Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 6

That whole week I was constantly walking on eggshells. My dad had completely forgotten why he was angry, most likely down to the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and I was going to extreme lengths to stay away from Jeff and his friends and even more extreme lengths to keep Matt and the guys away from them. I couldn’t let anyone know that I’d been stealing my dads drugs in fact, I couldn’t let anyone know my dad had drugs.

It wasn’t anything serious. So I smoked some of his weed from time to time, what’s the big deal? I could see that there wasn’t anything wrong with me but no one else would. If Jeff told anyone about what I had been doing I knew that would be the end of my life.

I was standing at my locker, putting various books which I didn’t need away when I saw someone lean against the next locker at the corner of my eye. I turned around to see who had joined me only to come face to face with none other than Jeff himself.

“Hey princess, no entourage today?” he asked with his signature smirk plastered to his face. I shook my head and continued to put my books away before closing my locker and turning to leave. “Kamryn wait. I’m sorry about the bruise and the bust lip. I shouldn‘t have hit you.” This confused me.

“What the hell are you on Jeff? For years you have hated my guts and now what? Just cause you know some jacked up shit about me you think I’m gonna role over and play nice? Everybody in this school hates me because you told them to. What do you want from me that you haven’t already taken?” I asked as I attempted to move away from him again.

“I know and you’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve been a complete ass to you ever since we met but it can change now. See, cause we have something in common now you and me. I want to make it up to you.” he said, his hand grasping onto my upper arm.

“Do you honestly think I’m stupid enough to believe that?” I hissed.

“Please, tomorrow at Leana’s party. I’ve got some shit you’ll really like. You won’t have to steal from your dad any more and its free.” I turned to look at him, I really didn’t like stealing from my dad but it was the only way to get what I needed. Lets face it, I was an immature, naïve little girl, where would I get any drugs from?

“Tomorrow.” I nodded, making him smile before he turned to leave. “Jeff..” he turned back to me. “Please don’t fuck me over.”
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I know it's really really short but the next one will be out later tonight so i'm hoping that makes up for it!!

let me know what you think about it!!!
