Status: Thanks everyone for reading and commenting. I am working on the story, but it's slow because of school, but soon I'll be out and then I'll have more time. So be patient.

Loved By A Prince

Chapter 4

----Shane's POV----

Martha and I were relaxing and watching a movie when my phone
started ring. "Excuse me, baby. It's my mother. I'm sorry."

"Take the call, I'll pause the movie. It might be important." Martha
said as if she knew what the call was about.

"Hello, mother."

"Shane, your father isn't well."

"What's wrong with him?"

"We don't know. The doctors don't have any idea what it could be."

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked concerned.

"It doesn't look too good."

"Do I need to be there? Is Blake there?"

"It would be nice and yes your brother is here."

"Can I speak with him?"

"He's not in the room. He went out to get us some food. Do I need to
tell him something?"

"No, I'll see what I can work out. Tell Father I'll be there as soon
as I can." I hung up because I didn’t want to think about how sick my
father was. "Martha, how soon can you be ready?"

"By afternoon at the latest. Why, what's wrong?"

"My father is sick and I have to be there."

"Ok, I'll come with you, but when we get home will you propose to me?"

"I'll do it now, if you want. I just want you to be happy."

"But, the ring?"

"I have it. I've had it for weeks." I got down on the floor and took
Martha's hand. "Martha Jane Simms, will you do me the honor of
becoming my wife and the beloved queen of England?"

"Of course, I will! I love you!" Martha started crying. I guessed it
was because she was happy and in love with me. "What will I need to

"Enough clothes for a week. Do you own a formal looking dress?"

"I might, I don't know."

"It's a good thing that we don't have to worry about your leg anymore."

"Yeah, I know. Come help me pack, if we're leaving later."

"Ok." We were done by three in the afternoon.

"Shane, you should call the airport soon."

"I already have. Our flight is at ten. We can finish the movie if you

"Ok." Our flight left from Tennessee National Airport at 2:30 and
landed in London around 11 the next morning. I hailed a taxi because
it seemed to be faster than waiting. Martha and I went straight to
the hospital where my father was being treated.

"Hello mother. I thought you said Blake was here."

"He was. I sent him home to take care of things and to be with his
lady companion."

"My younger brother has a girlfriend?"

"Yes, they've known each other for ages. They started dating after you

"Wow. I hate it that I'm going to have to do this, but he needs to be
here. He can bring his lady with him but I'm going to have to spend
time with my fiance ."

"Finance? Who?"

"I'll tell you in a little bit." I walked further into the room and
sat beside my father's bed.

"Shane." My father said in a raspy voice

"Yes father?" Martha came in the room as I spoke.

"Who were you telling you mother about?"

I could hear Mother and Martha talking in the background.

----Martha's point of view----

"Who might you be?"

"I'm Martha Simms."

"Shane's friend?"

"Yes, well he's more than a friend."

"How so?"

"We're engaged."

"So you're the one I've heard so much about. I love your dress. It is
so simple but elegant. You probably came to see Shane's father." I
could feel my cheeks turning a rose color.

"Yeah, but I really came to be with Shane."

We walked over to where Shane and his father were.

"Mother, Father, this is Martha Simms and she's to be wed to me in the
near future."

"Hello, Miss Simms" greeted Shane's father as lively as he could.

"Hello, your majesty.

"Forgive me for this. Father and I must speak about something alone.
My dear Martha, I will make this up to you . Mother, won't you take
Martha to one of those boutiques that you always love visiting.

"Okay, we'll be back later. Shane stay with your father." We walked
out of the room and then I realized something.

"Your majesty, I don’t have any money."

"I am aware of that."

"I don't have anyway to carry what I buy home with me."

"You can leave it at the palace. You can get whatever you'd like.
Martha, you will go home looking like the queen you will become."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Dear, please call me Alison. I may be the queen right now, but so you
will take my place. I will teach you all I know so you can become one
of the greatest queens in our history. You weren't raised as a Royal,
but you will still be wonderful. Come, we must get your wardrobe
filled with glamorous dresses.

----Shane's Point of View----

"I'm glad you found someone that is such a nice young lady."

"Why? I thought you wanted me to marry young miss Codwell."

"First off, I don't like what Miss Bethany Codwell has become. She is
unworthy to be your mother successor or your wife ." I could tell that
it was hurting my father to speak. "Secondly, I'm dying, but don't
tell your mother."

"How do you know?"

