
Chapter 5- Benevolence


One of the stage boys came over and pointed him out to me. He was sitting in the fifth row in the third section of the audience. He looked just like any other of my prey who were unknowingly led to me. Wearing his orange jumpsuit, sitting in the least accessible part of the stands so that the other inmates were unable to escape. Paul would call up one of the local penitentiaries because he always seemed to know someone who knew someone who worked there. They would choose one of the death row inmates who the guards knew deserved more than death. You can say all you want about lethal injection and fair is fair when they die, but sometimes the punishment still doesn't make up for the crime. That was when they were brought to me. We always set up our tent in the most deserted of places, it added to the ghoulish feel of the Hellian Fair. I decided to join this pathetic excuse of a fright fest when I was followed by a tall, lanky man one night. I'm not usually the one who is stalked; it's the other way around. His name was Paul, but he went by Master Beelzebub as the ringleader of the Hellian Fair. He knew what I was and promised me the safety and security of the fair along with delivered meals. By this I was intrigued. He wanted an act that would make his fair stand out from all of the other fright fests that traveled the roads and he knew that someone like me could make that act happen. I traveled with them for three years and during that time, his profits tripled and they started selling underwear at the souvenir stands.

It was the same show every time. I just had to play my part. The crowd silenced as the lights in the tent were brought down and Master Beelzebub made his way through the darkness to the center of the playing area. The spotlight clicked on his position and the audience jumped in surprise with the illusion of apparation. He wore a blood red cloak with long, wide sleeves and a large flowing hood. It looked very eerie in the light and atmosphere of the tent but in reality, it was just an old white tablecloth that he dyed red every so often. He made a large sweeping gesture and an old, knobby staff fell from the darkness. Without moving his head to see where his staff was falling, he caught it and I always admired him for that. He had a small headset microphone that was hidden under his large hood that transmitted to amps that were strategically placed in areas around the tent for maximum amplification and sound reverberation. Echoes always added to the fear of the unknown. His booming voice sounded in the tent as he began. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the Hellian Fair. You have all ventured into a realm of the unknown." He always had the same speech, never anything new with this place. Paul was afraid of change. I watched as the first act poised themselves to go onstage. I was always right after intermission. The seventh act in a twelve-act show. That way, if the audience wasn't already scared then they would be for the rest of the performance but if they were, I just added to it. I was the best act. I was the supernatural entity mixed in with the sword swallowers and contortionists. I was the real thing.

The hellion bell sounded to let everyone know that intermission was ending. Excited audience members reclaimed their seats as the lights began to dim to complete darkness once again. This was my que. I pulled the hood of my black cloak up and I climbed the crossbars of the scaffold that was used for the mortal performances to get to the second acrobatic level of the tent. My act started at the top of the tent. So I had to jump over twenty feet from the top of the scaffold to a pair of metal handles that were mounted to the top of the tent and wait. Master Beelzebub once again appeared onstage with his knobby staff and gestured up with both of his arms. "You have witnessed what many call the fiends and demons of nature, but prepare yourselves to be taken to the seventh level of Hell." Just then we heard a chuckle from the third section of the stands. "This is a load of crap! I've done scarier things than what I've seen here tonight." I looked down towards the dark stands and I could see him perfectly. It was my prey. This is one of the perks of showbiz. The fact that the person heckling us is the one that will not survive the night really pays off. Master Beelzebub smiled. "Well sir, you're not impressed by our acts of terror?" "Hell no!" The voice replied. "Well how about you take part in our next act. We need a brave volunteer and you seem to fit the criteria." Master Beelzebub asked. I saw the large man look to the closest guard, who was obviously in on it, and he removed his handcuffs. I heard the shuffle of the man's shoes as he made his way through the isle and down the rickety old stairs. Master Beelzebub welcomed him onstage and into the concentrated spotlight with a handshake which he roughly accepted. "Now ladies and gentlemen, we have our fearless volunteer who will go face to face with fear." He boomed. "Oh please." My prey replied rolling his eyes. "Oh, you say that now my friend, but just wait, just wait." Master Beelzebub began to inch himself into the darkness as the music started.

It was a very gothic and choral piece by a composer named Carl Orff called O Fortuna. Except that is was redone by a band called Nightdream or Darkwish, something along those lines, I can't remember. He stood alone in the spotlight. He was unable to see anything past the circle of light that surrounded him, that was one of the illusions that we rigged to create maximum fear. It was working. You could see the sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. I made my move. I let go of the handles and my long cloak rippled out from behind me. The sudden noise scared the audience as well as my victim. I jumped from scaffold to scaffold all around the circular tent. My disease makes me pretty fast, so one minute the sounds would echo from one end of the tent, and the next they would echo from the opposite side. I began to descend toward him as the music increased in emotion and volume. I moved myself closer to the spotlight, which allowed him to see my silhouette as I darted around and over him. He spun around in fear and confusion, looking all around him for any sign of the supposed seventh level of hell. This next part of the act I disliked because I actually had to move into the spotlight itself, which burned pretty badly, even when I was covered by my cloak. I stood in the light and faced him. The rest of the audience could never see anything but the black cloak, but the terrified man staring at me could see my grinning face which bore my enlarged canines and red eyes. I gave him a moment to take in my face before I darted off into the darkness again. I jumped one last time to the top of the tent that was directly adjacent with the lit man. As the final chords of the song sounded, I let go of the handles and soared down towards my prey. I landed on him a split second before the spotlight went out and his baritone scream echoed through the tent. I had half a second to remove him from the stage before the spotlight came back on again to show to the audience that he was gone. I quickly pushed the pressure points in his neck hard enough to knock him unconscious and I took him through the hidden opening in the tent that some of the mortal acts used for their performances. I heard the bass click of the spotlight coming back on and the gasps of shocked audience members when they realized that he had disappeared. I positioned him back on my shoulder and led him away to my trailer.

When he woke up, he found himself sitting in a chair that was right by the door. I always liked to give them the illusion that they could get away, its gets their hearts beating and makes the blood flow faster. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the darkness inside my trailer. The light from the moon was the only illumination and his eyes quickly adjusted. He scanned the room for any sign of me and generically asked, "Where am I?" I came out of my hiding place in the furthest corner from him and stood in the moonlit area by the window. He saw me and shuddered. "Hello Vito." I greeted. He looked towards me with a dumbstruck look on his face. "Yes, I know your name." I saw him quickly eye the door but he was too frozen with fear to move from his seat. "You've done some pretty bad things Vito, and you know that you have to pay for them." He continued to look at me with a blank stare. "You are here because you have not shown a single shred of guilt for the acts you have committed. I have committed evil acts as well, but I make up for them by getting rid of people like you." I moved from my place by the window and inched myself closer to him. I had taken off the cloak and I was in comfortable jeans and a nicely fit turtleneck sweater. This allowed him a full view of me without the mercy of the cloak to hide his inevitable death. I positioned myself right in front of where he was sitting and I knelt down until I was face to face with him. I grinned. "You do know what's going to happen don't you?" He made a gesture that looked like a disoriented nod. He seemed entranced as he watched my ice blue eyes melt and turn ruby red. I smiled and he noticed my canine teeth lengthen a few centimeters in my mouth. I continued to grin at him with my luminescent teeth and I could hear his heart beating almost as fast as helicopter blades. If I didn't finish him off soon, he would most certainly die of a heart attack. I gave him one last look in the eyes and asked, "Any last words?" He blinked and a small tear fell from the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I bet you are." I said as I sunk my fangs into his neck and drained him.
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Introduces one of my favourite characters, Fabian. Not a really important chapter but I needed to introduce him, so might as well do it in an unusual way.

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