Something More

Back Together?

“Where is Jamie?” I heard. I looked up from the locket Jamie gave me 3 weeks ago.

“He’s with Draco.” I said, then cut him off before he said anything. ”Draco is his Uncle. Your going to have t deal with that.”

“Fine.” He sat on the bench next to me, outside.

“Besides, it gives us a chance to talk.”

“About what?” Fred said, holding the dog tag.

“About……… Us.”

“There is no us..”

“Fred, When you told Jamie that you love the locket as much as you love me-“

“It wasn’t a lie.” I heard him say, barely in a whisper. I was shocked the moment I heard that.

“What did you say?”

“I said,” he took a deep breath “It wasn’t a lie.” He paused “I really do love this locket as much as I love you.”

“But you DON’T love me. Are you trying to say that you don’t like it? And what about Jamie, you said as much as you love him too. Does that mean you don’t love him?” I rambled “God!! Why am I so stupid all the time. I always make a wrong move. I always pick the wrong guy. I fall in love with a jerk!! Then even after he breaks my heart I still love him. I let him get close to my son. I let him break down the wall I had built. I let him do all this shit then, I break the only rule I made for myself and I cry over some guy!! Everyday!! God, I just wish I wasn’t such a-“ I was cut off, but not by words, by his lips. Yep, That’s right. Fred Weasley kissed me. Guess what I did?? I KISSED BACK!!

“I love the necklace with all my heart, just like Jamie. He means the world to me, and he’s not even my son. Your not stupid. I was the stupid one FOR breaking your heart. George nearly beat the shit out of me when he found out what I did, Harry would have if he wasn’t so upset over Cedric. No one wanted to talk to me, Hell even I didn’t want to be me!! My mom was even more disappointed in me that I had let such an amazing girl get away. She didn’t even care you were a Malfoy… none of my family did. They all love Jamie, my mom loves the fact that she can spoil a little boy. The truth is, whether you believe me or not, I love you with everything I have. I regret ever breaking up with you, because I don’t just love you, I’m IN love with you.” My heart was fluttering when he was saying his speech.


“I’m not done.” He cut me off. “Allie, I made a mistake, I know I did, but I want you back. I want the girl that makes my heart skip a beat every time I look at her. The one that can take my breath away with just one smile, The one that completes me.” He paused. “I know who is that one. You are Alena, you always have been, and you always will be. No one will ever, could ever compare to you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He grabbed my hand “Allie, I love you. I love you and only you, you are my life. The very reason why I breathe, why I get up in the morning. I’m so sorry that I hurt you,” his other hand came up to caress the side of my face.

I saw nothing but the truth, the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand.

“Please give me another chance. One last one to show you that I’m head over heels in love with you, to show you that I’m it. Please,” he was pleading with me now.

“Fred,” I looked up into his pleading eyes “How can I be so sure? This would be the second chance that I would give you. That whole ‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’ phrase keeps repeating in my head. I love you Fred, I’m so in love with you and you’ve hurt me. I can’t afford to get my heart broken again, I wouldn’t be able to deal with it, to go on.” The tears softly rolled down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath I continued, “Aristotle once said, ‘Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.’ And I know that that is the truth with us. We are bounded together by one soul, one love.” I let out a shaky breath and squeezed his hand. “And that’s the reason why I can’t let you walk away, why I can’t let you walk out of my life.” The love and awe that was reflected in his eyes leaves me speechless. A smile graces his lips right before I kissed him, hoping he could feel every word I cannot say. Hoping he could feel the love.

“I could have gone my entire life not seeing that, and it would have been perfectly fine.” I heard my brother say from behind me.

“See what? MOMMY AND DADDY ARE KISSING!!!!” I giggled and pulled away, I looked behind Fred just in tine to see Jamie jumping into my arms.

“Hey baby boy.”

“Hi momma.” He smiled at me.

“He wanted to come see you and Weasel-y” Draco said, taking on the y at the last second. I handed Jamie t Fred and went over to Draco. “So, I take it your back with the Weasel.”

“Draco, what do you have against him?” I sighed.

“Before? Nothing. Now? He broke my sisters heart into shattered pieces. He made her cry her eyes out every single day. She would spend hours on end in her room crying, just because of him.”

“How did you know? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I’m not stupid, your room is next to mine. I didn’t say anything because I was to pissed off at him.”

“I have to tell Mom and Dad.”

“Its not going to go over well with him. Mom will be happy but Dad, well lets just say he is beyond pissed at Fred.”

“Do you think you could somehow lighten the blow for me?”

“I can try. Go on, you son wants you.” He gestured back to Jamie. I smiled and walked back over to them.

“Are you and Mommy back together?” Jamie looked at Fred.

“Buddy,” Fred started. “I do believe we are.” A smile graced my lips and I leaned forward and pecked his lips.
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I expect a load of comments!!! jk, but i would like some.