Prove Your Worth to Me

What do they want?

I was never a religious person, I was pretty much completely indifferent towards it all. I could care less if the apocalypse was coming, whether I would be judged, fuck it. I live my life, and I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do. Of course a person like me had to fall in love with a complete bible thumper. Now, usually i would never refer to her that way, but sometimes you just have to say it; my wife loves a 2,000 year old dead dude more than me. Well shit, that's a heart breaker. But she's worth it. My sweet Eve. Ironic that my crazy catholic parents would name me Adam, and my wife would be Eve...

If you could see her standing before you now, you'd know why there wasn't a moments hesitation when she asked me to go with her to the Senior Prom. I didn't even know her, but just one look in her eyes and every inch of me wanted her. Well actually, every inch of me didn't get her, ever, but i still love her with every, longing, inch.

My Eve was quite an eye-catcher, and believe me she caught some eyes, but she was faithful to me (thank you religion!) and never even looked their way. It's always good to know that your girl is never going to leave you, until she catches the eyes of the wrong people. The West-Side 2-1-3's (real fucking brilliant name if you ask me, shit heads) were notorious for the town's prostitution business, the growing crime rate, and for being the worst possible mother fuckers to have on your bad side. Well, i had them on my bad side.

Yeah, while at the local carnival, one of their little pussy "pawns" caught the eye of my girl while she was waiting for me to return with our snow-cones. cant even begin to know all of the pain you can inflict with a strawberry snow-cone. i gave her the blueberry one, her favorite, and she came with me this time while i got another. She was scared, but i kept her with me and we made the most of the night.

I had no idea who I had assaulted, until it was just a little bit too late. I kept seeing these assholes everywhere, they would not let up. "What do they want?" Eve asked me. I was too scared to tell her the truth, so i lied and said they just happened to be doing business this time of the month. I still have no idea how she fell for that, considering that at this exact same time last month, the streets were clean.

She was scared, and i have to admit, i was too, but i kept her safe, kept her calm. We went on with our lives, trying to make everything seem normal, but we both new that they were following us. And everyone who has ever heard of these guys know that they won't stop until they get what they want.
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ha, so you still really have no idea what this story is about despite what you may think.
anyway, comment.
i could finish the story now, but i think ill wait a while.