"It's a thing that a person knows when it's happening to them. You
will be king soon. When I get out of here, plans will be made for your
crowning. I trust you'll look after everything and do a good job

"But, Father, why don't you want mother to know?"

"She'll worry too much."

"How do you think I feel. You just told me you were dying. Am I just
supposed to brush it off like everything is fine? I can't do that, I'm
worried about you. I'll have to go home with Martha , but I will be
back. Until then, Blake will look after you while helping mother run
the country. Excuse me while I call Blake. He needs to be here."

----Martha's Point of View----

We went to Florence's Dress Shop first and I was wowed by how much
pretties those dresses were compared to the royal blue one that I was

"Darling, I'm glad that Shane found you. His father isn't well and the
doctor wants him to stay well rested and possibly on medications for a
while. I'm going to see if we can go ahead and crown Shane and
yourself king and queen."

"Will I have time to say goodbye to everyone at home?"

"I hope so. Let's see what dresses we can find that flatter you. It's
a must to have an Ivory dress and a black dress. Pinks and peaches are
another favorite, as well as bright reds and royal blues."

"Will this work for the blue dress?"

"Yes, it's lovely. They don't all have to be super fancy. You can
almost get away with anything. Just don't show too much." After a
couple of hours we left Florence's with two dresses, a very simple
black one and a very ornate strawberry colored dress. We climbed into
the carriage that was waiting outside the boutique and returned to the

----Shane's Point of View----

"Thank you for coming, Blake."

"Why did you have to drag me away from my girlfriend?"

"You need to keep quiet and you know why we're both here. Father is
sick and we needed to be here. I didn't take you away from your
girlfriend. I told you that you could bring her. My fiancé is here
with me."

" If we need to be here then where are Rachel and Madeline?"

"They will come later. I'm going to speak with them in person."

"How nice of you. So you finally decided that Miss Codwell is good
enough to be Mrs. Andrews. I knew you would."

"No, Blake, I'm not marrying her. My wife is going to be Martha Simms."

"But she's not of royal blood?"

"I know. I met her on my visit to America. I saved her life."

"Is she another charity project that you discovered?"

"No, she's not."

"If you say so."

"What time is it?" I asked randomly.

"It's seven. Why do you need to know?"

"I've been asked to go somewhere. Please stay here with father. I will
try to be back tonight, but I'm going to go by the palace and tell the

"Then you'd better be going. They have missed you terribly especially

"I'd like Martha to come as well, but I'll see if Rachel can come and
get her."

"Go, I'll take care of things."

"Did you drive here?"

"Yeah, I drove the Camaro."Blake said as he tossed me the keys. I was
already going to the door as he answered.

"Thanks. I'll make sure you get home."

"Don't screw up my car." My younger brother warned.

"I won't. I'll see you at home later." I walked out of the hospital
and found where the car was. It was a long drive to the palace, but I
was glad I wasn't at the hospital anymore. I couldn't stand to see my
father like that. When I got home,I went in and saw Rachel working in
the kitchen. I decided to stand in the doorway until she noticed
someone was watching her. It didn't take her long to see me.

"You're home!" She ran to me and embraced me in a hug. "What took you
so long? You were gone for six months."

"I know. First, I saved someone's life and said that I was staying
with her for a while until she became well. Then, I fell in love with
her and now we're engaged."

"You're going to be married?"

"Yeah, her name is Martha. Excuse me, Rachel. That's probably her. She
went shopping with mother today. Hey, Martha."

"Hey, Shane. Where are you?"

"I'm at the palace. Didn't Blake tell you?"

"He hasn't said anything. Will you please come get me?"

"I'll see if my sister Rachel will. I would come myself but my other
sister Madeline hasn't seen me yet, but she will probably come down
soon." I covered the phone to see what Rachel said to that. "Will you?"

"Yeah, let me get ready and tell Madeline that someone is here to see
her. Is Martha at the hospital?"

"Yeah, she is. Thank you. Martha, I'm back. She'll be there in a
little while. I love you."

"I love you, too" I put my phone back in my pocket after we hung up.
"Rachel, since when do you cook?"

"I don't know,I guess after you left."

"Well it smells delicious."

----Rachel's POV----

I went to the playroom to get Madeline. "Madeline, there is someone
downstairs that would like to see you."

"Who is it?"

"I was asked not to say. It's a surprise."

"Is it Shane?" My little sister asked eagerly.

