Bedtime Stories

The poor work boy

There once was a beautiful princess, who loved a handsome prince, and the prince loved her too. They seemed perfect together, and they always wanted to be with each other. But there was also a poor work boy. The closest he had to royalty was working in the royal garden. However, if you were ever to ask him, he would tell you that he loved the princess, with all the worth of his heart.

He was a dream of a lover to anyone who would've known him; he wrote the princess poetry, and would give her flowers. But of course, the princess had no time for poor little work boys. Yet, he would try still to gain her love.

One day, the prince gets word from his father that he has to marry another princess who lives far away from his true love. The princess is upset, and doesn't know what to do. She tries to talk to her mother, but her mother will not defy a king's orders. So the princess was sad, and stayed in her room.

The work boy knew the princess was sad, and did everything he could to try and comfort her. He wrote even more poems, found the most beautiful flowers he could, and tried ever so hard to make his love clear. At first, the princess saw him as a nuisance, until one day when she was looking through her room.

She saw the piles of poems that the work boy had written for her, and the withering Flowers sitting next to them. No one was due to check on her for the rest of the night, so she decided to read them in secret. And so the princess read, finally hearing the words of TRUE love, a feeling she thought she knew, but had no idea. Soon, a tear was dropped for every word that came trembling out of her mouth. She finally realized that true love had been just outside her door.

Of course, this could never be allowed. A princess has to marry another royal figure, but this princess didn't care, she knew who she loved, and she was going to make things right by escaping in his arms.

So, after many longing nights, they felt they were finally ready to escape. The princess had her loyal maidens help her out, and the work boy's friends helped him too, and together, the beautiful princess and the poor work boy fled the castle grounds and lived a modest life. But with each others love, they felt like king and queen.
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ha, a well used story, but always awesome.