Blood Bond

Drama Club

It read:

"Do you like him? I won’t hate you if you do, but then I would have told Jeremiah to avoid Kyle, his favorite cousin, for nothing. I don’t see how you could like that creep. He always expects you to agree with him on everything. He hits on you so much… So, do you like him? All these years. You’ve never given me an answer…"

"Do you like who? I know I’m stunning, but…"

I jumped and glanced behind me to see Daryl reading the note over my shoulder, practically breathing down my neck. "So, do you?"

"Good morning, Daryl," I greeted him, irritated.

"That’s not a no," he whispered in my ear.

"Please. Don't... Kyle is probably in his room or somewhere. He’s certainly not in here…"

"Nah, I looked in his room, the kitchen, everywhere. Then I saw the note. Figured you’d know more than me." Daryl plopped down on my bed.

"What note? Where is my brother?" I demanded. I had just gotten closer to him: he couldn't be gone!

"Whoa! You don’t tell me what to do! I tell you what to do, Little Missy! But there was a note on the table. Said he was in the hospital. I went there, but they said he’d run off somewhere, so I came here. And now you have to do what I tell you." Daryl said not so slyly, patting the spot next to him. I sighed and sat down, leaning against his shoulder.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"To practice for that play. I brought our scripts and everything." He held mine in front of my face.

"No," I replied quickly, trying to get up, but he grabbed my wrist and stood up in front of me. I told him I loved him, but I wasn't so sure anymore. It seemed like such a long time ago. And my hatred for him was starting to come back the less time I spent with him...

"You said fine!" he yelled defensively. "And you know what…" I stared, holding the objections in my throat. I snapped.

"I hate you! You always… Just go away, please." I saw him smirk, so I slapped a hand across my mouth to keep myself from saying more stupid things. He pulled it away.

"Do you really think that?" His gaze fell on me.

"Yes," I replied softly, voice cracking yet again.

"I think you don’t hate me… In fact," he stepped towards me, "I think you love me!" I tried to step back, history repeating itself, but his arms were waiting and they came around me. I tried not to look in my script, but couldn’t help it: curiosity was my major flaw. It still wasn’t in there! "And I know that I love you as well." I rose arms rising to push him away. He predicted that and backed me to a wall.

"I love you. You love me. Baby, it’s fact." He smiled that wicked, lusting smile and I shook my head slowly, terrified even more than the last time.

I didn't love him; hell, I was damn afraid of him! He just nodded at the same pace. He started leaning in and I turned, trying to get free. He pressed his body against mine and he grabbed hold of my face. I kept squirming, trying desperately to get free. But at least I didn’t give up that time. I couldn’t when I kept thinking about Justin and what he said.

His lips were only a few centimeters from mine when I managed to jerk my head to the side and felt his hands grab my face again, firm but gentle. He stopped leaning in and just stared. His gaze drifted down my figure. He looked up and down until stopping at my lips.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked.

"What?" I asked, stunned.

"Why do all people hate me? Why? You have Kyle. I have no one, not even you. You told me you...but I didn't expect that you meant it anyway..."

"I-I’m…" I couldn’t think straight.

No! Don’t do it! It’ll provoke him! He’ll think it’s more! Don’t you dare!

I felt my arms reach around his neck.

Stop! Stop, you moron!

I stood on my toes and his arms wrapped around me.

You can still turn back! Just play mental!

I leaned forward, everything happening as if I could just stop whenever I wanted to. Wanted.

I’ll just kiss him for a second then pull back. I do want this…

My lips pressed his and I kept thinking One more second. Just one more second… but something came over me: he had played the guilt trick and I fell for it. My heart started beating wildly.

I must have finally fallen for you…

He walked me over to the bed still embracing me and still kissing me as he fell forward, making me fall with him. I realized—too late—what he was doing.

Why don’t I ever believe myself?

I felt a tug on my jeans and I pulled back. This was my room; my father didn't barge into there.

"No! Please, God, no!" I cried. He stared at me for a while.

"Will you leave me if I stop right now?" he asked sullenly.

"No! Oh, God, no! I won’t! Just please! No!" I pleaded. His hands left my jeans and he laced our fingers.

Great, I thought. Now all he has to do to make me do something is threaten to rape me!

"If you do—Promise me you won’t." He leaned in. I knew what he wanted: I kissed back. He pulled back and helped me up. "That’s a promise you will keep, got it?" I nodded. "Let’s go find Kyle."