Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 18

After we’d finished our drinks we decided to go back to my house so I could get changed into a bikini and then stop at his aunts house on the way since she lived nearer to the beach than I did.

Once we got to my house I ran upstairs after telling Brendon he could watch TV and to help himself to anything he wanted from the kitchen I ran into my wardrobe and grabbed my clothes that I wanted to wear before running into the bathroom to change. I won’t lie, on some level I did want to impress Brendon but on another I wanted to see Matt’s expression. I had confused myself to no end.

Once I was changed I walked back downstairs to find Brendon sitting on the couch watching TV I pulled my beach bag further up my arm, getting his attention.

“Wow. You look great.” he smiled, his eyes slightly wider than before as he got up from the couch and turned the TV off so we could leave.

After we left my house we went to his aunts house so he could changed into some white and black board shorts and a white tee-shirt while I spent another ten minutes trying to convince his sister Jade that I wasn’t a real princess as Disney’s Sleeping Beauty played in the background then we headed off to the beach. I led Brendon to the best part of the beach before we sat our towels down next to each other and sat down so we could talk some more.

“So how long are you in Huntington for?” I asked as I pushed my sunglasses further up my nose.

“Only another two days actually, mom says I’ve missed enough school.” he laughed at the last bit making me laugh to. “It’s a shame we didn’t meet sooner, we could have hung out more.” I nodded in agreement.

“We can still be friends though, even after you go back to the UK I mean the internet wasn’t invented for nothing right?” I asked as I bit my lip, he would be my first friend in a long time that wasn’t one of the guys.

“Yeah sure, and then on holidays I could come stay with my aunt and we could hang out more.” he nodded as he thought out different ways for us to hang out.

About fifteen minutes later when the conversation had died down a little I removed my cami and skirt before turning to Brendon who looked slightly confused.

“You coming in the water or not?” I asked as I took my sunglasses off and threw them into my bag and then kicked my flip flops off and sitting them at the edge of my towel. Brendon nodded while taking his shirt off and throwing it down next to his towel. “Bet you can’t catch me.” I smiled before running towards the water with him following behind.

Once I reached the water I quickly dived under before swimming further out. I had always been a good swimmer and could hold my breath for ages, a joke I used to play on Matt when we were kids was that I would dive under water and not come up for ages, he would get really worried until eventually he realised that I was only doing it to annoy him.

A few minutes later I resurfaced and turned back towards the shore to see Brendon swimming not to far from me looking slightly confused and worried. I laughed slightly to myself before swimming over to him. “Looking for something?”

“Damn girl, you can swim.” he laughed while shaking his head, clearly relieved. I laughed lightly before hearing my name being shouted. I turned to the shore again to see Matt standing at the edge of the water with Jimmy and Brian next to him. They had saw Brendon and I knew they were going to do the whole ‘big brother’ act.

“Come on, I should introduce you to my friends.” I smiled before we began swimming back to the beach. Once we got there Matt was looking between me and Brendon as he crossed his arms.

“Hey, I thought you couldn’t come to the beach?” Matt asked as Jimmy ignored the conversation and walked over to hug me. I hugged him back with a smile. Before turning and taking Brendon’s hand.

“I didn’t realise we would be coming here. Guys this is Brendon. Brendon this is Matt, Jimmy and Brian. Where are the others?” I asked Jimmy and he pointed over to where everyone else was sitting in the sand, watching us closely.

“Oh, so Brendon we haven’t see you around here before, you new?” asked Brian as he also crossed his arms.

“Actually I’m just visiting some family. Me and Kamryn met at a diner a couple of days ago and decided to hang out.” he explained as he looked between the three guys while hiding his nervousness quite well.

“How about you guys come hang out with us. We can get to know you better Brendon.” smiled Jimmy and I bit my lip, I knew they would do this. If they didn’t like him they would scare him off and I didn’t want that to happen. We nodded in reply before going to get our stuff.
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Hey Everyone!

Her Outfit

let me know what you think
the next chapter won't be posted until I get a few comments