"I don't know, but I've heard that he's coming home soon."

"Well, do I need to put on a nicer dress?"

"The one you're wearing is absolutely fine. This person is a friend of
mine and he doesn't care about the royal wardrobe."

"Is he your special friend?"

"No, what is this I hear of a special friend? Has there been gossip
about me that you've heard around the palace?"

"No, I just thought that you would have a close man."

"I'll be sure and tell you when I get one, but right now we must
hurry. When we get downstairs you have to close your eyes."


"Stay here, because I have to change."

"Why? Where are you going?"


"So you do have a man friend!"

"No I don't, I've been asked to go somewhere."

"You're going to leave me here with your friend downstairs?"

"I'll make sure that you're happy with him before I leave. I trust
that he will keep you safe."

"Ok, you said we have to hurry, so get dressed."

"I'll be done in a minute." I went to my chamber and put on a pale
pink, almost white dress and brushed my long blond hair to perfection.
"I'm ready." Madeline was waiting outside my door. As soon as she saw
me, I was being pulled to the stairs. As we got to the bottom, I said,
"Close your eyes and don't let go until I tell you to open."

"Ok." I led Madeline into the Parlor where Shane was.

"You can open them." No sooner than I said it, she darted toward
Shane. "Madeline, do you want me to stay with you or can I go?"

"You can go. I've got my big brother with me, so I'm safe."

----Shane's POV----

"Shane, I missed you!" I picked Madeline up and sat her on my lap.

"I missed you, too."

"Then why didn't you come home? You were gone forever."

"I had to do something and it took longer that I hoped for."

"What was it?"

"I'm going to be married soon. Rachel went to get my future wife."

"Are you going to move away?" Madeline asked with tears about to flood
her eyes.

"No, I'm going to live here. I will have to go back to America, but I
won't be gone but a few weeks."


"Martha has to tell all her friends and family that she's moving here
and she has to get her things. I'll see if you can come along, only if
you want to."

"Oh, Okay. I want to go because you might be gone longer than you hope
again and then I'll miss you. Will you read me a story?"

"Of course, I will. Go get the book." Madeline went and got her
favorite story, Cinderella. Before I knew it, she was asleep in my
lap. Shortly after, everything started fading until I was sleeping as

I felt a slow gentile kiss and then I heard "Shane, I'm here. I love
you, but sleep." I slowly started to open my eyes because I wanted to
see my fiancé's pretty face.

"Hey, Martha."

"Hey,Shane. Is that little cutie Madeline?"

"Yeah, she wanted me to read Cinderella and we both sort of fell

"That's sweet."

"Do you know where Rachel is?"

"Not really, but she is here."

"I'm right here." I heard Rachel say as she entered the room. "I was
making you and Martha some food."

"What do you want me to do with Madeline? Take her to her room?"

"Yeah, I'll go turn down her bed."

"What happened to the aids?"

"Nothing. I just like to do some things myself."

"Since when? You are a princess and you shouldn't have to do petty
things like that."

"Since you left, things have changed. Everyone and everything is
different. It was six months. You and father are the ones that hold
this family together. Blake doesn't care. All he cares about is Lady
Taylor of Turkey. He stays there most of the time. The only reason
he's here now is because father is sick and you're here. I don't know
what is going on with mother half the time. When you left, everything
fell apart and you're going to have to fix it. Do I need to say more?"

"That doesn't explain why you find yourself standing over a stove when
you could be pampered. I'll take Madeline up and I'll be back soon. I
can take care of it." I lifted Madeline and carried her up the long
staircase leading to the girls' rooms. When I got to her room,
Madeline woke up.

"Shane, do I have to go to bed now? I want to meet Martha and spend
more time with you."

"Yes, you must go to bed now. Rachel and I have some things to talk
about. We'll be here tomorrow. Soon I'll have to tell you something,
but it's not going to be easy. You just go to bed and don't worry
about a thing.

"ok, goodnight Shane. I love you."

"i love you too. Do I need to tuck you in?"

"no I can do it."

"ok see you in the morning." I said as I turned and left.

"Shane your food is ready."

"I'm sorry I made a big deal about you cooking. I shouldn't have, it's
just been really stressful today. I acctually think it's a great thing
that you're cooking. Rachel we have to talk about father."

" eat and then we can talk. I have a feeling I know what it's about.
Father is dying and you're going to be king, right?"

