Black Rose: Book One

Chapter One: No Beginning

Her feet carried her swiftly across the slick pavement, wet with fresh rain water. The images were burned into her subconscious...she knew she could never forget what she'd seen. Her chocolate brown, shoulder length hair stuck to the sides of her face as she ran, also wet from the rain. Thunder clapped overhead...and the laughter was catching up to her. She knew the main street wasn't too far. Someone would be there...someone to help...

A figure dropped down directly in front of her, eyes glowing red with hunger. "You left before we could party with you..." It hissed through its fangs as blood dripped from its chin.

"Yes..." Another voice sounded directly behind her. She spun around to face it. " rude of you to leave without even introducing yourself."

"L-leave me alone!" She swung at the creature hoping it would jump back and allow her room to run...but instead it grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

"Mmm..." It closed its eyes and inhaled deeply. "Can't you smell it?"

She looked up at it in fear.

"Can't you smell...the blood?"

The other nodded and she began to struggle against her captor. "Please no...let me go!"

It happened so quickly that her mind had difficulty processing the events as they took a movie where the scenes jump ahead of the voices heard. She saw the monster leap forward as the other held her in place and grabbed her arm. Then came her own scream. Fangs lowered and pierced the vein in her inner elbow. Blood wet her white blouse. Oh how her mother would scold her for that...Her head was pushed roughly to the side. Another late scream. Colors flashed behind her fluttering eyelids as pain erupted in her neck and shot through her body like invisible tentacles gripping her tightly.

"No!" She screamed as time and sound finally caught up with each other. She could hear the steady sucking sound roar in her ears as the creature forcibly drank her blood. Her body twitched as both creatures siphoned from her.

"Let her go."

Both creatures immediately stopped and looked behind them. Figures dropped down all around them. She opened her eyes and looked around. She could see them wearing white...but couldn't see their faces.

"Angels?" She whispered weakly as she was dropped to the ground. Now mud and blood covered her clothes. 'Mother will kill me...'

"You?!" One of the creatures hissed.

"You know it’s a crime to attack a human...much less a whole family." The cold voice whispered disgustedly. "And then to consider it a 'party' and chase another innocent bystander...Your punishment is death."

Before the creatures could protest, their agonized screams were heard...and immediately stopped.

"Kaname-sama said that there are more in the area...should we go search for them?" A girl's delicate voice asked.

"Yes. If they are anything like these...they are a threat." There was a brief silence. "Aidou. You stay with her. Erase her memory. She'll need immediate medical attention so if we don't come back when you're done, take her straight to the academy."

"What?! Why me?"

"Because Seiren is with Kaname-sama and cannot do it herself. Besides...someone needs to report to Kaname-sama and let him know...there were no survivors from that family that was attacked."

A bored sigh was heard. "Fine. But please note that I am not thrilled with this task at all."

She was lifted into someone's arms and a hand was placed on her forehead...then everything faded to darkness.