
Chapter 10- Changed


My eyes darted around the unfamiliar room, taking in everything I saw. I didn’t understand why everything seemed to have an accent to it. I could see every grain in the wood paneling and the support beams on the ceiling. Every fiber in the sofas and the cushy chairs that littered the room were magnified as if I was looking at the room through a microscope. I sat up, adjusted my pajama shirt, and got off the pullout couch I had been laying on, letting the blankets that had been carefully wrapped around me fall soundlessly to the floor.

Where am I? I thought to myself. Did Mom decide to start the weekend early and take me on vacation? Probably not the best idea so close to exams, but who am I to complain about a little R and R? The house did seem to have vacation written all over it. The furniture was neatly positioned in a feng shui manner. There were elegant paintings and portraits that were strategically hung on every wall, giving the room a sense of culture. The entire room smelled like lemon cleaner as if it had recently been cleaned top to bottom. “Yep,” I said aloud, “definitely a vacation.”

The sun was shining through the curtains of an open window, illuminating a small potted plant set on an adjacent table. Although I was wrapped in blankets for who knows how long, my body felt as if I had previously been in an ice-bath. The cold wasn’t terribly uncomfortable; it was just strange compaired to the warmth that usually emanated deep in my bones.

My immediate though was to go and draw myself a hot bath to warm me up, but the sun shined so playfully through the window that I decided what better way to enjoy the start of my vacation than to get a tan. That, or at least burn myself so I wouldn’t again for the rest of the summer. Three days of pain was worth a summer of fun in the sun. I tiptoed quietly towards the door so as not to wake mom if she were still sleeping in. Lying at the door were a pair of slippers, much to big for me. But none the less I stuck my feet into each one and shuffled my way out the door.

The smell of the woods was entrancing. I could detect and decipher every scent that was around me. The smell of birch and pine were the most potent, mixed in with accents of lilac, grass, wild roses, and pollen. Trees shaded the house and much of the surrounding area, their height suggesting that their age was well in the hundreds. From where I was standing, I couldn’t see the window where the sun had been shining through. Walking around the house to find the window, I marveled at the sheer brilliance of it. It was only one story high, but the house was huge. Manicured gardens bordered the path along and up the front of the house. A large woodpile was neatly stacked, happily letting me know that there was an actual fireplace. The grounds and house were completely spotless. It looked like something some one wins in one of those Cash for Cancer lotteries. The garage itself was larger than my own house. “Wow, is mom dating some millionaire I should know about?” I laughed. Someone once told me that it’s the people who don’t talk to themselves that are crazy. It sounds weird, but I have to say that I agree.

It felt weird looking through the windows I passed, as if I was some stalker, but none had the familiar curtains or the potted plant. I had almost made it back to the front of the house when I saw a familiar open window. I sighed. At last! I saw the clearing between two trees that were letting the light in. I found a small patch of grass that was fully exposed to the sun and I lay down.

I closed my eyes and let the warmth wash across my face. I could feel a light, tingling feeling on the flesh that wasn’t covered by my pajamas. It was like someone was taking soft blades of grass and drawing tiny pictures with them all over my body. It was quite enjoyable, for a moment. I could feel the heat on my face and see the light through my eyelids, but something was wrong. The tingling was still there, but now it was starting to burn, like someone had now set those pieces of grass on fire and were continuing to draw their frantic pictures. My heart was pounding in my chest. Something in my mind told me to get away, run back into the house, but I was too immobilized with fear to move.

Then it happened. There was a snap in my mind and my insides were on fire and being ripped to pieces. A scream ripped out of my throat, high and loud enough to shatter glass. I flipped myself over and tried to find the strength to get me on my feet, but it wasn’t there. I ended up just pulling up handfuls of grass in hopes of being able to pull myself back into the shade, but I knew that it was a failed effort.

The next thing I knew I could feel myself lifting off the ground. Am I dead yet? Please say that I am! I could feel the cool shade of the tall trees welcoming me back, but the pain that still lingered clouded my mind. I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness and I was as limp as a rag doll. I heard the door to the house open and heavy footsteps underneath me. What? Who’s there? Please just tell me what’s going on! I tried to mutter a few words, but they came out like moans.

I was set down, back on the pullout couch I assumed, and I could hear the heavy footsteps running away to another part of the house. Please, don’t go… It hurts so much… Please… The footsteps returned and I felt pressure against my lips. Something was being poured down my throat. It was slightly bitter and thick, but my body welcomed it like hot chocolate on a winter day. I didn’t like the taste, but the more I drank, the more the pain receded. Whatever it was, it worked quickly. I reached out my hand and was able to lift myself into the sitting position. The pressure against my lips was released and I heard a small click as something was set on a nearby surface. I opened my eyes. I was alone. I bit my lip and scanned the room. Nothing. The room was still dark, but when I looked over, I saw a deep mug on the end table beside me.

I scrambled for the mug, hoping that some of whatever that miracle elixir was was still in it. I heard a small lapping noise as the elixir washed up against the sides of the mug. My body told me not to wait, but to drink it right away. But my curiosity got the better of me. I swirled the mug around and the viscous substance danced wildly around with it. It looks like coffee. I thought to myself. I dipped my finger in the liquid to examine it closer. My heart stopped beating for a second. There was a dark substance that stuck to my finger and slowly dripped back into the cup. Coffee… Does not do that… It’s… It’s… “Blood!” I screamed and threw the mug across the room. The resounding crash sending cold shivers down my spine.

