Simple Manipulation

Chapter Two

"Simple Manipulation"
Characters: You and Itachi
Setting: Modern Day
Warnings: OOC-ness, Semi-AU

Not much happened in the first chapter huh? ^.^ This should make up for it. Thanks for the encouragement you all. *glomp* Keep them coming.

For those wondering, here's some facts on this new little universe. One: There are two types of schools--regular and military (ninja). Currently everyone in the story attends regular school. Two: You're seventeen years old. You'll find out later why I can't allow you to be any younger than that. Three: You live with your aunt. It's explained in this chapter briefly but I don't want to really go into it as it would take away from the chapter. Four: Since this is more modern times, all gadgets are available. (Yes this includes cellphones and iPods since I can't live without either.)

Hmm...that's all for now. Enjoy!


You had difficulty falling asleep that night. You tossed and turned, unable to sit still long enough to allow sleep to catch up to you. Your legs tingled and itched to move, driving you crazy. Then it felt so humid. You opened your window to allow the night air to cool the room down but...

"This is ridiculous." You sighed irritably, kicked the blanket off, and sat up. Nothing felt right. Ever since you came home, everything felt out of place. Your aunt, whom had taken you in after the death of your parents six months prior, had been in the kitchen actually cooking instead of waiting to dicuss the night's take out options. Since you missed your last class, English and Composition with Ebisu-sensei, you didn't have any homework to do. The TV did little to take your mind off of Itachi so you resorted to laying on your bed. It was just your luck that you fell asleep and your aunt chose not to wake you up until three hours later.

Again, the kiss flashed in your mind and as a result your lips tingled in response. You shook your head physically while trying to ride yourself of the images. You could almost hear Itachi's even, smug voice in your ear telling you not to fight it. Your neck stung as a reminder of the bite he'd given you and your stomach twitched in response to the ghost touch of his hand making its way down to your--

"No! Stop!" You whimpered and fell back on the bed. Your eyes watered as a strong thobbing need began to pulse faintly between your legs and became slightly more intense with each passing minute.

'Go to Itachi...' A tiny voice in your head whispered. That would be insane to do...You looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. Even though you often did leave the house in the middle of the night and go over to your best friend's house...No. You wouldn't do such a thing. To lie to your aunt whom loved you and trusted were a good girl...

But what could Itachi possibly do beside make this sensation worse? You opened and closed your eyes several times before sitting up again. After taking in a few deep breaths, you drew your knees up to your chest and hugged them. You sipped the cool air, slightly panting as phantom caresses explored your skin. You shivered and hugged your knees tighter. Your eyes settled on your shoes by your bedroom door...


Itachi has his TV on, volume turned down low, as he surfed for something to watch wearing a plain white t-shirt and his black and red boxers. It was now 2:18 a.m.. He was busy trying to decide which cartoon to watch when he heard a faint tapping on his window. He smirked. It took a little longer than he had orginally calculated but nonetheless.

The curtain pulled back and Itachi looked down at you. You only had on a white baby tee and blue jean shorts, hopping back and forth from foot to foot, shivering in the cool night air. He thought about teasing you but decided against it. There was no way of telling if you had been smart enough to make sure no one saw you. He yanked the window open.

"Come on." He whispered jumping out of the window. He lifted you up by your waist and you climbed inside. Once you moved out of the way, he jumped back inside and closed the window. When he turned around, you were standing perfectly still, staring down at your feet. He sighed quietly and returned back to his spot on the bed. "So...why are you here?"

You brought your eyes slowly up to his and mumbled, "I'm not sure."

Even with his finely tuned ears, he barely heard you. He muted the TV with the remote and leaned forward. "What?"

"I'm not sure." You bit your bottom lip nervously.

He stared at you, seemingly unresponsive to what he had heard. "...You're not sure?"

You shook your head.

"It's after two in the morning and you're standing in my bedroom. I don't believe you're here for tutoring, (y/n)." His lips curved slightly at the corners as he rolled over onto his stomach and faced you, watching you closely.

"Right." You muttered. Somewhere in between him touching you to lift you up to his window and seeing him lay down on his'd totally forgotten what convinced you to come over. You backed up to the window. "I'll just go."

You turned and quickly raised the window. "Oh, no you don't." An arm wrapped tightly around your waist as the other gently pulled the window back down. His lips grazed your ear; his breath causing you to tremble. "You came all this way...just to go back? I'm sure there's a reason you came...something I can help you with."

With his body pressed so tightly against the back of your own...that familiar yearning came back to you. Your voice faltered slightly as you whispered without looking back at him, "I-I...what did you do to me earlier?"

His eyebrow twitched with interest before he slowly turned you to face him. "Hm?"

"Ever since I left your house...I've been feeling...strange. I-I...want to know...what you did, Itachi."

He nodding with understanding. "So you just want me to do it again?"

You started to nod but caught yourself. "What?!"

