Simple Manipulation

Chapter Twenty


...She wants to fall in love again...

"Another bad dream?" Itachi's expression was blank, showing no real concern.

You shook your head. "No...I just felt really cold...why are you staring at me and not sleeping?"

He shrugged. "Something woke me up."

You nodded. "Oh."

He stood up. "I need to run to the store. I'll be back. Stay here."

You looked at the clock on the nightstand. "At two in the morning? It can't wait?"

"I was going to go buy some sleeping pills. I need some rest if we plan to travel soon."

It was at that moment you fully appreciated the darkness. You didn't want him to fully see the shock on your face. "O-okay."

When the door closed behind him, you crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash water on your face. Kohana had said to stay safe until Sasuke came back...but how would he find you if you left the village? You would have to stall. 'The folder!' You peeked out of the hotel room and checked the hall. Empty. You shut it back and double locked the door. Even Itachi wouldn't be able to get in. You pulled Kohana's satchel out from under the bed and went through it. Nothing. You checked again. Still not there. 'Did Itachi get it already?' You panicked. Your fingernail caught the corner of something hard. "Hm?" You touched the inside of the bag and felt a firm surface underneath the material. You took a kunai knife and picked at the seams until the folder was free enough for you to take it out. Sitting there on the floor facing the window, using the moonlight as reading light, you went through the contents of the folder. Kohana had told the truth. Itachi's military records, forbidden files from the Hokage's office, witness statements, maps with circled locations...A report from ANBU intel that the Uchihas were spying on and plotting to overthrow the Hokage and that Shisui Uchiha had been found murdered. Every single thing implicated Itachi. You picked up the thin journal. It was filled with Kohana's handwriting, each entry dated. Tears filled your eyes. She had tried to tell you all along.


...Don't you know that he's satisfied to own her...

You heard the door's key card lock click and the failed attempt to open it. "Give me a minute." You called out, shoving everything back into the back except the folder, opting to hide that between the mattress and bed frame. You dashed across the room and took the locks off of the door.

Itachi pushed past you, scanning the room. "Why did you lock the door?"

You shrugged, moving back to the bed. "You said not to go anywhere...and I wanted to know when you got back." You tried to sound suspicious as you eyed him carefully.

He rolled his eyes and held up the box of sleeping pills. "I didn't go anywhere else but to the store."

You pressed your lips together then sighed. "Okay, okay." You laid down on the bed and pulled the covers over you. A few minutes passed before he spoke.

"Where is the journal?"

You froze, unable to draw in another breath.



"Where is Kohana's journal?"

You bit your lip. "I hid it. She left instructions to give it to Sasuke."

"Why hide it?" He sounded perplexed. "May I see it? Did she leave notes about who possibly murdered our family?"

You swallowed. "I didn't really read all of it. What I did read only mentioned my whereabouts of the night. It must have been what she used to get me out of prison."

You felt the weight of the bed shift as he sat behind you and rubbed your arm. "Let me see it, (y/n)."

Your mind raced to figure out a way out of this. "Itachi?"

"Yes?" He sounded so innocent.

"H-how do you know about her journal?"


Tense, awkward, deadly silence. His hand gripped your arm tightly enough to hurt then he got up suddenly and went into the bathroom. You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in. Minutes passed and the only thing heard in the room was the gentle ticking of the clock that sat on the nightstand. You forced yourself to relax so that you could fall asleep.

When you woke again, the sun hadn't risen yet the sky was beginning to light up with early dawn. Itachi sat across the room (facing the side of the bed where you had hidden the folder) staring at you. "You're awake. We should get going as soon as you can get ready."

You didn't move, instinct refusing to allow you to look him in the eye. "Why so early?"

"I bought us a house a few miles from this village. I figured you'd like to live in a cute little cottage instead of a hotel." His voice held amusement...and something else.

"Okay. So we'd be able to shop here. But what about being seen or recognized?"

"We won't have to worry about that." The chair groaned with relief as he stood up. "Get dressed."

"What about Sasuke? How will he find us?"

There was an awful pregnant pause before he replied. "What about Kohana? Isn't he supposed to bring her back?"

"I-I thought about what you said. About her not wanting to come back. I figure she'd disappear for a while...come out of hiding when she thought you two had given up on her...then maybe come back for me."

"So you don't think Sasuke could find her?"

"Not if she didn't want to be found." You pulled on a pair of jeans and a solid t-shirt Itachi had bought you a few days back. "I could see him coming back empty handed."

"Well, then we'll leave the room for him to come back to with directions to the house."

You nodded. "Sounds fair." He put his cloak around your shoulders. "Wha--?"

"It's cold outside. Last night's rain made the air cool and moist. Not to mention the fog that settled right in after it. I don't want to lose you in the fog."

You only nodded as he guided you to the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
*has goosebumps* More to come...