Simple Manipulation

Chapter Six


"She was a queen...Lost within a dream...Misconceived that he was fit to reign..."


You woke with a start, seeing the final image flash in your mind. You rubbed the spot over your heart and sighed, falling back on the bed. 'No'. You thought. 'He wouldn't do that. Itachi wouldn't--' The thought wasn't completed due to the sad realization that your bed was empty. You rolled over on your side and rubbed a hand over the sheets. Cold. He'd been gone for a while then. You sighed and sat up. You didn't really expect him to be there when you woke up...but part of you needed him more than ever.

Outside the sky was dark as rain violently drenched the earth. You sighed again. Usually such rain didn't bother you but now it felt as if everything had gotten chaotic, falling apart and being consumed in its own personal hell.

...and it felt like had started with you and Itachi.

The day melted away slowly...and so did the first week of no Kohana. Before you knew it, only a week of school lasted. Usually you would have been thrilled with this, but having learned that the military ninja academy Kohana had been sent to was year round, thus giving her no summer vacation like you, there was no point in celebrating. It had been nearly two months since she had been allowed to talk to you.

The last bell rung and you quietly gathered your belongings. A hand landed on your shoulder and held you firmly in place. You looked up to find Itachi's impassive eyes looking down at you. "I knew you weren't going to wait for me."

You fought a smile. "I'm sorry. I got lost in my thoughts."

"You always do." He moved to your side, prompting you to walk alongside him. "I was thinking about it. We could walk Kohana to school tonight."

"We?" You looked at him in shock. You never thought he was fond of her.

"Yes. We." He looked at you, opening a door and holding it open for you. "I never said I couldn't tolerate her, (y/n). Besides, I think you'd be a bit more cheerful if we walked her to school from now on. During the summer we could talk her mother into allowing her have friends over during the day and then walk her to school in the evenings. It would be good for both you and her."


His arm went around your shoulders. "Shikamaru and Neji tell me that she isn't herself. It's obvious she's taking this just as hard as you are. She's not making good grades...except in training. She's a natural fighter. It took her a month or two but she's finally got the hang of controlling her chakra--"

"Have you been keeping an eye on her?" You eyed him suspiciously.

His expression was priceless. Uncomfortable. Embarrassed. Unprepared. "Er...well...."

You threw your arms around his waist and smiled, hugging him tightly. "You're so sweet!"

He resisted the urge to deny such an absurd idea and push you away. "I-I only did it for you. I knew you'd worry and--"

"Thank you."

He shut up and rubbed the top of your head. "What was I supposed to do? Seeing you so miserable wasn't exactly easy for me to stomach, you know."

It was he who knocked on her front door. He was the one who sweet talked Kohana's mother (using his charm and good looks) into allowing Kohana to hang out again. He was the King of your universe when Kohana dived on you, nearly in tears, hugging you tightly while blabbering incoherently about how much she missed you.

"Who knew the weasel had a heart?" She joked walking with you with her arm around your shoulders, just like she used to. Your smile was so huge that your cheeks hurt but you didn't care. You felt complete again. Happy.

Itachi chose to ignore the comment. "It would take a completely cold hearted person to allow (y/n) to continue to be so...hollow."

You looked at him. "Did it bother you that much?"

'Of course it did. There's no fun in manipulating you into doing things when your heart is in such turmoil.' "Yes. It was actually heart-breaking. Even Sakura and Ino were trying to cheer you up...but you didn't notice that."

Kohana smiled. "They actually stood up for you that day."

You nodded. "Yeah. I haven't forgotten."

Three of you walked all the way to the school, you and Kohana making up the most of the conversation. Itachi had walked along behind you, hands in his pockets, half listening to the conversation when he felt a familiar prescence. He looked up to see his dad leaning against the school's gate, arms folded.



Itachi watched you bid Kohana farewell then promise to come back later and walk her home. Although you attempted to wait for him, he had to wave you off. Your shoulders slumped for a second but you nodded with understanding and went back home.

