. I'll be happy to explain it [=
  4. Tonight We're Gonna Split.
    When people ditch their friends for shallow people, it's what this song is about. But I'm still trying to figure out 100% what this song means.
  5. But It's Not What You Think
    It's about how sometimes parents can be ignorant and think that piercings are wrong even one lip ring, about how they tend to stereotype kids with mohawks or whatnot. I'm not defending emo, I'm protesting prejudice.
  6. It Doesn't Hurt So Good Anymore...It Just Hurts
    I wrote this about a guy whos name I'm not gonna mention. I'm over him now, but it still hurts to remember those times.
  7. Toxin and Romance.
    Depression caused by love; I wrote this also when I liked that guy. But this song, it's kind of negative but in some parts positive because I was really heavyhearted when I wrote this. It's just about heartbreak.
  8. Just Don't Go
    Not finished. I'll complete it when I get done with it.