Status: Completed.

Will It Hurt?

1 Safety First

Rose’s POV

“Captain! You can’t to this”

I ran in front of him. He just seemed too tired of work to have to deal with me but I can’t stay home anymore. I needed to work at some point. This wasn’t fair. He can’t do this to me. I just came back from paid leave. He can’t send me home again.

“I’m sorry" He tried to move past me, "The state is asking me to release you till we finish this. They said that to my son too.”

“I just came back!”

He looked at me and sighed. “I’m sorry. Just go home or I’ll take you badge.”

I glared and walked out. I got into my car and called my friend Jenny. She was my best friend. I knew her since middle school. We were cheerleaders in high school. We actually were really popular. But she always seemed to help me get over bad moods. She’d understand what I was going through.

She picked up, “Hello?”

“Hey," I took a quick breath, "He’s sending me home.”

“Oh? Is it because the killings of our old senior class.?”

I answered completely shocked as I started my car and pulled out and onto the street, “What?”

“Didn’t you notice the killings are from our senior class?”

“That’s insane Jenny. Why would someone want to wipeout a part of our old senior class?” I mumbled stopping at a red light.

“Haven’t you noticed? That the WHOLE football team except one guy is still living. Or that you and I are the only cheerleaders left of that class.”

I could hear my eye roll, “You’re overreacting. That’s not true.”

“Well, you ARE the one who is a cop. Did you see the case file?”

“Yeah I did. And only ten people have been killed.”

“Well come on! Any leads?”

“No. Jeff wouldn’t let me work on the case. Because I know the people.”

“But who else?”

“I can’t tell you that. But not the whole team. You know that.”

“But" she got quiet, "We knew them…”

“No buts. Look I have to go. I’m finally home.”

I probably could have walked to the station I was so close. I could see my house from where I was. I looked around as I continued to drive.

Though, my best friend on the other hand continued to ramble, “Hey, be careful. If your circuit box thingies are turn off that the killer’s probable there.”

She had to have seen too many scary movies, “What?”

“I’m serious! On the news. They said if they are off you should barricade yourself in a room and cal the police.”

“That’s rubbish. I don’t believe you.” I rolled my eyes and I got out of my car. I locked it behind me and heading up to my house.

“I’m just saying…”

I laughed, “Bye.”

“Aww. Bye.”

I hanged up and sighed. She sure does get carried away. Trying to scare me like that! I entered my house and placed my keys and phone down on the table. I was tired. Being a cop really takes a lot out of you. Granted I haven't done anything in a few weeks.


After a few seconds and my husky, well part something, came running to me. He sat at my feet and waited till I petted him. I bent down and scratched his ears. He wagged his tail.

“Come on," I walked past him and patting my leg, "I think I might have a treat.”

I walked in my kitchen and opened a cupboard and put out his boxes of treats. I turned to face him and he sat, practically, on my feet. I pulled on out and placed it on his nose. He flicked his nose up and caught the treat. I smiled; I have the best dog in the world.

I put the box away and turned my living room light on. Well, tried. I wouldn’t work. I’m used to this. Most of the time the old breaker would go out. So I just had to flip them off to do that.

I went out back and flipped on my flash light. I loved this thing. It was my favorite thing. So I went to the little grey box and opened it. They were off. What the hell? I flipped them on and my house lit up.

Was Jenny right for warning me? Her idea of a good time? I wouldn’t put it past her. Was the killer really coming for me? Or was it just coincidence? I pulled out my gun and looked around the outside of my house. Nothing.

Now I know Buddy wouldn’t let any one on the house, because he’d kill him before they’d make it five feet. I went back in and started searching around my house. I placed my gun down and looked upstairs. Nothing.

I went back down and my gun was gone. Oh hell no! I went back to my front door and looked for my cell. Nothing was there except my keys. I went to find my cordless house phone. I couldn’t find it. What the hell?

I walked in my kitchen and gasped.

“Hello” My imposer spoke.

A man was sitting in one of my kitchen chairs facing me. He had jet black hair that reached about his chin. Messy and looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while. A pair of unforgettable hazel eyes to matched. He seemed in his twenties. About five foot six. He seemed so familiar.

“Who are you?”

He faked a gasp, “You...You don’t remember me? My name is Gerard Way.”
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