Status: doing the best I can to update as often as possible.

If You Only Knew

This story is dedicated to my best friend Erin. She read this story before I even thought of publishing it and she encouraged me to keep going.
Adam and Andrew have been best friends forever. Will one guy come between them? Andrew loves Adam but is so afraid to tell him that he ends up unknowingly helping Adam end up with someone else. Things are about to get VERY interesting...
  1. .o1
    My first Adam fanfic. Please comment and or subscribe if you like it.
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    And so it continues...
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    Things between Adam and Andrew are about to get intense. Read this chapter and message me with what you think will happen...... Maybe I'll use your predictions. P.S. Ten readers and only one subscriber? Honestly?
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    This is kind of where the story takes off. I'm actually kind of proud of it. :]
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    Thoughts of Adam consume Andrew. When an oppertuninty arises to see Adam again, Andrew knows only too well what he has to do.
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    Andrew and Adrien aren't dating anymore. Adam finds out that a winner has been picked for the text - in contest, hoping that it's not Ryan. This contest might change their relationship forever.
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    Kind of a filler. Andrew's going to the airport and then he flies to L.A. He meets a cool flight attendant and....well just read it.
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    Kinda filler-ish. Andrew discovers who the mysterious voice is and finds his way to the hotel.
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    kinda filler-ish. Andrew and Lexi hang out in Andrew's room and a confession comes out.
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