
Chapter 1

The cage gently rose and fell as i was carried by two men with dark metal armor. We entered a large throne room with huge black banners hanging from the ceiling down to the floor. I stared around nervously as people started to gather and stare. I had never been around this many people in my life. The crowd grew larger as I was set down in font of a large throne. In it sat a large man wearing grey robes. His head was completely bald except for an onyx crown that rose up in uneven spikes. His eyes dared for anyone to cross him and his whole image radiated a power that could overwhelm you.
He snarled down at me and spoke, "What is this? I ordered you to bring me the water spirit, not some pathetic girl!" I clung to the metallic bars as his voice boomed around the room.
"Sir, she really is. We saw." One of the guards said.
He scoffed, "You saw." He turned his piercing eyes towards me, "Then prove it, girl."
I didn't move.
Suddenly, I felt a blade against my throat. I quickly agreed and scrambled out of the cage.
I slowly rose from the ground and set my feet. The man tipped one of the vases by his feet so that the water spilled out from it. I took a deep breath and started my work. Separating the liquid into many parts, I willed it to swirl around the chamber; circling around the various guards and bystanders. Keeping my eyes focused on the man, the water wove in and out of itself eventually collecting into a massive sphere. It hovered over the supposed king's head. I swiftly took my control away from the water and let it fall on him. I looked down and hid my smirk. He instantly sottd up, his face contoted in rage and signaled to his guards. They instantly seized my arms and started to bind them. The king slowly stepped towards me. He towered over me, flashing a smirk of his own. He raised his hand, and with a quick move, he snatched the amulet from my neck. The amulet that was my only source of power. I shuddered and fell to the ground. The guards forced me to stay standing. I struggled to keep my eyes open and alert. But the room was becoming more faint by the second. The king gave a chuckle and signaled his men again. I started to be dragged away as I blacked out.
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Sorry it's so short. Just an intro.