Give me Envy, Give me Malice, Give me Attention

I Aim To Be Your Eyes



I noticed myself dozing off in math class I panicked and sat bolt upright in my seat automatically earning me a few weird glances from the people around me. I picked up my long forgotten pencil from my desk and started copying down the equation I saw on the board.

I looked up from my notebook and saw a figure pass by the door then stop. I turned back to the board and continued copying down the problem hoping that I could make some meaning out of it when I got home. I looked up again and saw the figure at the door of the classroom again.

Of course, I thought. I looked more closely at the figure and recognized it immediately. I grinned quickly and continued copying down the problem then raised my hand.

“Yes Aspen?”

“Could I have the nurse’s pass Mrs. Smith?”

“Of course dear, is everything okay?”

“Yes ma’am,” I said as I got out of my seat and grabbed the pass.

“Do you need someone to walk you?”

“No thank you.”

I walked out of the classroom and into the hall without any further questions. I knew everyone in the classroom had seen Brendon outside and they knew that I was going to see him but I honestly didn’t care.

I have two guy best friends. We started being friends in middle school and we had been inseparable ever since. They were the funniest most random people that I had ever met. They changed my life.

The guy that came to save me from algebra was Brendon. I’m not quite sure how to describe him. Weird and amazing are opposites but if anyone can be that Brendon can. He sat next to me in Mr. Bailey’s first period Science class in the 7th grade and we bonded over not understanding science and hating Mr. Bailey. Then he started being friends with Ryan and that’s how I made my two best friends.

Ryan is Brendon’s other half. I think they were brothers that were separated at birth because they have a scary amount of things in common. If they stuck together they could do anything and be anything. Brendon will do anything for a laugh and more often than not he gets one.

I forgot to mention one little detail about Brendon and Ryan. They were very attractive.
I never really noticed this until high school when all of the girls started giving them more attention. I guess I was so used to how they looked and I never really noticed.

I walked down the hallway and wondered where the hell he went when someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth.


I tried to convey a nice “fuck you” to him but he didn’t seem to understand what I was saying with my mouth blocked. I gave him the finger. He laughed and let me go.


“It’s nice to see you too!”

“Whatever, where’s Ryan?”

“We’re about to go get him. I can see you’re oh so happy to see me.”

“I was until you fucking jumped me!”

“It’s all fun and games,” Brendon said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes and we started off to get Ryan. He was two hallways over. When we got to his class room we looked inside through the window that was on the door. He was sleeping.

“That’s a problem,” I said.

“No it’s not,” Brendon said and he proceeded to make rude gestures at the class.

“What are you doing?” I whisper- yelled and tried to pull him out of view of the class. People were staring they had started to look up and laugh.

“Too late,” he said with a smirk and ran down the hallway. I started speed walking in the opposite direction when I heard the door open.

“Young lady were you just distracting my classroom?”

Fuck you Brendon Urie!

“No sir,” I said with an innocent look on my face.

“Then why is half of my class looking out the window and laughing?”

“I don’t know, sir, was it someone else?”

“Was there anyone else in the hallway?” He asked, although he didn’t look convinced.

“I wasn’t really paying attention…”

“Hey uh Mr. Mack I think the person out there was a guy,” said the voice of an angel… also known as Ryan.

“Is that so?” He asked looked skeptical.

Wow, jerk.


“Go to class Miss Ronalds. My class needs to get back to work,” he said and stalked off into his classroom.

How the hell did he know my name!?

Ryan winked at me and walked back inside. I heaved a sigh of pure relief and searched for Brendon. He came out of the hallway he disappeared from silently shaking from laughter.
I glared and waited.

He managed to gain his composure and look me in the eye.


“Yes Aspen?”

“You realize I have a right to be pissed at you correct?”

“I sure do.”

“Are you willing to accept the consequences of your actions?”

“We should probably leave the area before that asshole comes back out,” Brendon suggested obviously trying to avoid the subject but still giving a valid point.

Brendon could just do that.

We walked away and waited to see if Ryan was going to come out.

“Do you think he’s coming?” I randomly asked. He shrugged. “Do you think we should text him?”

“Good idea, I should have thought of that before I almost got you detention,” Brendon laughed and pulled out his phone.

“No shit,” I grumbled. I really wasn’t mad. He knew that and I knew that. I was used to Ryan and Brendon’s crazy antics. We slid down the wall in a deserted hallway and sat down. I crossed my legs and looked over Brendon’s shoulder as he was texting.

After he sent the text he looked at me and smiled.

“I like your outfit today you look nice.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. He started picking at the hole on my skinny jeans. His head was bent and his hair was falling in his face. I pushed his bangs back and slid my fingers through his hair. Brendon looked up at me through his eyelashes.

Friends aren’t supposed to have these moments, I thought to myself. Yet Brendon and I ended up in these situations all the time.

His face spread into an almost shy smile which was weird for him.

Then his phone buzzed making me jump but he just sighed and opened his text.

“Looks like Ryan can’t get out. Mr. Mack was suspicious.”

“Well damn,” I laughed. “It looks like this adventure was kind of pointless.”

“No it wasn’t,” he said and kissed me on the forehead. “I’ll see you later Aspen.”

With that he got up and walked down the narrow hallway without looking back. I watched him until he turned the corner and was out of sight.
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First chapter! I'm finally posting a story on here! Let me know what you think. And this will be a lot happier than my one-shot, don't worry.