"yes." I said with a sigh. She was probably told when she went to the
hospital to get Martha. I stepped into the kitchen and silently ate
the meal Rachel had been making a few minutes earlier.

"Shane, do you want me to go?" martha asked when she finished and
started to get up.

"no, I want you to stay, but I plan on going in the parlor. So, if you
would like you can go sit in there."

"ok, I love you." I was in the parlor shortly after I had dismissed
Martha. Rachel was keeping her company.

"Sorry, it took me so long. I needed to think. Rachel, you probably
already know about father's condition."

"Vaguely, but please tell me what you know."

"He's not well at all. The doctor's have only given him a few months
to live. I hope he's alive long enough to see his grandson and

"She's pregnant? Martha, you're pregant?!"

"Yes." Martha and I said at the same time.

"Shane, are they yours?"

"Unfortunatly not, but I am going to raise them."

"And their father knows that?"

"Martha told him when she informed him that she was pregnant."

"Oh ok. I just don't want there to be any problems. You two should go
to bed, especially you Martha. You've had a long day. From the looks
of it Mother took you shopping at Florence's.

-------martha's pov------

"I plan on going out this evening, I must speak with someone. He lives
on the outskirts of the city." Shane said in a serious tone.

"Shane, don't. Nothing can be that important that you must speak with
this person on your first day home. It's almost ten now. Do you know
what could happen at night especially in the outskirts?" Rachel said
trying to convince Shane not to go but he was determined to speak with
this man.

"No, but do you? I know it's dangerous, but it's probably best if I do
it tonight."

"Shane! You're not going. People have been killed in the outskirts and
at night there is no way to identify you as a royal. You can't raise
children or rule a country if you're dead. You probably don't even
have the strength or energy to travel right now. " Rachel was dead-set
against Shane leaving tonight.

"Shane please don't go." I begged.

"Ok, I'll stay."

"thank you." I wasn't sure if Rachel was speaking to Shane or myself
and it didn't really matter.

"It has been a rough day and sleep would probably do me some good.
Rachel, do you have any clothes that Martha might be able to wear?"

"Not right now. I'll look after she's had the twins."

"ok thanks, sis." Shane went over and kissed Rachel on the cheek.
"I'll show Martha to our room and I'll show her around the palace

"You can't."

"Why, because we're not married yet? She will be my wife soon enough.
Hopefully before the twins are born if father is doing better."

"Shane, will you be reasonable for once? It's not right. She hasn't
even been approved to rule. If father was well, he would never allow

"I am reasonable. I don't care if she's been approve or not. I love
her and I will marry her."

"What about Miss Bethany Codwell? She will be heartbroken."

"Rachel, I know Bethany's a good friend of yours and that's why you
want me and her together, but it's never going to happen."

"Why not? She is wonderful and you would be so happy with her."

"First off, I never even liked her. She's too stuck up and too much of
everyone's ideal lady. Secondly, I would give up this world to be with
Martha, even if that means I am no longer royalty. Miss Codwell let's
power and money go to her head and from our conversations she doesn't
want children. She's the reason I left to find a wife that I actually
like. I wasn't going to be stuck with her as my queen until I died and
if I did have to marry her, it wouldn't be for long, because my death
would come at my earliest convienence."

"Shane, you can't be serious! You dislike Bethany so much that you
would commit suicide if you were wed to her."

"I am and I would, but now I don't have to. It was going to be quite
grusome and I was going to have help so it wouldn't look like suicide,
but the person would have had a good alibi."

"You had everything planned out?"

"Yeah, I was going to die days before my wedding and who knew when
that would be?"

----shane's pov-----

I played the scene over in my head one last time as I was telling my
former plan of death:

"My dear, I have a meeting this evening across the border. I will be
home tomorow."

"Be safe please."

"I will, I promice. I always am. I love you."

A couple hours later....

"Shane, I can't do this. You're my best friend, we used to play
together in the palace before you started turning royal. Plus, I have
a family, I can't be murdered for treason and you know that."

"Zach, you have to or I'll slit my throat in your house. You will have
a firm alibi and we'll meet up later."

"What exactly am I supposed to do?"

"You are supposed to hit me hard enough that I go unconcious and then
sins me hand and foot, so I can't escape when I wake up. Then you are
going to make me suffer by taking a thick braided rope and almost
choking me keeping me barely alive until my throat is bleeding and
then finish me off."

"Wow, that's harsh."

