Prove Your Worth to Me


Soon, we were both afraid whenever we had to leave the house, because we knew something was going to happen, and soon. We couldn't go to the police, they couldn't get a piece of shit from these guys. There was nothing we could do but wait and hope for the best. So we waited, and waited, at times we were lucky enough to actually forget about them, but every unexpected noise reminded us of our danger.

Today is Thursday. I hate Thursday. The only good thing about Thursday is that tomorrow is Friday. But today, Thursday, is special. I don't know how, and i don't even know if it's good, but today is Thursday. Maybe It's because i woke up, the smell of eggs, bacon, and perfectly toasted toast had filled the house. Maybe It's because i stepped into the shower humming my favorite tune. Anyway, I can tell there's something different about today. I think I'll just go on downstairs and see. i may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure "special Thursdays" don't involve some guy cooking, and another one pointing a gun at the love of your life. Nah...that's too special for me. unfortunately for these two, i came downstairs dressed; and any smart man carries some kind of weapon. For me; a 4 inch flip-open buck knife that I've practiced throwing with precision aim.

"Just let us take the girl," the one with the said, "and we won't kill you."

"You'd kill me if you took her away." I replied.

"Then we'll just kill you anyway." the one with the gun smiled and added; "But let us enjoy a little homemade breakfast first!"

The cook turned around and i got a good look at his face.

"Snow-cone dude?! What? You're a...a cook?!?" i couldn't help but laugh, and was humored with a hearty smack on the face.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know who you're messing with you littl-"

"Whole damn world knows who they're messing with, way you guys are running things..." another smack on the face. Damn he was making me mad. But then he took it too far. He slapped Eve, my life, my love, my purpose.

"Yeah, you like that funny man?" Again...he hit her. "Oh, whats this? Not telling any jokes now are we?" He hit her again. She was crying, I hadn't seen her cry since the day her father died. I looked in her eyes, saw her pleading to me to make it stop. I tried to tell her that i was going to, but that asshole slapped her again while saying some other stupid shit. Her cheek was red.

Finally, he came up to me. Just what i had been waiting for. I flipped oped my knife and slashed it through his throat. I don't have any experience with killing, but i figured that would do the trick. then i quickly flung it right in snow-cone boys face. Quickly, quietly, and it was all over. I picked her up, held her in my arms. I think she was crying more about what I had done, rather than what would've happened if I hadn't.

Suddenly, i heard clapping. It was close by too. I turned around and was staring down the barrel of one big fucking gun.

"Eve, I love yo-"
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Some of you may be thinking, "well what the fuck?"
dont worry, itll all fit together.