The Past Ain't Through With you

Chapter Five.

Frank was hearing the 'beeeep' sound that told him that Gerard was gone, but he still waited for a reply. It never came. Frank then realised that Gerard had lost interest in him, ever since he moved away, and thinking about it - Frank could understand that. It had been months since they had seen each other, how could Gerard still love him?

Then, realising that he, in fact, did still love Gerard, he finally hung up the phone.

He then picked it up again, and dialled in Gerard's number.

Gerard answered. "Frankie?!"

Frank smiled. "Why did you hang up?."

"I'm really sorry, but it wasn't me! The police are tracking all your calls, and they disconnected the line before i could say goodbye....And that I love you too."

After this, their conversation returned to how it used to be. They were laughing, joking, and remembering the old times, when they were so happy together, before it all happened.

Then they both decided that I was time to go, considering that the police could be listening in on their conversation.

"OK then Gerard, I'll talk to you as soon as possible".


"Oh for fucks sake not again!" Frank screamed at his phone.

"Haha! Gotcha!" Gerard snickered.

Frank couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriends' sick sense of humor.

"Yeah so anyway, I'll talk to you as soon as possible.I love you." Frank said with sincerity clear in his voice.

"Yeah. I love you too. But Umm Frankie, before you go. I umm need to ask you something"

"Sure Gee, what is it?"

"Marry me?"