Status: Completed.

Will It Hurt?

2 Get Out Means Get Out!

Rose’s POV

My eyes widen. It felt as if all my memories of high school flooded back. Gerard. He was the loner kid. Every one who I hanged out with hated him. Why? I don’t know. He was a sweet, calm, nice, cubby kid. His little brother was the same. Well, his brother was more like skinny nerd. But nerds do rule the world. Really they do.

He was in my art class. He was amazing. As far as I know that he got a scholarship. He was so talented. What would be cool if he became a comic book artist. I would by it instantly. That was his dream if I remember correctly. But why was he here?


“Am I here?” he cut me off, “I wanted to see you.”


“Can’t an old friend say hello?” He smiled

I growled and put my hands on my hips, “They usually knock on a door and I invite them in.”

He frowned, “No need to be mean.”

I glance over at my counter. My gun. If only I knew where it was. I needed some kind of protection. I mean he may have been innocent then but people change and its obvious he has.

He interrupted my thoughts, “I’m still here.”

I could see it hiding behind a loaf of bread. I needed to grab it as soon as possible. I was going to risk it now. I looked at him and walked around him and grabbed it. My next step was to aim it at him.

He looked hurt, “That’s rude….”

“Uh huh. Look who’s talking. You broke into my house.”

He stood up and turned to me. He flipped the chair around and pushed it in my direction. I stopped it with my foot. I set my gun. My warning. He smiled and acted as if it was some kind of a guilty pleasure.

Now, I’m a girl who likes guns. I just like the older ones. I don’t like sticking in a magnum and firing. I like my six chambers that I place bullets in. All the people think I’m weird but I just like it.

“Go ahead” he stepped forward, “Shoot. I dare you.”

My cell phone went off, “Dance, Dance. We're falling apart to half time. Dance, Dance... And these are the lives you love to lead. Dance. This is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loved me. You always fold just before you found out.”

Gerard pulled it out of his pocket, “Jenny?”

I held my hand out, “Give it to me.”

His smile grew, “No, I’ll talk to her”

I walked up to him and took it from him. He glared. Again. How many times can you glare? I stepped back and kept my gun pointed at him. I wasn’t going to take any chances. I valued my life. I looked down at my phone and I flipped it open. I pressed the little green button and placed it next to my ear.

I spoke as calm as I could, “Yeah?”

“Hey. Wanted to know if I could take Buddy for the rest of the week?”

“Uh. Yeah.”

She seemed excited, “Can I come get him now?”


I hanged up and placed my phone in my pocket. Gerard seemed interested, “What does she want?”

“It’s none of your goddamn business.”

“Why not?”

“Buddy! Grab you leash.”

After a few minutes Buddy came out with his leash in his mouth. He knew where he was going. He loved hanging out with Jenny. Well, more like Jenny’s dog. They love each other. They’re both fixed…Neutered…Whatever it’s called. But their like a couple. Sassy, Jenny’s dog, has the best personality. She’s a golden retriever. She’s about as old as Buddy and just as cute.

“For your information. Jenny is coming to pick Buddy up.”

We decided to wait for her to come. Five long horrible minutes of looking at each other waited to see who would make the first move. My gun still pointed at him He was glaring. He didn’t like my gun. Then again, if I had a gun pointed at me I would hate it too.

My front door opened, “Hey I’m here –“

Jenny came in right as I hid my gun from her sight. She seemed confused that there was a man in my house.

I tried to look normal, “Hi Jenny.”

“Hey, sorry to interrupt.”

I gave a light laugh, “Oh no. Jenny do you remember Gerard Way?”

“Oh yeah! Hey Gerard. You look so good. So different.”

Before he could talk I cut him off, “Yeah, he came to see me.”

I don’t think she believed me. “Ah. Well I’ll take Buddy and leave”

Buddy got up from my feet with his leash still in his mouth. He walked over to Jenny and bumped into her. He was ready to go. She laughed and started out. He followed right behind her. She soon was gone and I was back to square one. Gun at him but this time he was smiling.

“Just try to shoot me.”

Did he want to be shot? “Why?”

“Because it won’t work”

I pulled the trigger. Six “tings” followed. It was the sound of a gun going off where there were no bullets. I opened the chamber and my jaw dropped. There were no bullets and none came out.

Cheeky git, “If you’re looking for them. I just happened to misplace them.”

I chucked my gun at him, “Get out.”

He was still calm, “No.”

“Get the fuck out”

“I don’t have to.”

“Don’t make me call-“

Now he was a little annoyed, “Shut up.”


“I haven’t talked with you yet.”

“I don’t care.”

“Relax” He place his hands up defensibly

I reached a glass that was next to me and chucked it at him. He dodged it and it shattered against a cupboard. I was getting tired of this. I didn’t know what he wanted but I wasn’t going to put up with it.

He pulled out something from his pocket, “I just want to talk. But if you want rough I can be rough.”

He had a knife. I pulled out my handcuffs. I was just protecting myself. My job is my job. He launched himself towards me. I dodged and tripped him. He fell to the ground. The knife skidding across the floor. I, of course, was laughing on the inside.

I stepped over him and leaned down. I grabbed his right hand and pulled it back and handcuffed it. The other was soon cuffed. I got up and he got on his knees. He moved his arms so that they were in front of him.

He came forward and I stepped back.

What was the worst he could do?

♠ ♠ ♠
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