Simple Manipulation

Chapter Nine


...Lies take victims...separate them at the seams...

You didn't think you'd regret your argument with Kohana as much as you did. You realized just how much your life centered around your interaction with her and Itachi within the first twenty-four hours of not speaking to either of them. You tried to catch up to Sasuke, but it seemed that he too was pissed at you for some unknown reason. A month went by and soon it was near the end of September, and autumn had fully settled in.

It was a late friday night. You sat on your bed with the lamp on, reading a book for your english class that you'd be quizzed over when you returned on Monday. It seemed that the words went in one ear and out the other, resulting in you having to re-read some chapters or paragraphs. Finally you threw the book down onto the floor, holding your head as you fought tears. You didn't mean most of the things you'd said to Kohana, especially the part about not asking her to be your sister. You resolved to at least try to talk to her sometime the next day. As for Itachi, you realized that Kohana had a point. Until it was proved whether or not Itachi was doing something illegal or not, you should stay away from him to avoid the chances of being grouped with him. It felt like you were betraying him, but you had to have some sense of self-preservation.

You looked out your window and saw the full moon high in the dark night sky. You remembered that Itachi once said he liked the moon when it was full. He said that it was like the moon was a flashlight for those left in the dark at night. You closed your eyes and sighed. It hurt to not be able to talk to him.

There was a brief scratching sound at the window. "Hm?" Suddenly there was a piece of paper flapping in the wind. "What?" You got up and carefully opened the window, having to lean out of the window to catch the paper before it flew away. It had your name printed neatly on the outside of it in Itachi's handwriting. When you opened it, it only had two words scribbled on the inside. "Forgive me."

You repeated the words to yourself, utterly confused as to what he could mean. Fourty-five minutes later, you decided to go ask him for an explanation. You put on your flipflops since they were by the window and grabbed your favorite windbreaker and a hat. It had been so long since you snuck out to go to Itachi's house that the walk seemed longer than usual...partly because of the chilly night air nipping at your legs since you didn't change out of your shorts.

But when you got to Itachi's street...

Your jaw dropped open and you could only stare at what seemed to be a nightmare. Bodies were scattered everywhere. A few of the light posts weren't on. You walked down the street, the blood draining from your face as you stepped around bodies. It was horrible. Men, women, even their children were everywhere, as if they had been dragged out of their homes and brutually murdered in their yards. None of it felt real. You walked numbly...


You froze and looked around. There was Itachi, in some weird uniform you'd never seen before, standing over Sasuke. A scream caught in your throat and you covered your mouth. There was a katana in his hand. You'd never seen him with any sort of weapon before. "I-Itachi...?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I...wanted to ask about the..." You looked around. "What happened?"

He looked down at Sasuke's unconscious form and closed his eyes. "I was going to leave Konoha tonight." The fact that there was blood on his katana, some dried but most of it still wet, was not overlooked.

"Did you...kill...?" You choked, unable to get the words out. He looked at you, Sharingan slowly fading, assessing your thoughts. He could tell you were scared, confused, willing to believe whatever he said.

He nodded. Your heart dropped to your ankles and you swayed a bit.

"W-why? Why would you?"

He wanted to roll his eyes. Questions that he couldn't answer. He knew someone had probably heard something and called the police. There wasn't much time..."Forgive me...(y/n)."

"For what?" You whispered, tears streaming down your face as it dawned on you what this would mean for him.

"For what will happen to you. I promise...I'll come back." He picked up Sasuke and put him over his shoulder.

"Come back? Where are you going?" You ran over to him and tried to grab his arm. His eyes flashed red and suddenly, everything began to blur.

"Ita...chi...." You sighed and fell over onto your side, sound asleep.


When you woke up, it was daylight and your environment was not what you expected. A jail cell. You stood up and dusted yourself off. There were heavy iron cuffs on your wrists and they hurt. You went over to the bars. "Hello?"

"(Y/n). You're awake. Kohana's here to see you." Shikamaru came to the bars then ran back out of a door.

"(Y/n)!!" Kohana came running back in, colliding with the bars sticking her arms through to hug you. "What the hell happened?!"

"I don't know!' You immediately started sobbing. "Itachi put a letter on my window last night--I went to see him--he was standing over Sasuke--bodies were everywhere!"

"Wait. Wait. Wait." She held your face in her hands. "You're not making any sense. Start over."

You took a deep breath and told her every single thing that had happened, down to the tiniest detail. "Why am I here?"

She looked down at the floor then pulled you close for another hug. "They're charging you with accessory to murder. They found out about your relationship with Itachi and from that are pressing that you helped him do this."

"What?!" You screamed pulling away, leaving her arms dangling through the bars. "How could I..Why would I...They're wrong!"

"I know they are!" She whispered through her teeth. "Sasuke's gone. Sasuke didn't know anything about Itachi's secret life. They believe he helped Itachi."

"Sasuke's...gone?" You covered your mouth, eyes wide. Then you remembered. "Itachi took him! He was unconscious when I got there."

She looked at you. "Maybe...Maybe if I got some of our teachers like Kakashi-sensei to investigate this on your behalf....I'll find evidence that you're innocent I swear!" Kohana leaned away from the bars. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise!"

"Okay." You whimpered. She took off running and you sat down against a wall, hugging your knees. "Okay."
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I know I was supposed to update Blue Roses & Red Wine but inspiration for this came instead. *shrugs* I think of this as an early birthday present to myself. ^_^