Falling In Love At The Worst Time

Alex's Unexpected Surprises and Rayne's Dates

**Alex’s POV**

“Wakey, wakey, pancakie!” I heard someone sing in my ear and giggle. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t put a finger on it. I opened one eye and peeked out. I screamed. I saw my other best friend Natalie Colon. She’s a famous singer much like Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift. I jumped out of bed and hugged her.

“Holy crap! What are you doing here?” I practically yelled in her face.

“Well we missed you and Rayne and we plus we got tickets to the show. So we’re here!” she jumped up and down. She must have a sugar high. Well she always has one.

“Um, who’s we?” I asked. I looked around the room and no one was in here.

“Hehe, yeah about that. There in Matt’s room, so get dressed and we’ll go.” I huffed and walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I walked out and put my converse on when I noticed what Nat was wearing.

“Is that my shirt?” She looked down at it then shrugged.

“Maybe, maybe not,” she smirked. I fake glared at her and she smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the room. I groaned in annoyance as I heard her heels making noise on the floor.

“Must you always wear heels?” I asked.

“Yep.” She smiled, but her smile faded away once we got to Matt’s room. “Okay I must worn you don’t freak out when-” She was cut off when someone opened the door and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. The person finally let go and I saw who it was. Zeek O’Connor. He’s Rayne’s older brother. He’s awesome most of the time but can also be an idiot.

“Hey Lex. You still looking hot!” Zeek smiled and I saw Matt and Brian glare at him.

“Dude the last time I saw you was a week ago. I haven’t changed.” I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“So it’s only you two who came?” I asked.

“No me too,” I heard the voice of Trevor Andrews. I looked toward him and he was sitting next to Jimmy and Val. I would have jumped on him and strangled him if Zeek’s arm wasn’t around my shoulder. He probably knew what I would do.

“What are you doing here?” I spat at him with venom coating my words.

“Well my best friend invited me plus I wanted to see you,” he said walking toward me.

“You invited him?! God damn your such a fucking idiot,” I yelled at Zeek. He sheepishly nodded. I looked back at Trevor, “Well I don’t give a fuck if he invited you, you cant stay at this hotel! Plus what would even make you think I wanted to fucking see you again?!”

“Uh oh. This is gonna get bad,” Raynemuttered to Ronnie.

“Oh common you still cant be mad at me for what happened a month ago!” he yelled back.

“It may have been a month ago, but what you did I don’t think anyone would forgive you!”

“Come on, it didn’t mean anything with them. I still lov-” I got out of Zeek’s grip and jumped on Trevor and started punching the hell out of him. Moments later Matt, Ronnie, and Brain were all restraining me. Yep it had to take three guys to hold me back.

“Will someone tell me why the fuck you tried to beat the hell out of him?” Matt asked.

“Oh yeah I’ll be pleased to tell you. Let’s see where do I, start how about when that fucking douche bag cheated on me with fucking four girls!” The three of them let go of me and walked up to Trevor along with all the other guys.

“Your so dead!” Matt told him before punching him square in the face.

“Matt, he’s not worth it. He had some good beatings from other people so it doesn’t matter. All I want is for him to get the hell out of my sight,” I said rather calmly.

Trevor nodded and when he walked past me he whispered, “This isn’t over.”

“Well this just ruined my day,” I muttered.

“I told you if you brought him things would be bad,” Nat said as she slapped Zeek.

“Sorry. I told him he could come just don’t talk,” he said.

“Anyways I’m hungry. Anyone wanna go get,” I stopped at looked at the clock that read 1:25,” lunch.” Brian, Rayne, Nat, Zeek, and Ronnie nodded. We walked down to the lobby and when we were about to get into the car, Zacky came running out the hotel.

“Wait for me! I’m hungry too!” Zack said as he slid into the back seat.

“When are you not hungry Zacky?” Brian laughed. Everyone laughed and Zacky pouted.

“Are you okay?” Brian asked as we walked inside the Denny’s.