I scrambled back under the blankets and covered my head. I felt like crying but only a few small drops actually made their way down my cheeks. I had just drank blood. Blood. I had never been squeamish around it before and if I cut my finger, I would stick the wound in my mouth until it was dry, but that was a cup full of blood. The sick thing was that my body wanted it. It embraced the feeling and left me wanting more.

The crash sent my rescuer rushing back into the room. I cringed as I heard the loud footsteps coming towards my bed. “What happened?” the male voice rang through the room. It was weird. I had heard this voice before, but where. I heard a small sigh. He must have seen the cup on the floor. Normally, I would have been worried about the stain the blood would leave, but I was too traumatized to think about it.

I felt him sit beside me on the bed. He didn’t try and take the blanket from me. Instead, he just sat quietly for a moment and then he spoke softly. “Amara. That’s your name right?” “Yes.” I peeped. I felt a large hand placed on my side. “Amara. My name is Owen, and I have something very important to tell you. I know you are very scared and…” “Yes I’m freaking scared! I’m in a strange house in the middle of no where, I was just assaulted by the sun, and I was drinking blood! I think it’s safe to assume I’d be a little freaked out.” And with that, I pulled the sheet from over my head and looked at the stranger dead in the face.

My jaw dropped. Sitting right next to me was the gorgeous, pale construction worker I had seen before. Up close, I could really see how magnificent he was. His hair was raven black, cut short and spiked up with hair jell. The eyes that looked into mine with understanding and compassion were as bright and blue as the Arctic Ocean. His sculpted features and chiseled jaw line created dramatic, deep shadows that translated as a sense of maturity and danger. Best of all, he was huge! It looked as if he worked out at least three hours a day. I had only seen him before in his work uniform, but sitting beside me in his worn jeans and black T-shirt, he looked more like a professional body builder than a dirty, hot construction worker.

“You…You? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Where’s my mom? Where are we? Did you kidnap me? Oh my god you did! Help! Please, someone help!” I screamed and jumped out of the bed, running towards the kitchen area.

“Amara! Please! You don’t understand! Just let me explain…” He ran towards me. I looked frantically around me to find something to defend myself with. The first thing that caught my eye was a wooden knife block sitting on the marble counter top. I lunged forward and grabbed the one with the largest handle. It was long, sharp, and perfect for stabbing this gorgeous creep right in the heart.

I held up the knife and it shook wildly in my hand. “Don’t you dare come near me or I’ll cut off your head!” I screamed. I had jumped up too quickly out of bed and I was beginning to get dizzy.

He walked forward, his hands up to signal he meant no harm. I didn’t believe him. “Amara,” he said softly, “I need you to put the knife down before you hurt yourself.”

“Hurt myself?” I laughed, “What I intend to do is hurt you!”

He put his hands to his sides and smiled. “Okay then, please stab me. And when you’re through with all of this, we can talk.”

I kept the knife firmly pointed at him. “I just want to get out of here and go home! I don’t want to have to stab you but I will if I’m further provoked!” He was really trying what was left of my frantic patience. He reached forward to take the knife out of my hand and what happened next astounded me. It seemed like everything happened in slow motion. I threw all of my force into slashing at his wrist with the knife. The impact sent ripples through the knife and into my hand. Yes, I thought to myself. I got him!

I looked over at him, waiting for the shock from what just happened to sink in and for the blood to come pouring out of his veins to the floor. I waited and nothing happened. He wasn’t even looking at his wrist, he was still looking at me. There was no blood, nothing!” I looked at the blade I held in my hand. No skin fragments or blood, it was just as clean as the first time I picked it up.

Instinctively, I ran my thumb across the blade to see if it was dull. I hadn’t even put any pressure on the edge when I felt a slight tear. I immediately pulled away and inspected my finger. I little drop of blood was now pooling at the surface of my skin. I lifted my head and my face was plastered with fright.

“Ok, now let’s just put the knife down and we can talk ok?” He inched forward slightly and I saw my chance. I held the handle of the knife tightly in my fist and stabbed him directly in the chest, aiming for his heart. There was a sharp, metallic crunch and I felt the blade morph under my hand. I pulled it away and examined the damage. The knife had completely crashed down on itself, like I had just tried to stab a brick wall. I let the knife fall through my fingers and clatter on the ceramic floor.

My heart was in such a panic that I began to hyperventilate. “Amara, please will you just listen to me for a second?” His voice stayed calm but I could see the tension in his blue eyes.

“No!” I screamed. I ran towards him and began beating him in the chest with my fists. I could feel the force behind each hit dwindling as he continued to stand there. Nothing I was doing could phase him. “No! No! No!” I continued on with each hit. “No!…No!…No ho ho…” My frustration, fear, and anger finally exposed itself in the form of tears. I could feel them running down my cheeks as I buried my head in the stranger’s chest.

At first, he didn’t know what to do, but settled on putting his arms around me in a comforting embrace. “Please, please don’t cry. Everything is going to be alright.” He calmly spoke to me through my sobs, my tears absorbing into his shirt.

Once again, I felt the ground disappear from beneath me. I was in his arms again and I was being carried back into the livingroom. I was placed on a tidy chair a few feet beside where I was sleeping. He went and grabbed my blanket and handed it to me. It didn’t do too much, but it was the thought that counted. He sat in a chair directly across from me and waited for me to calm down.

I started to relax when my sobs turned to hiccups. The miniature spasms rocketed through my body and left my throat dry. The tears stopped and I looked at my folded hands. “Are you ready to listen to me now?” The stranger asked quietly. I simply nodded. Little did I know that the information he was going to give me would transform my whole world.
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Now I'm getting back into the swing of things. I wrote this chapter pretty quickly and I'm just starting chapter 11. I hope you like it and tell me what you think about my story so far XD

Please comment :)