Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 17

The next morning I woke up to find that my dad had already gone to work, I’d had one night of father daughter bonding so it was inevitable that I wouldn’t see him for three days. I looked at the clock, 10.30, and sighed before forcing myself out of my bed so I could get ready to start the somewhat boring day that lay ahead.

After I’d had my shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed I made my way downstairs, the front doorbell going just as I reached the bottom step. I unlocked and opened the door to find Matt standing with a large grin on his face.

“Everyone’s going to the beach. You wanna come?” he beamed childishly which made me smile brightly back. I was about to tell him to wait while I went to get my things when I saw just past him were Gena and Leana standing with an unfamiliar girl, Val. I would be intruding.

“Actually Matt, I can’t. I already have plans.” I lied as I glanced past him again to see Gena and Leana watching intently while Val glared at me. I knew she must feel uncomfortable if her new boyfriend was making everyone put a halt to their day so he could pick up his tag-along best friend.

“Really? Oh well alright. I’ll talk to you later then?” he asked, the tone of his voice annoyed me as though he was shocked that I would have plans, as though he didn’t think it was possible.

“Yeah if I don’t get back too late.” I smiled before closing the door as he turned to walk back down to the others who were waiting at the bottom of the path. After I’d closed the door I leaned on it and sighed. I needed to get out of the house, but where would I go?

“Hey Donny’s phone, may I ask who is calling?” giggled Jade’s voice from the other end of the phone as Brendon’s voice filled in the background, telling her to give him the phone.

“Hey Jade it’s Kamryn, the girl from the diner. Can I speak to your brother please?” I asked, making her giggle even more as she told Brendon who was on the phone making him shout at her to hand the phone over.

“Hey Kamryn. Sorry about that Jade has a tendency of going though other peoples property and taking things that don‘t belong to her.” he laughed nervously and I heard her taunting him in the background. “So what are you up to?”

“Nothing much really. That’s actually what I was calling for, you wanna escape the family for a while and hang out?” I bit my lip in anticipation of his answer, I was desperate to get out of the house.

“Yeah sure that would be great! I’ll meet up with you at the diner?” he asked in a hurry making me give a sigh of relief. I replied, telling him when I would meet up with him before hanging the phone up so I could have a cigarette and get ready before going to the diner.

“Hey Kamryn!” grinned Brendon as I walked into the diner about half an hour later. I smiled back as I walked over to where he was sitting at one of the booths at the end of the diner. “How are you?”

“I’m good, you?” I replied as I sat down opposite him as the waitress came over to ask us what we were having. “I’ll just have a diet coke please.” and Brendon asked for the same.

“Yeah I’m doing pretty well too. Managed to escape Jade today as well thanks to you. I owe you for that big time by the way.” he laughed as the waitress brought our cokes over and he took a sip from his. “So is there anywhere cool to hang out around here or is it all tourist stuff?”

“well there are a few good places to hang like central park and the beach but nothing special I’d say.” I noted as I also took a sip from my diet coke.

“The beach sounds like fun, you wanna head there after?” he asked, making me bite my lip. Everyone said they were going there and I didn’t want them to question me about Brendon. I was about to suggest something else when I thought about the fact that they had never seen me with anyone else, they might think I was making up that I had plans.

“Sure, the beach would be cool.” I agreed making him smile even more.
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Hey everyone
Happy New Year
hopefully this one shall be better than the last...

leave comments please!!