“About what? Trevor?” I asked looking toward the ground.


“Yeah I’m fine. Just happy he left.” But then I remembered what he whispered and shuttered.

“Well we’re always here for you Alex,” he smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We all sat down. It was Zacky, Ronnie, Rayne, Nat, me, Brian, and then Zeek.

“So sexy Lexi meet any hot guys lately?” Zeek asked wiggling his eyebrows. “I see my sister has,” he said looking at Rayne and Ronnie flirting not even listening to us.

“Um, no not yet.” I lied. Truth was there was a hot guy next to me.

Haha you just admitted he was hot.

Oh no, your back again.

I’m your conscience I never leave idiot. And you didn’t denied you think he‘s hot.

Go away I don’t feel like arguing.


“What?’ I snapped.

“Order your damn food,” I looked and saw the waitress was here. I blushed and ordered.

“What were you thinking about?” Nat asked so no one else heard.


“It was something. And plus you were staring at Brian. I wanna know,” she whined.


“I wanna know now,” she whined louder. And she was just gonna get louder. I sighed.

“I’ll give you some skittles if you shut up now and I’ll tell you later.” I showed her skittles.

“Okay,” she chirped and grabbed the bag. Gosh she does love skittles.

{Time elapse 6:30:}

“Alright everyone out of the room except Nat and Rayne,” I said to everyone as we were sitting around playing guitar hero and stuff.

“Why?” Jimmy pouted.

“Because Rayne and Ronnie’s date is at 8. And she needs to get ready no out!” everyone left the room and Rayne tried to leave to. She never really like getting ready and such..

“Oh no you don’t sit down,” I said as I grabbed Rayne’s arm.

“Yeah now we get to make Rayne all pretty,” Nat bounced up and down and clapped her hands.

“Are you saying I aren’t pretty now?” Rayne asked Nat.

“Um, I’m going to get the make-up,” she said and ran into the bathroom. Rayne huffed.

“All right so what kinda date is it?” I asked as I went to her suitcases.

“Dinner and a movie.”

“Okay now tell me what your were thinking about earlier,” Nat said when she walked out of the bathroom. Crap. And I thought I could avoid it “Okay” I sighed and told her everything that happened since we been on tour, she especially wanted every detail when I started talking about Brian.

“Oh my god. Why aren’t you with Brian?“ Nat shouted at me when I finished.

“Because… I don’t like him.” I said it more of a question than an answer.

“Pshh. You so do like him. I mean you even liked even when you were younger!”

“Whatever we’ll talk about this another time. Rayne it’s 7:45, go get Ronnie. Have a good time on your date,” I said and hugged her and did Nat.

**Rayne’s POV**
I walked to Ronnie’s room and knocked on the door. He opened it and looked at me

“Wow you look nice,” he said as we walked to the car.

“As do you,” I smiled. We got in the car as we drove to the restaurant and had small talk.

{time elapse after the date:}

Ronnie and I were walking back to my room when he stopped me.

“I had a nice time tonight,” he smiled.

“So did I it was nice. But there’s something else I wanted to do before this date was over,” I said

“What is that?”

“This,” I said and pushed my lips up to his. I had to stand on my toes a little cause I’m like 5’3 and he’s around 5’10 or something. He smiled into the kiss and our lips moved together. It was getting pretty heated until he finally pulled away.

“Well that was the most best kiss I had but I think we should go the bed. And you wouldn’t wanna keep Nat and Alex waiting any longer,” he smirked.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Well I’m sure they are probably waiting for you to walk through that door and bombard you with questions,”

“I’m sure your right. Night Ronnie,” I said and kissed him one last time before I went to get my key card. But the door was thrown open by Alex and Nat smiling like crazy

“Tell us everything!” they yelled before pulling me in the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alex's Outfit
Nat's Outfit
Rayne's Outfit
Rayne's Date outfit

Haha Alex had to be held back by Brian, Matt and Ronnie! haha
Aww Rayne and Ronnie kissed!! :)