"your alibi is that I left town headed home and you stayed with your
family in your house. I will return later this afternoon and will meet
you behind the old oak tree behind the school."

"ok, farewell my friend. We should go inside and you can say goodbye
to my family. Make it seem that you're going to come back when you can."

"I know and that would be a nice idea."

-----marthas pov-------
"oh Shane please don't think like that!"

"baby I won't. I don't have to worry if she's going to be my wife
because I have you and you are everything to me. Plus I can't imagine
life without you."

Rachel cut in and felt she had to say something. "Shane that's so
sweet, but why do you hate bethany?"

"Come on my dear, you look exhausted. William, please carry Miss
Simms's bags to my room."

"yes your majesty." William said as he rounded the corner into the
parlor. "Its good to have you back sir. May I ask who this lovely lady
is. You must be fond of her to let her stay in your royal chamber."

"I'm glad to be back but the country is rather nice as well. This
dazeling lady is my fiancé and I am very fond of her. We shall be
sharing my chamber."

"congratulations to te both of you."

"thank you." William turned to do his job when Shane suddenly said
"Actually leave the bags just outside the door. Rachel do you think
mother has a gown that Martha can wear to sleep in?"

"A maternity gown? She might if she hasn't discarded them after maddy
was born. I'll call and ask her."

"Rachel, don't worry about it. I can sleep in what I've been sleeping
in. Your mother is probably asleep but she's extremely streseed." I
said trying to persuade Rachel not to call the queen.

"she's right sis. Goodnight."

"you never answered my question about Bethany."

"I know now goodnight Rachel. You should sleep as well."

"why? I have plans in almost two hours."

"you're not going. I'd like my sister to be alive when I wake up
tomorrow. Plus I'm responsible for you and Madeline."

"Shane I'm twenty-one I can take care of myself."

"I will have all the guards awake and at the doors if I have to just
to keep you in."

"Fine, I'll stay. Goodnight martha, sweet dreams." Rachel went
upstairs and slammed her door. I looked at Shane to see if he'd do

"She'll be fine. She hates that I'm older than her and that I'm in
charge when father isn't around. Come with me dear. There's something
I want to show you. I have a small house out behind the trees that no
one knows about except me. We can stay out there tonight if you want."

"ok that sounds good."

"we'll have to walk out there because the horses are too loud. Is that

"yeah it's fine. I'm used to going for long walks back in Tennessee. I
can go barefoot and it won't bother me a bit."

"ok we have to hurry so we get there sometime later. It's too late for
me to show you what I wanted to show you."

"ok then let's go." I was eager to see shane's secret home.

"ok" An hour later, I was standin right in front of a small cabin that
was glowing from the moon's reflection.

"is this the place?"

"yeah. It's our..." I cut Shane off and finished his sentence.

"it's our little private house. It's wonderful."

"would you like to go in or would you like to stay out here and stare
at my handywork."

"let's go in. You built this all by yourself?"

"yeah I did. I'm glad you like it." Shane went to the door and removed
the key hidden behind a hollowed out log placed in the wall. No one
would ever think to look there. "it has taken me years to get all this
furniture. Most of it came from the palace, the things that were
unsuitable for royals. Is it suitable for you my dear?"

"Of course! But why are there two beds?"

"I was going to show my son this place when he got older."

"we are staying out here tonight aren't we?"

"we can if you want. So how did you like my family?"

"They are great from what I know of them. I have only truly met your
mom and Rachel."

"Do you want to meet the rest of them tomorrow? My father will still
be in the hospital and my brother is staying in a hotel near the
hospital. Madeline wanted to stay up to meet you, but she had to go to

"I'd love to!"

"We'd better go to sleep soon. It's Bren a long two days. I dot know
about you, but I didn't sleep very well on the ride over here."

"You were worried about your father. He's going to be alright. He'll
be at our wedding and he'll see the twins. They may be the only
grandchildren he lives to see, even if they have no royal blood."

"You're right. Your children, my adopted children, will be royal and
everyone will know not to think anything less than that. True they may
not look like me, but like I've told you before I will raise them and
love them."

"I know."

"Are they your first children?"

"Yes, and they were because Alex..."

"I know, you don't have to remind me."

"I wasn't ready to become a mother, but I think I might be now"

"Just relax." Shane said as he slid one bed closer to the other.

"Is there any food here?"

