If I Fall Forever, Will You Be There To Catch Me?


Disclaimer: No, I do not own- You know what? I’m done! I’m out of here. Screw it!

I sat on my bed and began to think.
This should not have happened. I don’t even know what happened. If I really was close to killing Zexion... I must’ve been holding my scytheblade like Namine had said.
Honestly, what is happening?
Is any of this real?
Was I ever in this Organization in the first place?
Am I asleep?
Am I... Dead?
She mentioned something about a destiny.
Wait, no she didn’t it. It was a place.
An island?
Destiny Islands.
Where is that? And what did she mean I had a life there?
This is confusing.
I sighed heavily and rolled onto my back so I could lie down. I closed my eyes and put my arms behind my head. For about thirty minutes I stayed like that. Then, I felt someone sit by my legs. I opened my eyes to see Zexion looking down at the floor.
“Hey.” He said.
“I’m sorry.” I replied.
“Well... You know, you were just doing what I told you to do. I’m really proud of you. You really did prove yourself out there. What happened with Luxord?”
“It’s a long story.”
“I think I have the time.”
“Well... We talked for a while until something happened that revealed some weird thing with me and Namine. Then I went to see her for while and she explained something about my past life, who my somebody was, where I was after that, my memories, and that I’ve already been here before. It’s really confusing.”
“Isn’t regaining your memory what you really wanted?”
“Zexion, did you not almost get killed by me like an hour ago? I’m glad I remember, but I remember things no one else does. You, Axel, and Demyx were my best friends. I remember every single moment we’ve ever had when I was here. Well, I’m still here, I’ve been here, but... You know. She said something happened and no one else remembers me.”
“I wish I could. It sounds important.”
“It is. I remember my weapon, all of the skills I’ve mastered, the challenges I’ve faced, missions I’ve been on. It’s not fair that no one else remembers. You were my closest friend. And I almost killed you. Plus, you don’t even remember being my friend.”
“I was your closest friend?”
“Yeah. I wish you still were.”
“I’m sorry you’re feeling this. Maybe you should talk with Namine about your memories.”
“I’ll try. I don’t really see what harm that would do.”
“Also, Demyx was looking for you earlier. Said he didn’t want to invade your privacy. You wanna see him?”
“Sure, whatever.” As he disappeared, I sat up, toying with the end of the bed spread. Very short moments later, Demyx appeared in my room.
“Hey, Newbie.” He greeted.
“Hey.” I dully responded. His carefree expression dropped into a curious one.
“What’s up?”
“Is it the incident that happened with Zexion?”
“Not exactly.” I mumbled into the pillow I was holding.
“Then what.”
“Please tell me.” He sat in front of me, criss-crossing his legs.
“There’s nothing wrong, Demyx.”
“Yes there is. Why won’t you tell me?”
“Fine. I got my memory back.”
“What’s wrong with that? Wait, you lost your memory?!” I laughed and looked at him.
“Yes. A long time ago.”
“Oh. Why is it so bad that you got it back?”
“Well, I know things that have happened that you are clueless about. It’s painful to be used to something, and not be able to see the same thing again. Especially when you cared about it. “
“That must suck. How come I’m clueless?”
“Well, a lot of my memories were taken.... Along with yours. So... Yeah.”
“That makes no sense what so ever.”
“That’s okay. What did you want?”
“Uhh... Nevermind.”
“I told you my shit, now tell me yours.”
“Well, I just wanted to know if you wanted to get to know each other better... And maybe take a walk around the castle.”
“Okay.” I threw my pillow on the floor and got off of my bed.
“Why not?”
“I dunno...” He trailed off mumbling stuff I couldn’t make out.
“You coming?” I stood by the door.
“Oh right.” He got up and walked over to me. I opened the door and was the first to exit. Right when Axel was passing.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” He smirked. “Two of the youngest members walking out of the same room at the same time. What could that possibly mean?”
“That we were talking.” I answered.
“Sure, sure.” He winked at Demyx and disappeared. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Demyx, who was as white as me.
“Um... What was that about?” He laughed, giving me an unsure look.
“I don’t know. Are you okay?”
“Perfect.” He shut the door and began to walk, pulling me with him. “So... Anything you want to talk about? Favorites..? Dislikes...? Pet peeves..?”
“Why did they call pet peeves, pet peeves?”
“I don’t know. Anything not random that you would like to discuss?”
“Sure. How about favorites?”
“Animals... Things like that. Food, colors, drinks... Et cetera.”
“Oh. Okay. I’ll start. What’s your favorite food?”
“I don’t eat.”
“What’s your favorite drink?”
“I don’t drink.”
“Favorite animal?”
“Wow. You had an answer this time.”
“It’s true.”
“Whatever. Anyway, favorite color?”
“Purple, what do you think!?”
“I was thinking black but now I’m thinking purple.”
“Ugh. It’s black, Demyx.”
“But you said purple.” I face palmed.
“I was being sarcastic.”
“That’s what Zexion does a lot.”
“You two are like twins.”
“You act totally the same, give me the same looks, say the same words in the same annoyed tones, and you both have hair over your eyes.”
“I am nothing like him! I can actually admit when I agree with someone.”
Zexion: “Did not!!!”
“Did so, now stop eavesdropping!” All of the sudden we heard a crash. Behind us was Axel and Zexion face first on the floor under a broken heating vent. “The hell!?”
“This bites.” Axel mumbled. He looked at us and laughed. “Hehe, oops. Sorry. We were just um...”
“Observing the vents’ conditions.” Zexion smoothly covered.
“Mhm.” I said, unconvinced.
“I’m just gonna go, now.” Axel turned and left.
“Same here.” Zexion turned, also, but I grabbed his ankle with a shadow.
“Hold it.” I walked up to him. “How much did you hear?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh. I have got to start writing longer chapters.