
Chapter 5

Salena’s P.O.V.
We drifted down the river for days, only stopping to make camp at night. None of us spoke very much, but I still didn’t regret what I did.
“I’m tired of this stupid food!” Toni yelled, throwing down the berries. “I need some meat!”
“Do you want raw fish? Or can you build a stupid fire yourself?” I said with annoyance.
He kept his mouth shut and looked down.
“Don’t even start, Gina.”
She sighed.
We were heading to Gina’s kingdom. The air kingdom was usually thought of as the friendliest and most hospitable kingdom. We hope that we could get help there. The only problem was that it was miles away and soon the river would start heading in the opposite direction and we would have to go by foot.
I saw something I had been looking for the entire trip. I quickly brought the boat over to the bank and hopped out.
“Why are we stopping?” Toni asked.
“To get you some meat.” I said, instantly in a better mood.
“Woo!” He yelled as he swung himself over the side of the boat.
“Where?” Gina asked.
“In town.” I said, tying the boat on to a tree.
“What?” They said in unison.
You’ll see.” I said, “While the two of you were hidden away in your kingdoms, I was able to explore the world a little.”
They looked at each other nervously.
“Oh, come on. Nothing to be scared of.” I said and grabbed their wrists so I could pull them along.
We entered the small town on a street lined with shops. People buzzed around looking for each of their necessities. I strolled down the streets with Toni and Gina on my either side.
“What if they figure out that we’re spirits?” Gina asked nervously.
“They don’t even know we exist. They just think we’re circus freaks”
“Circus?” Toni asked.
“Never mind” I said, rolling my eyes.
A man dropped a newspaper into a nearby trash can and I quickly snatched it up.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
“Wow. Time flies. It was June 18th when I was captured.” I scanned the page. No major news except for the memorial service of some Michael Jackson character.
I flung the paper back into the bin as we continued down the street.
“How are we going to get money for any of this stuff?” Gina said pointing to the various shops.
I reached into a pocket under my dress and produced a wad of bills.
“Taken care of.” I said, “My kingdom was very wealthy.”
We turned into a general food store and bought enough to last us for a while. We each bought a rucksack and essentials. I also got a leather covered canteen that I could wear across my body.
We stopped in a little café and took a booth near the back. I ordered water, Gina ordered lemonade, Toni ordered chocolate milk, and we got a large pizza. I took a trip to the bathroom and filled my new canteen. We had light conversation, the awkwardness of what happened before seeming to have departed with our arrival into the town. Toni was making frequent glance over his shoulder.
“What’s up, Toni?” I asked with concern.
“Is there anything odd about that man over there?” He gestured to a large man sitting in a small table near the front.
I looked over to the man and was disgusted. His profile was distorted and his features seemed to melt off of his face. He looked as if he was sloppily molded out of putty. He looked in our direction and his eyes gleamed gold.
“I have a feeling we should leave.” Gina said.
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” I said.
I dropped enough money on the table to leave a nice tip and we speeded out of the café. The man got up and started to follow.
The street had become much more crowded since we had entered the place and we struggled to push through the crowd. I looked back as we ran and saw him pushing people aside.
We got to the edges of the town and the people gradually disappeared. I pulled the water out of my canteen and started to whip it at him. It did no more than annoy him. Rocks started to fly towards him as Toni did his work. He swatted them aside like flies. I lost all direction and we headed into some woods. Gina created powerful winds and blew over trees on to him but he dodged them and increased his speed. We were cut off in a clearing and we turned to face the beast. It seemed to have grown at least three feet and we stared up at its misshapen head.
We braced ourselves for battle.
Vlad’s P.O.V.
I curled up into a ball next to the fire. My body was warm, but my heart always felt cold.
My stomach rumbled. I hadn’t had much to eat.
I thought about Salena. What was she doing? Was she thinking of me? Did she regret what she did at all?
Probably not.
I sighed and hoped she was safe. It gave me a little reassurance that she was with Toni and Gina, but I still lay awake at night wondering.
I shook my head. I had to stop thinking about her so much. I needed to worry about me instead. I had no idea where to go. North, I guess. As long as it was away from my father. I looked towards the setting sun. I would set out tomorrow.
Gina’s P.O.V.
I was sending quick bursts of wind trying to knock the beast off of its feet, but it stayed put. It swung violently with its fists. We each tried to dodge as best we could. I blew more trees over and one hit him on the head as he was distracted, and he swung his arms in anger. I saw Salena fly backwards. Toni gave a yell of fury and a huge boulder crushed the monster.
We rushed over to Salena’s broken form.
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Sorry for lack of updates. HUGE writer's block.