Status: Completed.

Will It Hurt?

9 Checkmate

Rose’s POV

I woke feeling numb. I was face down and under a lot off weight. My back felt wet. What happened? I pushed my self out from under the weight and turned around. Good God.

The cleaner was on top of me. I reached over to him. Then I realized what was so heavy. The dead cleaner head parts of the ceiling in and on him. Blood surrounded us. His blood. If he hadn’t protected me, then that body would’ve been me.

I checked my self. Just some minor cuts and bruises. Maybe a couple of stitches. Someone was watching over me.


I slowly got up and staggered my way over to the voice. It was Jeff’s son David. He was one off my best friends. He was pinned under tons of debris. I got on my knees. I could hear sirens. Help was coming.

“David, you okay?”

“Do I look o’fucking kay? I can’t feel my legs.”

“Kay. Stay still!”

I lifted the crap off of him. It took a little force but I did it. His right leg was bleeding badly. He looked down at it and went wide-eyed. It had to be broken.

“Help’s coming David.”

“Help me up.”

“Are you sure?”

He looked at me and sighed, “Yeah.”


I helped him stand up and he leaned on me. We started walking to the entranced. Lots of people where injured. I notice so of my friends were either passed out or dead. I didn’t want to think about it.

I looked up and heard a metal sound. I looked at David. The ceiling started to fall. I pushed David to the left and dodged it my self. I piece of the roof swung down in between us and soon fell.

We need to get out fast. He stumbled and tried to balance on one leg. Not working to well. In came paramedics and grabbed the both of us. Others rushed past us trying to get people as fast as they could.

“Is this really necessary? I’m barely injured. I’d like to go home.”

“I’m sorry but its standard procedure. We have to make sure you’re okay.” The doctor bandaged another wound.

“I need to go.”

“I’m sorry,” He looked at me, “I can’t release you yet.”

The door burst open, “Sir….Sir….you can’t just-” A oh to familiar man and a nurse came in, “Sorry doctor, He wouldn’t take a no for an answer.”

“It's alright Angela.”

“Gerard?” I stuttered.

He rushed over and hugged me, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a few cuts.”

“I was so worried.”

“How did you…?”

“Jeff came over and told me what happened.”

I hugged Gerard. He’s such a good actor. I was worried for David. I hope he is okay. The door opened and in came Jeff.


“Rose, I’m glad you came today.” He came over and Gerard let go of me.

I hugged Jeff, “If you hadn’t he could’ve died.”

“How is he?” I asked pulling back.

“Alright, Just a broken leg. He’ll be back on the team in no time.”

“How’s our building?”

He chuckled lightly, “Gone. It’s going to have to be rebuilt.”

Gerard unlocked my door and let both of us in. He slammed it shut and locked it. I started to pull of my coat and hissed in pain. My shoulder’s really hurt. Gerard came over and helped pull of my coat.

He had brought me some clothes. My others where taking in for evidence. I want my stuff back. I loved that hoodie. It was my Fall Out Boy hoodie. I practically worshiped it. I have had it for years. Funny, how you don’t realize how important the littlest things are.

He pulled of his coat and went into the kitchen. I sat on my couch. He came in and placed a lit cake in front of me.

“Happy birthday.”

I blushed. How sweet. I smiled and he sat next to me. I leaned up against him. It hurt to much to try to hug.

“Thanks Gerard, I totally forgot.”

“Well, make a wish.”

I made a wish and blew out the candles. My door knocked (okay just go along with me on that…It sounds cool. I want my door to knock by itself.) And Gerard went to answer it.

He brought back Maddi and Jenny with bags of stuff. They sat across from me and Gerard came back and sat next to me. Buddy came trotting afterwards and sat by my feet.
