Simple Manipulation

Chapter Nineteen


...Never feeling they would fall apart...

Sasuke kept muttering to himself that he couldn't sense anyone in the dense woods and that there weren't even any tracks to follow. As dusk approached, he decided to go back to the hotel and wait for them to return.

"Sasuke, it's getting dark. How long does it take to fight a group of thugs?" You looked at Sasuke. His jaw twitched but he said nothing. "Do you think Ko tried to get away?"

He blinked in surprise. "She wouldn't..." But he left it at that.

"Sasuke?" You fingered the hem of your shirt.

"Yeah." He didn't turn from the window.

"I had a nightmare a few nights ago...that felt very real." You paused, unsure if you should go on.

"Tell me about it." He moved to sit in the chair next to him, putting his head down on the table.

"My aunt warned me to get away from Itachi...right before he killed her." You lifted your eyes, startled that he was sitting upright and staring at you. His eyes flickered red. You didn't know that Sasuke had it too.

He frowned suddenly. "Wait. Come here." He crossed the room to you in two steps and held you by your chin. He forced you to be still as his Sharingan activated. Suddenly, memories played in your head against your will.

"Sasuke!" You gasped but he didn't let go. Your nightmare replayed followed by the night of the murders. Then random times when Itachi had his Sharingan activated. Then pain as an incredible headache exploded inside your head. You pushed Sasuke away as tears fell, holding your head firmly.

Sasuke didn't say a word.

"What's wrong with (y/n)?"

You turned your head slightly to see Itachi staring at Sasuke.

"She said she had a nightmare. I asked her to tell me about it." Lie by omission. Sasuke would never lie to Itachi before...You decided to play along.

"Why is she crying?"

You took a deep breath and tried to speak calmly. "M-my aunt was killed."

Awkward silence followed until Sasuke spoke.

"Where is she?" His hands made tight fists at his sides.

"She got away from me." Itachi shook his head. "I should have known better. Right in the middle of the fight, she took off. I was going to follow her but the men we went after were actually competent fighters."

You tilted your head to the side in confusion. "She managed to get away from you? No way."

Itachi turned his attention to you. "I know it seems unlikely...but I was fairly certain that these men were the ones who murdered our family. I think it was an ordered hi--"

"Which way did she go?" Sasuke made sure his katana and kunai were strapped securely in place.

"Northeast. Are you going--"

"Of course. We'll meet you back here." He didn't hesitate. It felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on your head as you watched him head for the door.

"N-no. I want to go with Sasuke." You looked at Itachi. "Why can't we help him search for her?"

Itachi stared the door, trying to come up with something to say. You grabbed his sleeve and shook his arm to get his attention. "(Y/n), he said he'll bring her back. I trust him."

"I do too, but--"

"But nothing. He can do it alone." He looked into your eyes, Sharingan blazing. You forced yourself to look away, defeated. "What's the matter?"

"I just feel like I should go with Sasuke." You hugged yourself tightly. "I hope she's okay. Maybe she hurt herself running away from you...or worse she--"

"Don't work yourself up." He put an arm around your shoulders and guided you toward the door. It seemed as if he had just come from the north pole, his body held little heat.

"Sir?" The hotel clerk waved at Itachi, beckoning him over as he shuffled down the hallway. Itachi didn't budge so the man continued speaking. "Do you plan to pay for the rooms for another night?"

Itachi made a sound and reached into his pocket. "Just for room 109 for the next three nights."

"What? But Ko and Sas--" Itachi cut you off with an icy glare as he handed the clerk the money. He promptly returned to your side and ushered you to your room.

"We don't know when they'll return so it makes no sense to waste money. When--or if--they return, then we'll pay for a room for them." You didn't like it, but it made sense. Even Kohana would have agreed. "We can use the extra money to order room service. I'm sure you'd like breakfast in bed."

That idea cheered you up a little. You gave him a small smile. "An omelet with hash browns would be wonderful."



...She let her feelings grow...

You took a quick shower and changed clothes then watched TV while Itachi did the same. "I think we should talk." Itachi came into the room with nothing more than a white towel around his naked waist and another draped over his wet head. You looked at him, face frozen in shock.


"Us. And our future." He gave a sly smirk as he laid down on the bed on his stomach and rubbed your thigh with his index finger.

