Status: Completed.

Will It Hurt?

4 Hide And Seek

Rose’s POV

“You can lie all you want to yourself but I know what really happened.” He stoked my cheek lightly, “You weren’t just held there and cut open.”

“You-” I couldn’t get the words out.

“I read the report,” My eyes widen.

Only had Jeff seen it. I was a liar so sue me. I closed my eyes and want to shrink to a dust particle and float away. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. It wasn’t something I wanted to relive. It was hard enough trying to put my life back together.

“Look at me” I opened my eyes slowly, “It said you where being held hostage with three other cops. The guy sexually assaulted you in front of the other officers while being held. It lasted a week. Finally Jeff found you and when they arrived the gut had a knife at you throat. He threatened and cut you open. Then you got nipped by Jeff’s bullet and went to the hospital.”

I was crying softly and Gerard continued, “You were on paid release for a year. You came back and started your job again. Recently you shot a man by accident and he released you again. You went back today and found out you had to go home.”

How could he? “How?”

“I have my ways.”

My tears where still falling lightly. He wiped them away. It was bugging me that he was showing a side like this. As well me. Here I was crying in front of a man that would be a possible threat. Scratch that. He was a threat.

“They say he only got ten years…” With his voice I nodded and he leaned into my ear, “When he gets out I’ll kill him too.”

He pulled back and smiled. Too? How many people did he kill? Wait a minute. It clicked in my head. He killed them…HE killed MY friends. He wouldn’t kill me? Would he? I was never mean.


“Yeah?” He smiled and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Did you?”

“Did I what?” He smiled sweetly. Almost child like.

“Did you kill all those people?”

His smile disappeared faster then a lighting strike. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned in closer. He looked like he was searching for an answer from me. I couldn’t believe it. That it was him? I was so confused. Though, he fit the profile.

“And what if I did?” He backed away from me and turned away.

“It’s murder.”

“It’s far from. I un-polluting the world of those worthless people. All they do is hurt and I’m stopping it.”

“IT’S MURDER!!!” I sighed, “You killing them is murder, under any circumstance. As my job as a cop I have to turn you in.” He turned to me.

He glared and balled his hands in to fists, “I won’t let you.”

“Well I’m not going to sit here and wait till you kill me.”

He titled his head to the side, “Who said I was going to kill you?”


“If I was going to kill you. I’d have a cleaner here by now.”


“You treated me like a human. So I’m here to repay you.”

“Gerard” I shook my head, “I have to…”

“Have to what?”

“Gerard. You killed ten people. I have to”

“No you don’t! If you try then you give me a reason to kill you” He sighed, “And I don’t want to.”

I made a dash. He was after me. I ran to the door. As I grabbed for it I was slammed against him. Gerard was breathing down my neck. He grabbed my left arm and placed over my head. I heard the click. Oh hell no. He grabbed my right arm. I started wiggling to get away. He pressed harder into me. Then the other click. I pushed off the door and Gerard stumbled backwards.

Phone might be upstairs. I ran up stairs. I leaned down and stepped over my hands so my hands would be in front of me. My cuffed hands opened my door to my room and closed it lightly. I could hear him walking up the stairs. I saw the phone on my night stand. I grabbed it and ran to my bathroom. I closed the door and got into my tub. The shower curtain covering my tub. I held the phone and attempted to dial Jeff’s cell number. I stopped and listened. I’ll only call if he hurts me. Well, he could kill me. If I call now I have no proof.

I crawled out and opened the door. Nothing. It was dead as night. I sneaked under my bed. My bedroom opened. Please. Please don’t find me. I didn’t want to have to deal with someone angry. Especially Gerard.

The phone in my hands started to ring. Why? Why do you do this to me? Gerard got on the floor and smiled at me, “Hello.”

He reached towards me and I slapped his hand. He growled and pulled me out by my hands. My phone was on the floor. I went to grabbed it and he took it. He chucked it at a wall and it broke. Stupid. Cheap. Cordless phone.

“Now, no more disturbances.”

“Of cause it’s such a tragedy” I said softly yet bitter.

“Go sit down.”

I didn’t move. He started pushing me backwards. I hit my bed and collapsed on it. I scooted up to my headboard. He pulled my desk chair and sat next to the end of my bed. I was debating to run but I doubt I would make it.

“I’ll let you out of those if you agree to stop trying to turn me in.”

“Gerard, I have to.”

He got up and moved next to me. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small bottle. He pulled out a cloth too. I bolted away from him. Chloroform. I refuse to be knocked out. I don’t know what he’d do to me.

He dabbed the cloth with the liquid and closed the bottle he placed it on my nightstand. He got up and I ran to my bathroom. I tried to close the door but he leaned against it. It caused me to fall back into the room and Gerard to stumble in.

He almost sounded like he meant it, “I’m sorry.”

“Please don’t.”

♠ ♠ ♠
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