Something More


~Fred’s POV~

“Uhh… Fred, could you come downstairs?” Harry came into my room.


“Someone wants you.” He said.

“Ok…” I stood up and followed him downstairs. We reached the bottom and I looked up.

“DADDY!!” I heard, then felt someone attach themselves to my legs. I looked down, shocked. Jamie was attached to my legs

“Jamie?” I said, then lent down to pick him up. I started smiling.

“Hiya Daddy.” He smiled at me. I sat on the couch next to George.

“George, what is going on? Where is Lena? Does she know he is here?” I asked him.

“Whoa.. calm down. I don’t know what is going on. Allie is upstairs changing, yes she knows he’s here, Once Allie gets down here she is going to explain everything but she had to change so he came down here and started asking for Daddy” He explained. “So I had Harry go get you.”

“Oh,” I smiled down at Jamie.

~No ones POV~

“I missed you daddy.”

“I missed you too J-Man.” Fred smiled at him and, again, Alena’s breath caught in her throat.

“Momma!!” Jamie looked back at his mother, causing Fred to look back.

“I… He…”

“It’s ok… I know he came down for you.” She went over and sat by Fred, Jamie laid across their laps.

“Ok, Now can someone PLEASE tell me what’s going on??” Chad said.

“Ok. So, four years ago I was wondering around diagonally. I got lost and it got dark. I saw some guy walking around and I asked him for help. He said that it was late and I asked again. He said ‘it’s really late, and I can tell your tired. You can come back to my room, get some rest, and I’ll take you home tomorrow. Ok?’ I thought that it would be fine and we went back to his room at the leaky cauldron.” she looked down “Now, what I didn’t know was that there were Aurors everywhere looking for this exact guy.”

“Why were they after him?”

“He, um, he’s a pedophile. He spends his time in Diagonally looking for girls around 12, 13 years old… one’s that are old enough to have started their…. monthly… but not old enough to know about.. sex.” She explained in a small voice. Alena glanced at Fred and she could once again see him getting pissed.

“Oh Merlin.”

“Yea so uh.. when we got back to his room he um… he put a stunning spell on me and raped me. The next morning Draco found me outside our house.. my clothes ripped. He’s been protective of me ever since. Anyways.. a month later I found out I was pregnant and I didn’t have the heart to ‘take care of it’ so I had him. I became attached and Well he became my son.” Chad looked stunned. “Last year, the ministry decided I was too young to have a child and because I was raped and didn’t willingly get pregnant they took him away.” Alena looked down again and noticed he was asleep. Fred noticed this as well and gently picked him up.

“I take he’s staying with me again?” Allie nodded and followed him upstairs. Fred slid Jamie into his bed and she covered him up. She kissed his forehead and looked at Fred. they walked over to the door “Lena..”

“No. Fred, He wasn’t hear when we broke up. He doesn’t know. That is the only reason I let him come down to you.”

“So… What are you going to do.”

“Your like his dad. I can’t take that away from him. We are going to have to at least act civil when he is around. We have to act like we did before.”

“Lena.. I-“ She cut him off again

“Good night Fred.” She said, then turned her back and left. Fred watched her walk away.

“I don’t want it to be an act.” He said in a broken voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww... poor Fred :'(

So... yeah, thats the shortest chapter so far but... this chapter went exactly how i wanted. I promise the next one will be longer.


<3 Much Love