"You just want me to kiss you again." He shrugged. "All you had to do was ask."

You shook your head. "No, I--"

His warm lips attacked yours and effectively shut you up. Having had expecting your retort, he knew he could catch you with your mouth open, providing him instant access to your tongue. One hand held the back of your neck as his tongure explored your mouth. The tipe of his experienced tongue deliberately grazed the roof of your mouth, sending a shockwave through your body and all of your nerves seemed to come alive at once. You tried to pull away but you couldn't, being pinned between him and the window. Your hand found his jaw and managed to push him back, ending the kiss.

"Itachi." You looked directly into his blazing red eyes.

He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours. "Yes?"

"What...what are you doing?"

He had to admit he wasn't prepared for that question...but he didn't care. The first kiss had been deliberate, merely his own means of testing your limits. But this one...was so much more than that. Being with you did something to him...he wanted more than you were offering. He needed more of you to satisfy the craving the first kiss had awakened...His hands moved on their own, lifting you up into his arms and he carried you over to his bed.

"Itachi?" There was a bit of panic in your voice and he felt your fingertips once again digging into his skin. You were afraid...of the unknown. He laid you down on the bed gently and gently laid down on top of you. "Itachi, wait--"

"Ssh." He murmured, voice teasingly seductive. His index finger traced your lips, gently trying to pry them open. Finally you gave in and he slid the digit inside of your mouth. He felt the texture of your tongue rub against the pad of his finger and fought to keep his control. Seeing him shut his eyes and exhale slowly interested you. You closed your mouth and gave his finger one gentle suck. He eyes opened again and he stared down at you. "What are you doing?"

You didn't reply. You only responded with another suckle, this one a little harder and lasting a second or two longer. He closed his eyes again and a soft sigh escaped his lips. He finally pulled his finger out of your mouth with a quiet wet pop. You waited until he looked at you. "Itachi."

He noted how this time his name wasn't posed in the form of a question or protest...but a plea. He shifted his weight and his left thigh was suddenly pressed up against your sex. You flinched at the sudden contact but was confused as to why he would do it...and why it didn't hurt. One of his hands slid under your shirt, making its way up to your right breast. With both hands you grabbed his wrist and pulled away. However, he was more stronger than you physically and your will to stop him...and his hand enclosed on its target. You opened your mouth to respond but once again he caught you in a kiss. His tongue brushed up against yours as his hand gently squeezed your breast. When he was sure you'd gotten his message to be quiet, he pulled away and continued to squeeze...release...squeeze...release...squeeze. Your gasps for air became choppy as you squirmed against him. He smirked when he looked down and felt you unconsciously grinding and humping his thigh.

"Itachi." You whispered more urgently and he removed his hand to hold you still.


Words failed you. You didn't know what to tell him...

But he knew what you wanted to say. He knew what your body was feeling and going through...and he fully intended to make you feel better before the sun rose.

He sat up. The sudden loss of his body heat made you shiver and you sat up, attempting to find his warmth again. Lips grazed your neck as you filled his arms and he filled yours. He had to sit indian style in order to allow you to sit and wrap your legs around his waist. The light from the TV made his facial features nearly impossible to see...but those red eyes burned brightly. A hand pulled your hair, causing your head to tilt back sharply as his mouth closed in on the front of your throat. You wanted to moan but a nice reminder told you not to. Instead, only a sharp inhale was heard. His hand released your hair and you felt the hem of your shirt shift and slowly rise upwards.

His mouth abandoned your neck. "Hold on." He whispered huskily as he tried to tug the shirt off over your head. You obediently rose your arms up and allowed him to do so. The shirt flew over the edge of the bed and landed next to your shoes over by the window...

Itachi bit the inside of his bottom lip as he stared at your bra. 'Whoever made these stupid things should be brutally murdered...'

"The clasp is in the back." You answered his mental question. You tried to move out of his lap but he pulled you close to him.

"Don't insult me....I can get it." He muttered as his hands moved around you. Less than five seconds passed before the bra fell off...setting a world record for men everywhere.

The cool air caused goosebumps to appear on your arms. He looked down at your breasts before taking one into each hand and and massaging them gently.

"Itachi!" You gasped and put your hands on his shoulders.

He frowned slightly. It was now three in the morning. You both had to be in school in the morning...unfortunately he would have to skip foreplay...this time.

He pushed you back and unbuttoned your shorts.

"Itachi...what are you--"

He cut you off with a hungry glare. "You know what I'm doing."

You didn't say a word as you felt the denim fabric being pulled over your hips and off of your legs. Then your delicate panties followed. Itachi eyed the delicate flesh that was your womanhood and smirked. You clamped your legs shut and looked away. "Why are you staring?"

Itachi closed his eyes and leaned forward until his body laid on yours. "Admiring you. It's not everyday I get to see you completely nude. I was merely saving the image with my Sharingan for later...when you aren't here to fill my arms."

