Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 20

The next morning I woke up to the sound to the front door bell ringing. I sighed before looking at the alarm clock next to my bed to find it was already 11am, right around the same time Brendon was supposed to be coming over since I was skipping school to hang out with him. I squealed before jumping out of bed and running down the stairs to answer the door.

“Hey… I woke you up didn’t I?” he asked as he eyed the way I was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tight fitting band tee with my hair up in a messy ponytail.

“Maybe just a little bit.” I laughed slightly as I opened the door further for him to come in. “Do you mind watching TV for a while until I’m actually presentable?” I asked as I shut the door behind him.

“Not at all.” he smiled before kissing my cheek. “Take all the time you need.” I nodded thankfully before rushing upstairs to take the quickest shower of my life as he walked into the living room.

Nearly half an hour later and I was finished getting ready I walked slowly downstairs as I contemplated my next move, I still hadn’t had my early morning smoke and even though it wasn’t early morning anymore I still needed it. I fought with myself over whether or not Brendon would mind.

“Erm Brendon..” I asked nervously as I walked into the living room. He looked up at me from the TV with a large smile. “I have something to tell you but I need you to promise me you wont get mad or tell any of the guys cause they will kick my ass.”

He nodded for me to go on so I walked over to the corner where my school bag was hidden and pulled out my cigarettes. “Do you mind?” I bit my lip as I waited for his reply.

“You do know those things will kill you don’t you?” he grimaced at the packet in my hand I nodded my head slowly. “Kam I can’t tell you what to do, if you wanna smoke then you smoke but seriously, you might wanna think about quitting.”

“Well can I quit another day cause I’m really gagging right now?” I asked eagerly, hoping he would see the funny side of my comment.

“Light one up.” he laughed. I knew there was a reason why I liked him so much. I sighed before sitting down on the furthest seat away from him so I could light up my cancer stick and take a gulp of the much needed toxic air without bothering him.

“Kamryn you do realise that just because I don’t like smoking doesn’t mean you have to exile yourself.” he laughed again and I bit my lip as he motioned for me to go sit next to him. I giggled slightly before walking over, picking up my ashtray, which was hidden under the couch, on the way.

After watching TV for awhile and making jokes about the childish cartoons that were on and how we loved them when we were younger I eventually worked up the courage to ask the question I’d been dying to ask him since he’d arrived.

“Brendon what are we?” I asked quietly, not sure how he would answer. “What are we when you go back to Scotland?”

“I honestly don’t know.” he answered after a while of silence. I didn’t know how to take his answer so I decided to look for a better one.

“Well are we together or are we just hanging out? I mean when you go back to Scotland you’re gonna want a girlfriend you can actually see.” he nodded his head for me to continue. “So what does that make me?”

“I thought you said we should be making the most of the time we’ve got together and not worrying about what will happen after.” he explained irritated. “Well shouldn’t we just forget about this and deal with it when the time comes?” I could tell he was getting cross but I couldn’t understand why. Wasn’t he the one that told me he liked me first?

“Answer the question.” I replied quietly as I turned around in my seat to look at him. He glared at me slightly before softening his look and smiling as though I would take that instead of an answer. “Brendon please answer the question.”

“Well what am I supposed to say?” he exclaimed. “Kamryn you live in California and I’m with someone back in Scotland, how is that ever going to work?”

“What? You have someone back in Scotland, what the fuck does that mean? Why did you even bring up that shit about wanting to get to know me better huh?!” I screamed as I got up from my seat and went to the front door, opening it for him. “Leave.” he didn’t question me. I closed the door again before walking into the living room and picking up the phone.

“Matt?” I cried as he answered the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to thank Mrs. J a s p e r for all of the comments she leaves
You rock girl!

Comment anyone?