"Why do you affiliate yourself with her?" Fugaku muttered to him. "She has no real future....she is not worthy of you."

"What does it matter to you?" Itachi fired back, yet the level of his voice didn't raise above a whisper.

Fugaku ignored his response. "She has no useful skills as a ninja. I doubt she's any good as a house wife. She's plain..." He shook his head. "She's not suitable, Itachi."

"Who said I planned to marry?" Itachi lifted his empty, coal black gaze to his father's. "You assume more than you should, Father."

The elder nodded with a twisted smirk. "Have you seen Shisui lately....Itachi?"

Itachi's expression remained lifeless, devoid of any indication that he had even heard the man speak. He blinked slowly. "Isn't he on some mission?"


"I haven't seen him lately."

"...Even though you two are so close?"

"...We used to be close. Until he went to the Academy." Itachi turned to walk away. "If the Academy can't keep up with its students I truly see no point in me attending." His lips curled into a wry smile. "I surely don't want to end up 'lost'."

Fugaku didn't move nor did his expression change. "I hope there's no evidence of foul play to be found...Itachi-san. Also," he lowered his voice to a whisper that only Itachi's sensitive ears could hear, "I hope that you have no desire to cross that line with your female friend."

Itachi froze but immediately relaxed, turned around to face his father once more. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to provoke me."

"And you'd be absolutely right." He shrugged and finally stood straight, arms still folded across his chest. "What fun is there in having information and keeping it to yourself, eh, Itachi? See you at home."

Itachi stood still for several minutes thinking of his options. He shoved his hands into his pockets and bit his lip, finally heading for home.


It was like de ja vu to him hearing the quiet tap on his window that night. The same exact motions were made to get you inside his bedroom through the window. However, this time you sat on his bed and watched TV with him. "Hi, Itachi."

"Hi, (y/n)." Itachi murmured laying back down on his bed so he could see the TV and steal glances at you as well.

"I wanted to thank you...for what you did today." You whispered not taking your eyes off the TV screen. In the soft light, your skin had an angelic glow. "You didn't have to...despite what you said. I-I honestly feel a lot better having seen and talked to Ko-chan. I don't know how to thank to repay you for that."

Itachi smirked as he reached over and trailed a finger up your arm. "Don't worry...when the time comes, you'll repay me without even really thinking about it."

You smiled at this thought and laid down facing him, pulling a pillow under your head. "Itachi, your father didn't seem to happy about you talking to some--"

"Don't worry about him." Itachi shushed you putting a finger on your lips. "Let me handle him. It's none of his business and I intend to drill that into his head."

"If it's that much of a probl--"

"If it were a problem that I couldn't handle do you think you'd be here? Honestly?" Itachi countered. "You're here because I want you to be. You'll stay here because I want you to stay. Understand? I could care less for his opinions..."

You nodded and dropped the subject. About a hour went by before Itachi moved, getting up to find the remote to the TV and turning it off.

"Itachi?" You whispered to the darkness yet received no reply. "Oof!"

Itachi chuckled as his body covered yours after having suddenly dived on you. "You really should work on some sort of ninja skills. I was standing over you this whole time."


"....Not everything I do has a purpose, (y/n)." His lips brushed over your neck slowly making their way to yours for a deep, slow kiss. "Not everything I do is automatically understood either."


Soon clothes were shed and tossed aside without second thoughts. Itachi attempted to kiss you between your legs but you freaked out, caught off guard not knowing what he was trying to do. It was then Itachi realized how inexperienced you were and that the first time meant more to you than he had originally thought. It took him only two minutes to decide to repeat the first time you two had had sex, this time prolonging every moment since he had more time to do so. You seemed to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate his slow pace and deep strokes, even climaxing a few times.

He held you close as you drifted off to sleep, mentally battling the sense of danger that threatened to ruin the moment until he, too, fell asleep.