You closed your eyes and blushed horribly. "Is that a compliment?"

He didn't answer and instead pressed his lips against the inside of your thigh. "I don't have time to linger here...but I do still want you to know the sensation..." He murmured against your skin. You bit your lip to keep from making a sound as he moved up slowly, planting firm soft kisses against your feverish skin. You squirmed and tugged at his shirt.


He chuckled softly. "Impatient, aren't we?"

His firm chest pressed against yours as his finger tips traced up your sides. He wanted to ask if you had done this before. However, stopping to ask questions would only take away time...could possibly ruin your willingness to comply. He reached over and pulled a condom from the drawer and held it up in the soft glow of the TV for you to see. You nodded with understanding. "Okay."

"Do you want the TV on or off?" He whispered against your ear.

"Off." You murmured.

He reached around you both and found the remote, quickly clicking it off. Darkness filled the room. Your eyes struggled to adjust to the light and make out Itachi's face.

Itachi saw the worry in your eyes and rubbed the back of his knuckles against your warm cheek. "Don't be afraid."

You only saw the glow of Itachi's red eyes and suddenly realized he always had them activated around you...

His hands pinned yours above your head as he stared deeply into your eyes. Like a light, the red was shut off.

"Ita--" A kiss swallowed the rest of his name and you felt a stiff erection press into your thigh. His kiss was deeper, more urgent. His hips moved jerkily as he moved against you. You spread your legs a little farther apart in an attempt to get him closer to you as you kissed back, trying to return the fierceness of his electrifying kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss and began to kiss the side of your face, moving to your neck as one hand reached down and separated your folds. You gasped and clung to him as the sensation of being touched in such a sensitive place washed over you. He pressed the finger inside of you and felt you arch against him. He worked his long finger in...and out...rewarded by your pants and soft whimpers of pleasure.

He suddenly stopped. You opened your eyes. "Why did you stop?"

"You're so wet..."

Suddenly his black comforter covered you both. He moved your legs and you felt something being pressed against your opening. His hand covered you mouth as he pushed inside of you. Your cry was muffled and he whispered apologies into your ear. He didn't mean to be so rough...but there was no time to be gentle. He pulled back and pushed inside again causing you to cry out once more. When he pulled back the third time, your liquid pleasure had fully coated the condom and made it more pleasureable for you. His hands cradled your head as he started his smooth rhythm, pushing in as deep as he could get without hurting you, then pulling out as far as possible only leaving the tip inside....then ramming back in.

A full ten minutes passed before your body caved into the goodness and you orgasmed hard, clinging to him as he guided you over the edge....

He panted slightly as his hair matted to the side of his face due to the light perspiration from the temperature increase in the room. You huffed and closed your eyes. "What now?"

Itachi grimaced at the question and promptly pulled out of you. "I don't know." He laid down next to you and stared at the ceiling.

You sat up and looked around for your clothes. "Then I'll leave."

The sudden absence of heat made him unconsciously made him pull you back down beside him and into his arms. "No. You can stay until the morning..."

You could hear him getting sleepy. "Itachi...did know--"

"Yes." He cut you off. He turned his head slightly and looked at you. "Thank you for asking."

You didn't know where to put your head, on his chest or arm, so you settled for his shoulder. You smiled to yourself when you realized that his deodorant smelled strongly of spices. You inhaled deeply and he moved slightly.

"Thank you for taking an interest in my deodorant."

You blushed. "What kind is it?"

"Old Spice."

"Oh." You murmured as sleep began to claim you.

"Will your aunt mind you staying here?"

You sat up and looked around, clutching the cover to your chest. "I need to make a phone call."

"For what?" He looked at you.

You looked down at your hands. "To make up a cover for me. My best friend, Kohana, will cover for me. I usually sneak out of the house at night to go to hers and my aunt is perfectly okay with it."

He nodded and handed you a black cordless phone sitting on his bedside dresser. You dialed the number quickly. It rang nearly four times and you anticipated hearing the voicemail.

"Hello?" A groggy light voice whispered.


It was nearly a full minute before a reply came. "(Y/n)."

"Yeah. Do you...mind covering for me when my aunt calls you in the morning to see if I'm there?"

Again another minute passed. "Sure."

You sighed with relief. "Thank you!" You giggled. "You can go back to sleep now. I'll call you in the morning and tell you when to leave so we can walk past my house together."

"Right." The line disconnected and you sighed.

"So I just go back over to my house after my aunt has called Kohana and left for work then I go home and pick up some fresh clothes." You counted off on your fingers. He closed his eyes and pulled you back down beside him.

"Now sleep." He whispered. As if on cue your lids got heavy and you fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh I hope this was satisfying. I didn't want to go too far for your first time since there are many more to come. As for Kohana being your best friend...>.> well I had to do something to make up for Itachi showing interest in someone else...I shall settle for being the comical relief in this story...Yay.