"Well, what about it?" Of all the things you ever imagined coming out of his mouth, this surely wasn't one.

"I talked to Sasuke this morning...and he said that he wanted to move on. He wanted to forget the past." He studied your face before allowing his lips to form an unsure smile. "I-I know it may seem weird...but I like to think he had a point. We can't bring back our family chasing the past. He said...he said I owe it to you..." He took your hand and kissed the back of it. " settle down...marry you...start a family." He looked up at you. "I want to know what you think of it."

Your mouth dried right up. "B-but why?"

He shrugged. "It seemed like a good idea. We could go somewhere...and be happy."

"Just like that? On the drop of a dime?"

He nodded. "I don't think they'll come back, (y/n)." He sat up and leaned closer to you, leaving little space between your faces. "Would you come back to me if you got away?"

'No.' You swallowed hard and tried to speak but your lips refused to move. You settled on a shrug.

"I understand." He nodded a little then leaned forward and kissed you, allowing his lips to linger on yours. "I guess you've finally opened your eyes."

Before you could ask what he meant, his body covered yours and the towels were tossed away. He took his time undressing you, kissing very tender areas along the way, until you were naked too. "I-itachi--"

He silenced you with a kiss. "Just give me this one moment...please?"

The way he said it, the need in his voice, was new to you. It didn't sound sex driven. It was...emotional. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him close. If even for just one moment, you could pretend that things were back to normal--as normal as they could be--back before it all went to hell. He put your legs around his waist and slowly entered you. Even the sex seemed different, more intimate. He wasn't controlling like he usually was. You enjoyed it so much more because of that. Maybe you could try...start over from scratch...just you and him.

~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ tears she'll never show now......

Sleep claimed you shortly after...


You heard the familiar voice echo and looked around. A meadow. A beautiful meadow that glowed with a setting sun. A warm breeze caressed your skin causing the tall grass to sway. It was so...peaceful.


You turned your head towards the voice and found Kohana standing there, wearing an all white sundress, smiling. 'Ko!'

She held out her arms and you ran to her, hugging her tightly. '(Y/n.)'

'Where are you? Itachi said you ran away from him during--'

She put a finger on your lips. 'Listen to me. He lied. I'm never coming back to you.'

Your shoulders slumped as tears filled your eyes. The way she said it... 'Why not?'

Her lips quivered as tears filled her eyes too. 'It's so simple yet complicated. I have something so important to tell you that I can't answer that. You won't listen to me then.'

You started to open your mouth and argue but she cut you off.

'(Y/n), I have proof that Itachi killed his family.'

You froze. 'What do you mean proof? Why wait until now--'

The wind blew harder and the sky began to slowly darken. 'After you were released from prison, I kept investigating. I found a lot of information relating to Itachi and, ultimately, I proved that he did commit the murders.'

You shook your head. 'No...Cookie, he wants to start over. He wants to settle down and move--'

'He killed your aunt.' She whispered, but it seemed like she had yelled it the way it stopped you cold.

'W-what?' Your voice dropped to a ragged whisper.

She only nodded. 'Tsunade refused to let me tell you we found her body...she had been attacked with the same weapon that killed the Uchihas...the same weapon that we eventually recovered with Itachi's fingerprints on them. Her time of death was estimated to have been an hour before his family's. He killed your alibi.'

You couldn't move. You felt like a statue, everything suddenly as heavy as stone.

'I tried to tell you all along...He told you the truth. I don't know why, but that night...he told you the truth when you asked.' She took a step forward and put her hands on your shoulders. Warmth and peace radiated from them causing you to calm down long enough to focus on her words. 'I know Sasuke has left so that means you'll have to protect yourself until he comes back. Stay alive long enough for him to come back to protect you. In my bag is a manila folder. It has very important papers and a journal that Itachi cannot find. Take it and hide it until you can put it in Sasuke's hands. He'll know what to do then.'

You nodded, face drenched in tears. 'Why does it feel like you're about to say goodbye forever?'

Her shoulders slumped. 'Because I am. I've found peace where I am so there's reason to come back.'

'Where did you go?'

She pulled you into a tight hug and whispered into your ear. 'He's watching you.'

With a jolt you woke up, skin ice cold and covered with goosebumps. You shivered and looked up to find Itachi sitting by the window with the moonlight washing over him...and his Sharingan fixed on you.
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;) More coming soon.