Simple Manipulation

Chapter Eighteen

"Simple Manipulation"
Characters: You and Itachi
Setting: Modern Day
Warnings: OOC-ness, AU


...Lost in the open his impatience..

The "vacation" ended abruptly. Early the next morning, as soon as the sun began to light the horizon, Itachi all but snatched you from the bed and ordered you to get dressed. Minutes later, all four of you stood outside the hotel, barely awake, as Itachi talked in a hushed, urgent tone.

"I've recovered a very vital piece of information last night while you were all sleeping." He paced back and forth in front of the remaining three of you, hands behind his back as he looked down at the ground. "Sasuke, a local here who owns a pub said he overheard a man bragging about taking out the Uchiha clan."

At this, Sasuke snapped to attention. "Where is he from?"

"I was told he lives in the outskirts of the village that's north of here."

Kohana rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. Itachi's gaze flickered red as he looked at her for a brief moment, but his attention remained focused on Sasuke. "Do you have a description, Itachi?"

Itachi nodded and pulled out a folded up piece of newspaper. He stood next to Sasuke and pointed at the man's picture. "That's him. He was recently in court here for assaulting a police officer."

Sasuke studied the man's picture. "Let's go talk to him."

"That's not all." Itachi put a hand on his little brother's shoulder, face showing concern. "He has a few friends. He went north and his friends went South."

Sasuke looked up from the newspaper to Itachi. "In order to catch them all, we'd have to split up."

Itachi nodded. "I can take (y/n)--"

"No." Kohana folded her arms. She was quiet for a moment before speaking. "Sasuke, you take (y/n) and go after the one guy. Itachi and I will deal with the others."

"Ko--" Both Itachi and Sasuke started but she held up her hand.

"Think about it. (Y/n) isn't too experienced with fighting. Itachi would have to compensate for that. Let her go with Sasuke where he only has one opponent." She looked down at her hand, figuring out the plan. "I will go with Itachi and the two of us can apprehend the suspects quickly. In the end, we'll all meet back here in the village."

Itachi didn't seem at all pleased but nodded. Sasuke stared at Kohana, eyes pleading with her to change her mind. Instead, he too nodded in agreement. You smiled. Kohana only wanted you to be safe from Itachi. You hugged her and whispered, "I'll be safe. I promise."

You felt her nod and let her go. She went over to Itachi. "Lead the way, O' Great One."

You went over to Sasuke and started to walk in the opposite direction with him. A few feet later, an icy chill passed up your spine, nearly causing your eyes to spill with tears. Instinctively, you turned around to find Itachi looking back at you over his shoulder, sporting the same cold, indifferent expression he had in the dream where he'd supposedly murdered your aunt. His eyes were red and the corners of his lips were curved upward. You stopped dead in your tracks, a scream stuck in your throat.

"(Y/n)?" Sasuke put an arm around you, blocking Itachi and Kohana from view. "What are you doing?"

You pushed his arm away, but Itachi and Kohana were nowhere in sight. 'Am I seeing things?' You shook your head and looked up at Sasuke. "N-nothing."

"Let's pick up the pace." Sasuke began to walk faster. "I want to catch up to this bastard."

You nodded, unable to speak or shake the feeling of dread.


Hours had passed. Kohana huffed. "Itachi, just how far is this village?"

"Not much further...why?" He looked at her over his shoulder.

"I...I need to take a potty break." She rubbed her tummy then added as an afterthought, "If you don't mind."

Itachi stopped. "Then, by all means, do so now before we find them."

"Thanks." She mumbled and tiptoed over to a tree and hid behind it. Minutes later, she emerged, looking a lot more awake.

"Why haven't you said anything?" Itachi asked.

"About what?" Kohana yawned. She continued on in the direction Itachi had pointed out.

"About us going to find these suspects. I thought you'd be a bit angry about it."

She shrugged. "I honestly don't care what you two decide to do anymore. I'd prefer not to be a part of it--like Sasuke swore he talked to you about--but all the same I don't care."

"But you know the truth."

His words stopped her. She turned around to face him. "Are you acknowledging it to be truth? A confession?"

He only stared at her.

She tilted her head slightly to the side, eyes narrowing a bit. "What are you really up to, Uchiha?"

"I want to know what you know, is all."

"As long as I don't tell anyone, what does it matter to you?"

"Eventually you would tell (y/n). Sasuke too. You three are the only ones who truly care about what happened to the Uchihas. You three are the only ones who would speak that same truth to the Hokage...who would have no problem sending the ANBU after me."

Kohana's body was perfectly still, so much that Itachi thought she had stopped breathing altogether. "So that's what this whole charade has been about. Your freedom? The village was perfectly fine with prosecuting (y/n) and didn't really bother to go after you...until I made a fuss about it. And want to make sure things are left as they are and untouched."

Itachi shrugged. "If you'd like to assume that's the case then fine. I want to know what you know."

Kohana's temper flared. "You slimy bastard." She gritted her teeth and balled her hands into fists. "She loved you. How could you--"

"Save it for someone who hasn't heard that song before, Ko-chan."

Hatred and anger surged through Kohana and blinded her with rage. She charged at him, determined to tear him apart with her bare hands.

Itachi only blinked. A soft chime sang through the air as Kohana stumbled back, clutching her throat. Her eyes were wide with confusion. She pulled her hand away and it was covered with blood. She tried to talk but it seemed that only increased the blood flow. If she didn't seek medical help soon, she would die. Fighting panic, she put her hand back on her throat and attempted to walk around Itachi.

"Poor Ko-chan," Itachi teased, "Who will save you now?"

Her vision blurred with tears and she made the mistake of looking down. Blood now coated the front of her clothes. Shock arrested her. "S-sasuke..."

"Sasuke is miles in the opposite direction by now, Kohana. There's no one here for you..." Itachi hissed and shoved his katana through her body, the tip of it pushing through her rib cage. He stood directly behind her, calmly pushed her hair away from her ear and leaned in to whisper. "You and Sasuke cannever leave because Sasuke will eventually remember the details of that night once his Sharingan surpasses mine. Once that happens, you would tell (y/n) and take her away from me. I plan to kill Sasuke...and you...before I lose her."

Kohana gasped for air and Itachi leaned back, firmly planting his foot in the small of her back, then shoved her off of his katana. Kohana fell down face first, one hand still at her throat, the other holding her abdomen.

Itachi looked down at her, watching her struggling to live.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now..." He raised the katana into the air and plunged it through her body again. Kohana cried out, making a sick, wet gurgling sound as if she were drowning. Itachi frowned, noticing that she was still alive, and snatched his weapon out of her body. "Fine. Die slowly. See if I care..."

He reached down and grabbed one of her ankles, dragging a dying Kohana along behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: I know how some of you feel about character deaths and I apologize deeply in advance. There's about four chapters after this one left in the story so I'm hoping everything goes smoothly and all questions are answered. Please comment and ask any questions you have so I can make sure they're answered.