Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 26

It had finally reached Saturday night, the night of Damien’s house party. I sighed as I pulled my brass knuckles necklace on and then slipped on my pink and black heels before looking at myself in the mirror. My outfit for tonight was way more daring than anything I’d ever wore to the parties the guys threw but for some reason I wanted to dress up.

My dad was still at work so I wouldn’t need his approval which I was glad for because if he saw what I was wearing he would more than likely go into shock before dragging me upstairs and locking me in my room until I had changed.

After I had checked over my appearance in the mirror to make sure I was presentable I made my way downstairs and out of the front door to follow the directions Damien had given me to the house he shared with his older brother.

Fifteen minutes later I arrived at the small one story house, there were already people sitting outside on the grass and others standing in the hallway as I walked through the front door. For people who had only just arrived a week and half ago there were a lot of people at their house warming.

“Hey, Kamryn!” I heard Damien’s voice call my name and turned around to se him standing at the other end of the hallway. I smiled and waved over at him before making my way towards him. “you look… wow.” he breathed as he took my arm and led me into the kitchen before reaching into the fridge and pulling out a bottle of beer for me.

“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.” I smiled as I took the bottle gratefully before taking a small gulp of the liquid. “So..” I began but was cut off by another loud, booming voice.

“Little brother! Who’s this we’ve got here?” asked a guy that was obviously Damien’s older brother. I would have been able to tell just by his looks even if he hadn’t just called Damien his little brother. “You got yourself a girl already bro?” he smirked as he took in my appearance, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

“Shut up Tristan, this is Kamryn, Kam this is my brother Tristan.” I smiled and shook Tristan’s hand but I still didn’t feel comfortable around him, he gave off a bad vibe.

“So is she as clean as she looks or does our little Kam enjoy a good smoke?” Tristan asked Damien who smirked, knowing that I would go off at his brother for talking about me as though I wasn’t there.

“Hey sweetheart, ‘little Kam’ is right here and she can speak for herself, okay? As for that smoke, what you got?” I asked as my hand rested on my hip. The brothers shared a look before Tristan began laughing.

“She’s feisty. I love that in a woman.” as soon as the words had left his mouth Damien’s arm instantly wrapped around my shoulders as though he were showing his brother I was off limits. “You on the normal shit or do you want something stronger?”

Ten minutes later and I was sitting on one of the two couches in the small living room, Damien still had a protective hold on me as we both smoked our joints with our beers in hand.

“I’m really glad you came tonight.” Damien called over the loud music. I smiled as I took another drag. “I’m gonna be honest I didn’t think you’d turn up. I had a feeling those friends of yours would stop you.”

“They don’t own me Damien. I’m a big girl, I do what I want regardless of if they approve or not.” he nodded his head as I put the end of my joint in the ashtray. “And right now, I want to dance.”

The all too familiar smirk appeared on his face as he leaned forward to put out the rest of his joint before grabbing my hand and leading me into the crowd of people in the middle of the room. Everyone was so close together as we danced that it soon got pretty hot. I could feel Damien’s hands hold onto my waist as they pulled me closer to him and we continued to move to the music.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as I tried to keep my breath, something about his hands on my waist made me feel elated and after a few seconds I felt his lips leaving small kisses on my neck before trailing them up to my lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her Outfit
so I know that I haven't been updating, but I'm back

And what has spurred on this reappearance, you ask?
