Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 11

After I’d spoke to Matt I went back inside, not caring if I walked in on Jimmy and Leana or not, which I didn’t as they were sitting watching Sponge bob reruns in the living room. I ran up the stairs and into the room where I’d woke up, hoping my bag was there. I found it in the same corner as I had found my sweater and grabbed it before turning and running back downstairs.

“Kamryn wait, please. I swear I won’t hate you just tell me what it is!” Matt screamed as he came bounding through the house. I threw the front door open and began running home, I couldn’t deal with this right now. I didn’t want to see him disappointed in me and I sure as hell didn’t want to see him hate me. Both were inevitable if he found out what I was hiding from him.

I didn’t stop running until I was sure he wasn’t following me, and what with me being a smoker there was no doubt that he would have caught up easily. I slowed my running down until I was just walking, gasping for air. Every time someone questioned why I couldn’t run for long I blamed it on my nonexistent asthma but it was really down to my eight a day quota. I reached into my bag and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

I sighed as I began walking slowly down the street, wondering if I should go home or if Matt would go there looking for me later. It wasn’t as though I had much of a choice really. I had no friends, where else did I have to go except home?

I bit my lip before pulling my purse open again and searching through the money left inside. I hadn’t had any breakfast yet and I could do with some coffee. I thought as I put the money back before turning and going in the direction of my favourite diner.

Once inside the diner I sat down at one of the tables in the corner, away from any prying eyes or evil friends of Jeff. I had already ordered my black coffee when a little girl about six, wearing a pink princess dress came running over to my table. She gave me a grin, with two of her teeth missing which only made her even cuter.

“Hiya!” she waved her hand at me over enthusiastically. I smiled and waved back as the waitress put down my coffee. “You’re really pretty.”

“Thanks.” I smiled back at her as I took a sip of the burning liquid in the mug. I glanced around the room, looking for the stupid mother that would allow such a sweet girl to run off by herself. “So are you.”

“No that’s what my brother told me.” she exclaimed. “He says that you’re really pretty, Are you a princess?” her eyes grew wider at the thought of meeting a real princess.

“No. but you are, I can tell from your pretty dress.” I smiled, this time glancing around the room not for a mother, but a brother. I saw a dark haired boy sitting at the opposite end of the diner from me, he had messy hair and glasses on. “Is that your brother over there?” I asked the girl.

“yeah that’s Donny. But like I was saying, are you sure you’re not a real princess cause only the real princesses are pretty like you. I’m not a real princess I just dress up as one.” she continued to explain and I nodded at her story, taking another sip of my coffee.

“How about we go see your brother?” I asked, making her huff before nodding her head and getting off of the chair she was kneeling on. I picked up my mug of coffee, last night was enough for me to never leave a drink lying ever again. I followed her over to the booth where her brother was and she sat down, making room for me to get in next to her.

“Hey, your sister’s a cute kid.” I smiled as he put the book he was reading down. “I’m Kamryn.” The little girl giggled with a large smile as she used both of her hands to cover her mouth to stifle her giggling.

“She even has a princess name Donny!” he shot his sister an embarrassed glare before smiling at me.

“Despite what she says my name is Brendon, Not Donny.” he glared at his sister again with the last part. “I’m sorry she pulled you over here. Really, I should be watching her.”

“She didn’t pull me over here, I suggested it. But you’re right, you should probably keep an eye on her. She seems like she enjoys wandering.” I smiled and glanced sideways at the little girl. “I haven’t seen you guys around here before, you new?” I asked.

“Visiting actually.” Brendon answered. “our parents dragged us our here to see relatives. We’re escaping the LA tourist attractions.” he laughed and I nodded.

“Not into the Hollywood Sign then?” I joked and he shook his head, also laughing. “So where are you from girlie?” I asked nudging the little girl lightly making her giggle again.

“We’re from Scotland!” she squealed, apparently she was extremely ticklish.

“Ah so that’s where they‘re hiding all the princesses then” I sighed while shaking my head slightly, making her laugh even more.
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I know it's been ages but school is really kicking my ass right now,
plus I've decided I want to spend my gap year next year in an orphanage in Cape Town and an Animal Sanctuary in Florida.... and I have to fund it myself!!

So yeah, I've been working a lot....

hope you like it, let me know what you think!
