A little death makes life more meaningful

I leave you on your own

*Hey guys this is the last chapter of this story. I could write a sequel. I already have plans for one and the story kind of needs one but I’ll only write one if you want one. Other wise there’s no point. I hope you like this chapter. It’s quite sad and was kinda hard to write. The song is When Day Turns Into Night by Busted! Yea they aren’t the coolest buts it’s a really good little song and kinda goes with the chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please comment I have 10 subscribers and I would really love 10 comments. If you want a sequel help me with the name please.
1.Don’t keep me waiting
2. I felt I couldn’t take one more day in this place
3. You left my heart an open wound
4. Don’t let it pass you by
5. I need you now
6. This moment is perfect

Thanks guys for reading this story. I hope you liked it. If you want a sequel let me know and let me know what you think the title should be, even if you have your own idea. I’ll credit you. Vicky xo*

*Victoria’s point of view*

I took a deep breath as I left Bob’s house, I knew that Gerard’s good-bye would be the hardest because I would want to tell him about the baby but I couldn’t. I wiped my face got some confidence and knocked the door to the way house, the house that held so many memories.

Mikey answered the door “Hey Vicky Gerard’s in his room” he greeted me.

“Thanks Mikes” I replied.

I walked up the creaky stairs when I arrived at the door of his room I felt nauseous and wanted so badly to run away but I couldn’t, I needed to do this. I gave myself a pep talk, before leaning on the oak door opening it reveal, him, beautiful him.

*Gerard’s point of view*

Vicky entered the door and I knew it was time, time to say good-bye to my love. I couldn’t help it I started to cry at the sight of her.

“Gee baby, I’m sorry” she replied crying herself.

“My sobs grew stronger my body quaking with each breath. She moved closer so she was beside me on the bed. She pulled my head close to her body laying it on her chest and wrapping her arms around me, rocking me gently.

“I have to say goodbye babe” she replied when I was calmer.

“I know, please go on” I replied. She straightened up slightly coughed before speaking. “So yea, I wrote you a letter to let you know all that I want to say” she started handing me an envelope.

“Ok, I don’t know, this is the hardest good-bye with everyone I knew what to say, but with you im lost for words, nothing can say how I truly feel. I just want you to know Gee that I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much. You’re my rock and you save me from everything, from myself, but I have to do this bit on my own. It’ll make me stronger. But I didn’t want you to do anything rash or stupid ok, don’t lose yourself again. I want you to get the band out there ok. Make your mark on the world; you’ve already made a big imprint on mine. I hope someday I’ll see you again but if I don’t know I’ll never forget you, I could you honestly have no idea how much you’ve changed my life, for the better. I love you a million times I love you” She finished tears were a continuous flood.

I still wept “I love you too, I’m so glad I met you in my art class, you’ve changed me for the better honestly. I’ve come out of the little world within myself, I’ve been exposed, I can’t hide anymore. There’s a whole world out there that you opened my eyes to. I will try my hardest to make this band be seen by everyone. I will never forget you, I will always love soo much” I finished.
We held each other and she sang too me softly

Nobody's there when you get home
Your renting movies on your own
My photo's on your bedroom wall
You sit there waiting for my call

And I know
I leave you on your own
And I need you to be strong
when im walking away
And I
I hate to say goodbye
it gets harder every time
what I feel
you feel inside
when the day turns into night

Another tired afternoon
Another destined hotel room
I hate the fact that your not here
but now im counting down the days till I get there

And I know
I leave you on your own
And I need you to be strong
when im walking away
And I
I hate to say goodbye
it gets harder every time
what I feel
you feel inside
when the day turns into night

And I know
I leave you on your own
And I need you to be strong
when im walking away
And I
I hate to say goodbye
it gets harder every time
what I feel
you feel inside
when the day turns into night

The sound of a car horn was heard echoing after the last note. “I guess I’ve gotta go” she replied moving away. I took her hand and walked her down the stairs out the street to the car. I kissed her passionately; the last kiss but it said it all. “I nee you to be strong ok, just like the song said. I love you” she whispered pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek. Mikey walked out and stood beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

We stood there as the car drove away and took my lover, my best friend away. She looked out the back window tears streaming down her face and blew a kiss to me. I waited in the cold air until the car was barely seen. Then I walked back into the house crying. I ran upstairs to my room. Mikey left to see Ainsley.

I sat on my bed and read the letter. It read:
Dear Gerard,

I know the when you read this letter I’ll be miles away. I’m sorry that I’m leaving you, but I’m getting myself together I’m getting help, to deal. I know you’re probably thinking. Why don’t I stay? Because I know you can help me deal with all this shit that’s going on, but I can’t burden you. I can hold you back. Truth is I love you too much to do that to you. I want you to move on, I want you to accomplish you dreams. Tell your message to the people, I know that people out there want to hear it; you will offer them a safe haven, just as you have offered me. You kept me safe from the bullies, from myself, from pain and it kills me to know that I will be hurting you. Just know that I love you, that I will never forget you. I mean who can forget Gerard Way. You’ve changed my life for the better; I just need to do this bit alone. Thank-you for everything. Thank you for loving me. When you make it big; as I know you will know that I’m proud of you. Please if you are ever in trouble or are losing yourself tell someone, tell Mikey, don’t lose yourself again, Helena wouldn’t have wanted that, I don’t want that. I love you. I’ll miss you. Maybe someday we will meet again.

I’m sorry for hurting you
I’ll love you always,

Vicky xoxo

I sat still in silence taking in all she told me before laying back on my pillow. Her scent still lingered on the paper and as I breathed it in; my eyes grew heavy and I fell into darkness, my body tired and weary from the battle my heart was waging in my chest.