She's a Lady

This is for DancingIn_TheRain's Band Member/Song contest.

I got the song She's a Lady by Forever The Sickest Kids and their lead singer Jonathan Cook.

I did the best I could do

Word count =
Chapter 1------- 261
Chapter 2------- 499
Chapter 3------- 254
Chapter 4------- 456
Chapter 5------- 772
Total------------ 2242



Nicholette Kellan
Nikki, Nichole
All the boyfriends she had treated her like shit. They didn't do anything to or for her. They just wanted her for her looks. She has changed them soon after the second guy did it. She has had about 2 or 3 more who did the same thing after she changed her style. This all ends when she meets Jonathan Cook. He helps her out and they fall in love with each other.

Jonathan Cook
John, Johnny
Is the lead singer of the band Forever The Sickest Kids. Doesn't like when girls are treated like shit. He gets really protective of them even if he doesn't know them. He will treat a girl with respect like she is a lady. When he meets Nicholette he ends her horrible life of boys who are jerks and they fall in love with each other.

Kyle Burns

Caleb Turman

Austin Bello

Kent Garrison

Marc Stewart

I'm not sure about the ages but I made them up so it works.
  1. Out with the guys
    Jonathan's Point of View
  2. Meeting FTSK after being dumped at work
    Nicholett's Point of View
  3. Scary Movies and Needs to Protect
    Jonathan's Point of View
  4. Night out with Jonathan
    Nicholett's Point of View
  5. I'm the happiest man alive
    Jonathan's Point of View