Simple Manipulation

Chapter Fifteen


...No reply from the sky...

Sasuke poked the fire with a stick then threw it in. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"I cannot for the life of me understand how you two can be okay with kidnapping us then feeding us out of a pot and wanting us to cooperate. If you really want my undying devotion to your cause you could occasionally treat me to a hotel room with a bed and breakfast. This only makes me want to behead you." Kohana ranted shaking a biscuit that Sasuke had given her as a snack.

Sasuke sincerely looked apologetic. "Ko-chan, as fugitives we can't waltz into every village we come across. Sometimes we have to do things like this."

Kohana shot him a disgusted glare. "Are you so brainwashed that you can't even think about the excuses you give now? Sasuke, do we even go into every village we come across? And those few times that we do, which are mind you very few, do we even sniff at a hotel? No. Do not make me kill you over something so simple as a nice, clean, comfortable bed."

You felt bad for both Kohana and Sasuke. "You both have a point." You looked over at Itachi, who had been standing behind you. "Maybe sometime soon we can compromise and stay in a hotel for a day or two?"

Itachi shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. I can't make promises."

Kohana didn't look at him. "Maybe I know who killed the Uchiha clan. Maybe I don't. It depends on where I sleep at night, Itachi-san."

Awkward silence followed. The tension between became intensely thick enough to cut with a knife. Sasuke swallowed hard, loud enough for you to hear over the cackle of the fire. "Well, the next village we come to, we'll spend a night in a hotel if it's safe to do so."


"Itachi, they're girls. They like simple things like an actual shower, sink, toliet, and bed. You can't think they'll be cooperative forever under conditions like this. Besides, I could use a night in a warm bed too. We're not animals."

"Not all of us anyway." Kohana added finishing her biscuit. Itachi started to say something but Kohana cut him off, directing a question to you. "(Y/n), have you realized that your aunt hasn't contacted you since your release? I've spent a little time searching for her. It's like she's disappeared off the face of the earth."

Sorrow filled you. "There's no telling where she went and it's been so long. I don't blame her. After the way the village treated me, I can't imagine what she had to endure."

Kohana turned to look at Itachi. "Do you hear that, Itachi? She hasn't seen her aunt since that night. Maybe you've run into her, since you've been travelling for so long?"

Itachi glared at her, his face dark and ominous in the glow of the fire. "I haven't."

"Are you sure?" Kohana pressed the issue. "You haven't heard anything or seen her? How weird is that?"

"Kohana..." Itachi lowered his voice to a whisper.

She ignored him. "Don't worry, (y/n), eventually the truth will come out and you'll find her. Who knows? Maybe whoever killed their family ran into your aunt that night."

You gasped. "Ko! Don't joke like that!"

She shrugged. "Be careful, (y/n). The truth is often spoken in jest."

" you really think she left on her own?" You looked at Kohana, searching for her honest opinion.

"Honestly? I know she didn't. Evidence suggests that much. She left a lot of personal items. Things one would need even just to get in their car."

You got quiet, an unidentifiable emotion causing your stomach to turn uneasily.

"Don't worry, (y/n)," Itachi spoke softly, putting a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, "things will get better soon."

This time Kohana didn't say anything.


...But she just keeps looking up...

You tossed and turned in your sleep, the conversation around the fire eating at your subconscious. But it was in your dreams where she found you.


You were in back in your old room, in your old house, laying on your bed. Itachi was peacefully asleep beside you.

'(Y/n), please...come here.'

You slipped out of the bed and followed the whispering voice. It sounded so familiar, but time had dulled the full memory of it. In the kitchen, you found your aunt sitting at the table, one hand propping her head up as the other tapped on the table.

'Yes?' You answered. She turned to look at you.

'It's been so long. I've been waiting on you to come home.'

'I went home. You weren't there. Everyone said you left so suddenly.'

'Did anyone say they saw me leave?' She asked pointedly. You shook your head. '(Y/n), you cannot believe everything you're told or overhear. Some things you need to find out for yourself.'

You nodded. 'I've missed you. When will you come home?'

There was rustling in the other room. She leaned over to look down the hall then looked you directly in the eye, speaking quietly, low enough for you to hear but not be overheard. 'Do not trust him, (y/n). You were raised better than this. Your parents cry for you more now than ever.'

'What? Why? What happened?'

She shook her head as if unable to answer. 'He's just not trustworthy. Get away while you still can.'

Before you could ask another question, a dark presence shadowed you. You turned around to find Itachi standing there, blood splattered all over his face and clothes, katana in hand.

'You should be asleep, (y/n).' He murmured in a hypnotic voice that seemed to paralyze you. He moved over to your aunt who sighed as if terribly bored and stood behind her. 'And you...have served your purpose.' Without any hesitation, he plunged the katana into her back in a downward angle, pinning her to the table. She was instantly dead, no question.

Your mouth didn't work. Your body didn't work. You couldn't run. You couldn't scream.

Blood leaked off of the table and pooled at her feet on the white tiled floor.

Itachi moved back over to you and planted a kiss on your lips. With his lips still touching yours, he smiled wickedly and whispered, 'You're next, my love.'

You sat up suddenly, panting hard as if someone had attempted to strangle you. An eerie feeling washed over you and you looked to your right, past Kohana and Sasuke's sleeping forms, at Itachi. He was sitting up, staring at you expectantly, Sharingan activated.

He looked like a demon, perched and ready to kill.

...She just keeps looking up now...