Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 31

Two weeks later, I walked out of the court house wearing my most innocent summer dress. I turned around and watched as Jimmy, Johnny, Matt, Brian and Zack walked out, all in shirts and trousers instead of their usual attire. We would have to wait until after lunch to find out what had been decided and that was what was killing me, the wait.

My dad wrapped his arm around me and led me outside with all the guys following behind us so we could go get something to eat although I really wasn’t that hungry.

“You need to eat something Kam.” sighed Johnny from across the diner table as he chewed another bite of his large burger. I shook my head as I continued to use my fork to shift the salad around on my plate.

“Baby I didn’t make you eat breakfast so can you at least try to eat some of it?” asked my dad as he sat on the left of me. Jimmy and Brian were on the other side of the table with Johnny and my dad and Matt were on the same side as me with Zack was sitting on the end.

“Easy for you to say, you got rid of the fucking bitch six years ago.” I grumbled as I placed the smallest bit of lettuce I could find into my mouth.

“Hate to break it to ya Angel but that foul language really doesn’t go with your pretty dress.” smiled Jimmy as he reached over the table and pinched my cheek only to have me swat him away.

“Jimmy I can use whatever type of language I want, there is a possibility I’m getting carted off half way across the country.” I whined as shoved another micro sized forkful of salad into my mouth. I felt something on my leg and glanced down to see Matt’s hand resting high up on my thigh.

“Excuse me dad.” I spoke quickly and climbed out of the booth we were sitting at, glancing back at Matt to see he was giving me a confused look. I walked into the ladies bathroom and over to the sinks. I sighed as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

What was wrong with me? Ever since I was five I’d had a stupid crush on Matt. He had always been the one guy I wanted and now, ever since he’d tried to kiss me two weeks before, I was turning him down left, right and centre. I knew the reason I was doing it was more Val than Damien, she was more like a friend now, I couldn’t do it to her. But why was he doing what he was doing? I fixed my hair and redid my lip gloss before going back out.

“You alright there Angel?” asked Jimmy before he took a large gulp from his Pepsi. I nodded my head and mentally cursed my dad when he got up from his seat so I could sit down in between him and Matt again. Once I was sitting I pushed my not even half eaten salad away and leaned back against the back of the booth.

“Come on Kam you barely touched it.” Matt whispered to me as he nodded over to the exiled plate.

“I’m not hungry Matt can we please just leave it.” I asked shakily and he took one look at me before nodding and going back to the last few fries on his plate.

“Kamryn baby, can I talk to you outside for a moment?” I nodded in reply to my dad and followed him outside, wondering what it was he wanted to talk about that he couldn’t say in front of the guys. Once we got outside he sat me down at one of the picnic benches before continuing. “Kamryn, I want you know that no matter what happens in there today I love you so much.”

“She’s won, hasn’t she?” I asked quietly after a few minutes of silence.

“Aw baby we don’t know that. I know she told them about the weed Kamryn but she doesn’t have a clear sheet either, she abandoned you for years. They won’t ignore that when they make their decision..” he kneeled down in front of me and rested his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

“But she has. I know it, and I know you know it too. I can tell from the way you’re acting. Dad I’m not going with her, I don’t care what they decide I’ll never live with that woman ever again. I swear I’ll do whatever I can to keep her away from me I don’t care if I have to kick and scream or put myself up for adoption she doesn’t love me, not like you do.” I cried as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

“Yes I do baby. I love you so much and I promised you I’d do everything in my power to make sure you don’t have to go with her.” he whispered as the diner door squeaked open.

“Erm, Mister Rivers we should head back now.” I heard Johnny say as my dad pulled away before going inside to pay for the food just as the rest of the guys came out. “You gonna be alright there Kam?” I nodded in response.

The walk back to the court house was shorter than I remembered and sooner than I was comfortable with we were standing in the courtroom waiting for the decision, Matt and Brian practically supporting all of my weight as they held me up.

“The court awards full custody of Kamryn Jane Rivers to her mother Mrs Tanya Rivers.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Her Outfit
7 weeks till Avenged Sevenfold concert....

I have one more chapter for you guys then the sequel which ive written almost all of.
Wanna know what happens?
