Catching the Perfect Wave

Meeting the Summer Friends

"Honey! I know you're upset but you have to come out of your room sometime! The fair is tonight!" my mother called from the other side of the door. I groaned and wrapped the blanket tighter around my body.

"You do you talk so loud?" I asked, putting my pillow over my head to drown out her voice.

"Cassandra, you have ten minutes to get out of bed," my mother said before leaving. I rolled out of bed, blinded by the bright, California sun. I looked at myself in the mirror: my messy brown hair, the sleepy brown eyes, and the ill looking skin color, I needed to take a shower.

Once I was finished, I checked the clock and saw that it was nearly four o'clock.

"I was alseep for that long?" I said, running a hand though my wet hair, "damn."

"Cassandra!" my mother yelled from downstairs.

"I'm getting dressed!"

I didn't hear a response so I assumed that she was fine with that. I quickly got dressed before attempting to fix my hair. Tonight was the big "fair", as the town folks would call it. It was a big event that took place at the beginning and the end of summer, needless to say, everyone would be there.

After I managed to tame my messy curls, I grabbed my phone, checking to see if I had any new text messages from my friends, which I didn't, before going downstairs.

"There you are!" my father said, smiling warmly at me. I returned the smile before helping myself to an orange that was sitting on the counter. What can I say? I've always been a Daddy's Girl.

My phone buzzed, telling me that I had a new text message. Finally, it had been two days. I pulled out my phone and couldn't help but smile when I saw that the text was from Jonathan.

Miss u too babe.

Well, Jonathan had never been one for many words, no matter how nice he was. Everyone at school knew Jonathan and loved him, mostly because he was so nice, and popular. Me? I was just "Jonathan's girlfriend", no one in school really knew me, even though I knew them. I just wanted people to remember me, but going to a prep school like mine, it's hard to be remembered.

An hour later, I found myself in my car (I refused to sit in the car with my family all the way here) driving towards the crowd of people walking towards the fair. I parked my car in the back, not wanting to risk fighting people off for a good parking space, before making my way into the fair grounds, which were covered in popcorn, wrappers and people.

"Oh, sorry!" a short blond girl said as she bumped into me. She looked like she was my age, but it was hard to tell, given her current height. She had watery blue eyes and sandy blond braids with freckles to match. She must be a local here, given her deep tan.

"Don't worry about it," I said, smiling slightly. She turned the smile before grabbing my hand and leading me though the thick crowd.

"I'm Addison but everyone calls me Addie," the blond girl, Addison, said grinning at me.

"Cassandra," I said, returning the grin.

"That's an awesome name! I wish I had a name like Cassandra! Addison is basically Madison but without an M and add a D," Addison said, going on and on without realizing it. Even though she was different than the usual people I hung out with, I couldn't help but like Addison.

"So where are you from?' she asked, after she finalyl stop ranting about her name.

"Oh, I'm just here for the summer."

"Really?" Addison asked, her blue eyes wide, "well, you have to meet everyone then!"

With that, Addison dragged me once again though the crowd of people, muttering apology after apology as she ran into everyone. We finally reached a group of people hanging out towards the bumper cars. There was one other girl then three guy, all of which had to be locals like Addison, judging by their tans.

"Hey guys! This is Cassandra, isn't that such a pretty name? Anywho, she's here for the summer!" Addison explained to the four confused people staring at me.

"This is Alexis," she said, pointing to the one girl, who waved at me. "The one guy with the ugly blue shirt is my boyfriend, Josh. The guy with the red shirt is Reece and the remaining loser is Ethan."

"Hey! My shirt is not ugly!" Josh said, pouting at Addison, who couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Dude, it's pretty bad," Ethan said, grinning at his pouting face.

"Well, we aren't all cool enough to go around with sleeveless shirts like you Ethan!" Josh said, his voice leaking with sarcasm. Even I had to laugh at that, as did everyone else.

"Come on Cass," Alexis said, giving me a nickname of my own, "we'll let the boys discuss fasion by themseleves."

Even though I told myself over and over againt at this summer would suck, it might suck a lot less with Alexis and Addison.
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