Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 1

“Matt you know you’re my best friend, if there was anything going on you know I would tell you.” I explained as we sat on one of the benches at school. Matt had been my best friend since before I could remember, he and the other four guys Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky were really my only friends. No one else in our school liked me.

“I know, but I worry about you. Ever since your mom..” I gave him a look telling him not to continue. “Well you’ve been acting different ever since then.” he covered. When I was ten years old, my mom found herself wanting more out of life than a husband and daughter and decided to ‘fly solo’ for a while, that was six years ago and she still hadn’t come back. Now it was just me and my dad.

“I told you I’m so over her, she’s practically six feet under.” I mumbled as I picked at the end of the sleeve of my hoodie, or rather Matt’s hoodie. I looked up and saw that he was giving me a disapproving look. “What? I haven’t see her in six years I think I’ve earned the right to be pissed off with her.” I argued my point and he knew there was no point in going on about it.

“Kay-pie!” I heard Jimmy squeal his personal nickname for me from the bench where everyone else was sitting, he was practically lying on the table as Brian attempted to wrestle him for his burger. Technically, Jimmy was older than everyone else in our little group but going by the way he acted, you would think he was five years younger. I laughed at the situation he’d got himself into.

“I leave you alone for two minutes and look what you get yourself into.” I sighed as we got up and went over to join the rest of our friends. I laughed at Jimmy, taking the burger out of his hand and telling Brian to shift. “Who does it belong to?” I asked and Jimmy reluctantly pointed to Brian who grinned satisfactorily as I handed it back to him.

“I thought you were on my side.” grumbled Jimmy as he got off of the table and sat back down in his seat. I sat down in between Zacky, who was currently reading a guitar magazine, and Matt who was watching the charade between Brian and Jimmy, leaning my head on Matt’s shoulder.

“You’re tired.” he stated as he took a drink of his soda. I shook my head in denial and he laughed. “You’re really tired.”

“You do look really drained Kam, you feeling alright?” asked Johnny as he bit his lip in thought. Johnny had always thought of me a sister, maybe because I was the only one in the group who was actually shorter than him. I nodded my head before yawning.

“I didn’t get to sleep until really late last night, was watching a movie with my dad.” I lied. I wouldn’t dare tell them that, yet again, my dad had stayed late at work and I had found his stash of weed. Before they could question my dad actually spending time with me for once, the bell rang telling us it was time for class. Slowly, we began to get our things before saying we would see each other later.

“Hey Kamryn.” I turned when I heard Matt’s voice calling my name. “Do you want me to walk you to class? You know, in case anything happens?” I had almost said yes, the thought of Matt, who had been my best friend for ever and my crush even longer, walking me to class was great but the fact that he thought I couldn’t take care of myself wasn’t.

“Matt, your class is in the completely opposite direction. I think I can handle walking the halls myself for a mere five minutes.” I laughed and he nodded his head before turning and running to catch up with Zacky and Brian. I continued to walk to my class, thinking about what the group would get ourselves into at the weekend when I felt someone pull on my shoulder, making me stop.

“Hey Rivers, seen your mom lately?” called Jeff, one of the guys that had been giving me bother for a while. “I have.” he smirked.

“Is that all you can come up with? A stupid ‘your mom’ joke? Nice, it really accentuates your lack of brain cells.” I hissed as I attempted to push past him. Although, what with me being tiny and him being a basketball player, it really didn’t work.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he growled as a few of his friends circled us. How the teachers never noticed five large males practically suffocating a small teenage girl was amazing.

“What did it sound like idiot?” I shrugged. Suddenly I was backed up against the lockers with both his hands pressing against my shoulders.

“What the hell have I told you about the way you talk to people? Someone’s gonna have to teach you some fucking manors.” he growled in my ear. I knew that his grip would leave bruises but at this point I didn’t care, I’d come too far to go back. So I did the one thing I knew would get my point across, I spat in his face.

“Go for it sweetheart.” I smiled.
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Hey everyone!!

This is my new story so comment and let me know what you think!!!
