If I Fall Forever, Will You Be There To Catch Me?


"Heh, sorry, guys. False alarm! I just wanted her attention." Axel smoothly attempted to calm down the groups of shocked nobodies.
"Axel, can I speak with you in the hall, please?" I asked through my teeth.
"We don't have a hall." He blankly argued.
"Fine, the dark, empty space of purple doom- oh, just come on!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside of the pool building.
"Why can't we talk back there?" He asked, giving me a strange look.
"Because you obviously know what the others don't. What exactly have you seen?"
"Just a bunch of movies playing in my head. But, it's always blurry and dark. I can't tell what's going on, but I know you're behind it." My jaw dropped at his last comment.
"I'm not behind it!" I folded my arms angrily. "I'm just as confused as you are! I know I was here before; I've had flashbacks, too. I just don't know where I went, who I was with, how long I was gone, or why no one remembers me.."
"I remember you." A dark voice came from behind me. I turned to see Saix, who was holding his weapon. "You were an angsty little teenager who realized her entire life was a lie and couldn't deal with the "emotions" it caused. You're pathetic, you know. Always crying, always yelling and breaking things. You even thought you were in love! Pity you had to go and try and kill yourself." He put the tip of his index finger on the sharpest point of his claymore.
"I really did that..? And of all people, I thought I could feel..?" I glanced down, trying to remember. "Wait, I am not pathetic! I'm more powerful than you could ever hope to be, mutt!" I snarled and materialized my scythe from shadows.
"Is that a challenge?" He held up his claymore, his hair growing along with his canines.
"No, Saix, Maxin, let's not do this." Axel tried to intervine.
"Back off, Axel. This is none of your concern." I growled at him.
"Yes, boy, stay out of this." Saix agreed. Axel brought out his chakrams and set them on fire.
"You did not just call me a boy!" He yelled, walking next to me.
"What is going on here?" Superior walked in between the three of us, giving Saix a disapproving look.
"Saix is being a dick. Nothing unusual." I sneered.
"Saix, what is the meaning of this?" Saix put his claymore away and walked up to Superior.
"I was just reminding her that she is inferior in the order of rankings.. I didn't mean to upset anyone, things just happened to get out of my control." He lied. He fucking lied.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up, bitch-boy. You're this obsessed with kissing his ass? And you called me pathetic?! Superior, he was reminding me of the mistake I made the first time I was here. Along with a few adjectives I dare not say." I gave Saix a dirty look as Superior turned around.
"Saix, go to my office. Now." Saix nodded, whimpering, and opened a portal.
"What about Maxin?"
"Go!" With that, he rushed through the black hole and disappeared.
"Wait, what about Maxin?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"To keep my judgement fair and unbiased, I must punish all three of you for upsetting the atmosphere. It gets the heartless and nobodies edgy. Maxin, you are suspended from your weapon for one week. That means no leaving the castle, no training, no fighting others, and no threats." I was astonished at the lengths Saix would go to piss me off. We worked together just fine before he began being more of a pussy than a dog and kissed up to Superior. At least I had my integrity, whatever that's worth.
"I have to be punished, too?" Axel asked, hiding his chakrams.
"Yes. Seeing as you weren't involved with the beginning or the reason, it won't be as severe. Tag along with the others when they leave for Castle Oblivion. I want you to supervise them for me." Before Axel could rebel, Superior stopped him. "Yes, I know I am making a dire mistake that will lead to the demise of us, but Larxene and Marluxia can't be trusted with it. Good day."
"Take away my weapon or something, I don't want to do that!" Axel whined. He glared at me, upset. "Lucky, you get the easy punishment."
"Did you hear him?! I can't kill anything for a whole week! I'll be devastated by tomorrow!" I furrowed my brows at him and pointed towards the pool building. "I can't threaten Zexion, either! Do you know how difficult that's going to be?! AND I'M THE LUCKY ONE!?"
"Calm down, it's not like you have to spend months with the idiots of the organization. I have to deal with a gay, pink-wearing, flower-loving, merry-doo-dah douchebag, a pms-ing, psychotic, temperamental bitch, your little emo freak, the whacked out scientist, a brawn-over-brains moron, and worst of all, Larxene!" I stared at him.
"You mentioned Larxene twice." I pointed out.
"I did..? Oh. Well, you get my point!" I rolled my eyes.
"At least you get to threaten them!"
"Oh, give me a break! Cut the tough shit and be happy you get to stay here." He folded his arms, looking away.
"Cut the what?! If I wasn't suspended, I would SO threaten you!" He smirked.
"Is that a threat?" I narrowed my eyes at him, shrinking back into my cloak, lifting the hood.
"Fuck off."
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hehehehehehe. i'm so bad. >:)