Status: Finished! Sequel?


Chapter 9

I woke up the next morning with no memory of what had happened the night before and a splitting headache. I was lying on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. The only thing familiar was the strong arm draped over my waist protectively. Matt. I turned around slowly so I didn’t wake him up only to realise he was lying in only his boxers with the sheets kicked to the floor.

I raked my brain, trying to remember anything of what had happened the previous night, I knew I hadn’t had that much to drink, I never did. But why was I lying in a strange bed with Matt, both of us only in underwear and with no memory of anything?

I slowly pulled his arm from around me and sat up. I looked around the room and found my tank top lying in the corner, I got up and went over, pulling it over my head quickly. My jeans and shoes were lying at the bottom of the bed and I pulled them on quickly as well before slowly making my way over to the door.

I could smell chocolate chip pancakes downstairs and decided that where there was cooking, there were people. I walked down the stairs, gripping onto the banister so I didn’t fall and then walked in the direction of the delicious smell. I walked into the kitchen and saw a strange girl I couldn’t remember ever meeting standing next to the cooker.

“Who are you?” I asked groggily, I hadn’t realised until now how much I needed a cigarette. It felt as though I’d been at a concert rather than a house party, as though I’d been screaming the words of a song along with the band. The girl turned around with a sympathetic look.

“Oh Kamryn.. I erm.. Is Matt awake yet?” she asked, dodging my question inexpertly. I shook my head which only made me feel dizzy, making me close my eyes and groan. I opened my eyes to find her looking at me worriedly. “Maybe you should sit down.” I didn’t argue with that suggestion.

“Leana?” I asked, the girl turned around with a forced smile on her face, I could tell she was trying to conceal the fact that it was fake but she wasn’t doing a very good job of it. “That’s your name isn’t it? It was your party I was at last night.” she nodded.

“Do.. Do you remember anything else?” she asked shakily, the way she was acting made me nervous, scared even. What had happened that would make her act like this?

“Not really, I don’t remember much of anything but I remember planning to go to a party at Leana’s house. I’m in your house so you must be Leana.” she nodded before turning back to the cooking.

“Leana have you seen Ka..” Matt’s worried question trailed off as he entered the kitchen fully dressed and saw me sitting at the breakfast table. He smiled slightly when he saw me before walking over to Leana. “Where’s Jimmy at?”

“Shower. He said he wanted to get in before you woke up because you take forever.” she laughed slightly. Matt nodded before looking over towards me again.

“Has she said anything?” he asked quietly, I don’t think I was supposed to be able to hear him although Matt wasn’t as good at whispering as he thought he was. Leana shook her head and he sighed before walking over and sitting down opposite me awkwardly.

A few minutes later Jimmy walked into the room announcing “it’s okay, I don’t smell like a drowned rat anymore, it’s all good.” but he went quiet again when he saw me sitting at the table. Leana smiled while shaking her head as she pulled four plates from a cupboard and put them on the table before bringing the large plate of chocolate pancakes over as well as the syrup.

Both Matt and Jimmy dived straight in, loading their plates with food while Leana sat four glasses on the table and brought the juice out of the fridge before sitting down and getting food for herself. I didn’t want breakfast, I wanted answers and nicotine.

“Kamryn, aren’t you gonna eat something?” asked Leana as she lifted a glass of orange juice and took a drink. I shook my head. “Do you want some coffee or something?” again I shook my head. Matt and Jimmy shared a worried look as they both stopped eating, having another silent conversation with each other.

I sighed before getting up and walking over to the French doors which led from the kitchen to the back garden, I opened them before walking outside and over to small wall which separated the patio area from the pool area. Sitting on the wall I stared blankly into the pool. There was something they weren’t telling me.

A few minutes later Matt sat down next to me and without warning, he started talking. “You disappeared about three hours after you got here, Gena told Zack she’d saw Jeff follow you upstairs so he and Jimmy came looking for you. They managed to break down the bedroom door, he was gone and you were lying there in your underwear, practically unconscious.” he was gripping the wall tightly in anger and I bit my lip, trying to remember.

“He’d left by the time they’d made sure you were okay, Leana says he wasn’t even supposed to be here at all. You asked me not to leave so I didn’t. Jimmy thinks he slipped something in your drink.” I broke down.
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Sorry it's been so long!
let me know what you think