"I usually keep dry food here, but when I stay here for a while, I
stock the fridge. I won't do it until we get back from Tennessee
again, because who knows how long that trip is going to be? Oh by the
way, you know how the father of the bride usually pays for the
wedding, well I'm going to insist for it to be paid by my family. I
want you to have the best wedding you could ever imagine and one that
is fit for such a wonderful queen."

"Shane, I'm not queen yet."

"But you will be and you deserve a wonderful wedding, one that a
traditional royal would have."

"Ok." The night passed very quickly. I knew I was going to spend a lot
of time in the cabin during my life. Shane and I took our time going
back, but that peaceful time was shattered by chaos of everyone at the
palace. Rachel was the one that saw us first.
"Where have you been? When I went to my chamber, you said you were
going to bed as well. I was awakened by people shouting for you.
People thought you had been taken. Madeline cried because he thought
she would never see you again after you promised that you would see
her in the morning. I know I don't like seeing her hurt an neither do
you. You should think about other people like your family before you
do something stupid." Just then Rachel did something I never would
have expected. She slapped Shane across the face.

"I was fine before that, thanks for asking. But what the hell was that
for?" Shane said masaging his jaw."

"I didn't ask how you were! You know what I said. It was fr scaring
everyone to death."

"Has breakfast been served? I'm starving."

"No, everyone was worried about you."

"Relax! We are alive and for the most part perfectly fine. Now do you
mind if we go eat?"

"You're going to go anyways and you won't answer my questions, so go!"

----shane's pov-----

A little ways down the hall my brother, Blake was standing aginst the
wall. "You're back, unfortunately. I was hoping to take your place as
king. Where'd you go and what happened to your face?"

"I took Martha somewhere and Rachel hit me. Why aren't you at the

"Someone needed to be here. What'd you do to piss Rachel off? I've
never made her that mad."

"I wasn't here and Madeline got upset because she thought shed never
see me again after I promised. Rachel was woken up by the screaming
trying to find us. She didn't say it, but I think she was worried
about us as well."

"Get over yourself! Of course she was worried! You're her brother. I
can't say I was worried. I would have been perfectly fine if you were
found dead, I would just pretend to be in pain. Ever since you became
a teenager and found out that you were going to be the next king, you
have been doing whatever you want with no consequences. You deserve
what she gave you and more, but I won't do anything to you in front of
a lady."

"Blake, stop your shit and get back to the hospital and give mother
the relief that we are safe, especially her grandchildren."

"You already got her preganant. What'd you do, have sex with her as
soon as you could?" Blake said snoodily."

"No, I didn't. They aren't mine, but I am raising them."

"oh so you're engaged to a common tramp?"

"Martha, I'm sorry that you have to hear all this. In fact will you
step out? My brother shouldn't be speaking to a lady in this manner."
Soon after Martha stepped out, I continued to speak with Blake. "What
is your problem?"

"The future queen shouldn't be pregnant before her wedding,
especially by another man."

"Blake, Lady Taylor isn't the best person a prince should have either.
Don't run your mouth about my fiancé when your girlfriend isn't any
better. All she wants is you money and she would take your throne if
you were going to be king over England. Do you know how many times
she's been married and had her husbands killed for their power?"

"Just shut up! You don't know her. Those are only stories and you have
no proof about them."

"I'm going to go eat with my fiancé. I suggest you treat her like the
lady she is. And if you call her a common tramp again, I will kill you
myself. That is a promise. Now, go back to the hospital and inform
mother and father that we are safe and back at home."

"Fine. Lady Taylor is waiting there for me anyways." I went to find
Martha to have her come eat with me.

"There you are, dear! Come dine with me, no need to worry about Blake

"What'd you do to him?"

"I just told him to knock it off and go back to the hospital. If I
would have done something to him, I would have been gone longer. I'm
sorry about what he said about you."

"it's okay."

"No it's not. He was raised to treat a lady with respect, especially
royalty. That applies to you, because we are engaged and will soon be

"Don't worry about it. None of this would have happened if I wasn't
pregnant. I deserve this."

"Martha, this is for the better and Blake wouldn't have left unless I
made him leave because technically he still has right to this house,
but I am the heir of the throne. If I would like to piss him off, I
can banish him from England, but I won't. You are perfect."

"Let's go eat."
♠ ♠ ♠
There is one part that goes right before this but i haven't figured out how to make it fit with the story. Remember to subscribe and comment. Thanks for all the support and comments. I'll work on this as quick as I can, but I also have other things to do so it won't be as often as I like.