
Chapter 4

Vlad’s P.O.V.
I sighed as I looked up to the night sky, counting the stars.
What have I done? I thought Betrayed my own father…Halfway destroyed his castle. Was it worth it?
I looked to where Salena lay perched on the bow. Definitely worth it.
I heard rustling in the bushes on the bank of the river. I quickly scanned the foliage. I brushed it aside and lay down in the middle of the boat. It made me nervous being near all of this water. If I fell in, I wouldn’t be able to last more than a few minutes.
I heard the rustling again and hopped up. Gina woke up from all of my movement and immediately kicked my shin.
I yelped in pain, “What was that for?” I said in a harsh whisper, grabbing my throbbing leg.
“You woke me up!”
“Well, sorry. I heard something in the bushes.”
“There are these things called squirrels! Now, get back to sleep.” She said, laying down again.
I sighed and lay down again. I’m just paranoid, I suppose.
Salena’s P.O.V.
I woke up early the next morning to watch the sunrise. It was my favorite time of day.
I was startled by approaching footsteps, “Morning.” Vlad said.
“Morning.” I said, staring at the slowly rising sun.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Really good, actually. I missed being near the water. Even if it was only for a couple of days.”
“That’s good. Wish I could say the same.”
I nodded, still transfixed on the beauty.
“So, what’s for breakfast?” He asked.
I flicked my wrist and a fish flopped on to the deck, “Breakfast.”
I directed the boat to the bank and Vlad built a small fire that we started to cook the fish over.
Gina and Toni gradually woke up and sat around the fire with us.
I sat farther away from the fire than the others, absentmindedly swirling some water around everyone.
“That’s amazing.” Gina said, staring at the water.
I shrugged and let it splash onto the ground. Lucky for me, some of the water splashed on Vlad and he yelled as it sizzled on his skin.
We all tried to stifle our laughs as he glared at me.
I reached forward and grabbed some of the fish off of the fire. I gobbled it down eagerly. The others followed and the fish was gone within seconds.
“Blegh. I hate seafood.” Toni complained.
I scowled and blasted him in the face with water.
“Hey, hey, hey!” he yelled, “I’m not a big fan of water either.”
I giggled, and he climbed into the boat to look for something to dry himself off.
“Hey Vlad.” I said.
“Hey Salena.” He said with a smirk.
“What was your agreement with the metal king?” I said with curiosity.
He started to speak, but stopped himself and looked down.
There was rustling in the bushes and Vlad jumped up yelling, “Again!”
Gina kicked him in the shin, “Squirrels, idiot!”
There was more rustling and a large figure rose from the bushes.
“Squirrels, huh?” Vlad said, his tone turning to fear.
“Ogre.” Toni said.
We all started to back away as the monster towered over us. Behind him, more figures followed.
“Nice to meet you again.” The metal king said with his entourage fanning out around him.
I grimaced seeing his face again.
“Why don’t you come back to the castle and we can finish our little ceremony.” He said
“You’ll only use the power for evil.” Gina said.
“Such a harsh word…” he said, starting to pace, “I only wish to use it to get rid of my enemies. I only wish to rule the world. That’s why I convince the fire kingdom to attack the water.” He gestured to me.
My jaw dropped. Him.
“Oh, don’t take it personally. Your people wouldn’t have lasted anyway. Especially your parents.” He said with menace in his eyes.
I shouted and began to raise water from the river, ready to attack.
“Salena, stop. It’s not worth it.” Vlad said holding an arm in front of me.
I glared at the man, red blocking my vision.
The king chuckled, “No, it isn’t, my dear Salena.” He stepped forward and grabbed Vlad’s arm, “Now, come, my son. Return home.”
Vlad tore his arm away from the man’s grip and looked at us nervously.
I stared at him, astonished. Son?
“No, I am not your son. And that place is not my home.” He rose his hands and a fall of fire appeared in between our two groups. None of the king’s men moved.
The king glared through the flames as we scrambled on to the boat, “You cannot run forever.”
We all held on and we sped for another few miles until we stopped at an old abandoned pier.
“Get out.” I said to Vlad.
“What? Salena, please.” He said.
I gathered some water and started to come closer to him.
He backed away from the liquid. It was a short distance to the edge of the boat and he fell on to the pier.
I dropped the water and prepared to move the boat again. Toni and Gina stood by and watched with sad expressions.
“A man does not choose his father!” He shouted.
I didn’t listen and started to move the boat forward. He tried to run after us along the bank.
I increased the boat’s speed and he was out of sight in seconds.
Gina came up beside me, “Don’t you think that was a little harsh?”
“My family, my friends, my kingdom.”
She looked at me sadly and returned to her seat beside Toni.
I knew I couldn’t trust him.
♠ ♠ ♠
948 words.
Almost 1000. ;)
I feel really accomplished. Two subscribers! I hope to get more. Thanks for reading. :)