
Chapter 6

Gina’s P.O.V.
We dropped to our knees beside Salena. Her breathing was shallow and her dress was slowly turning red. She was barely conscious and she was struggling to keep her eyes open.
“Salena can you hear me?”
She moaned in response.
I carefully checked her over with trembling fingers. I applied pressure in her side and she groaned in pain.
“At least two broken ribs and some major cuts. Maybe a broken arm” I said quickly to Toni, noticing her arm at a weird angle, “Do you know any healing?”
He shook his head.
“Water.” Salena said faintly.
“Water?” Toni said, “Are you thirsty?”
“No, Toni, she means that water will heal her!” I said, annoyed, “Help me carry her.”
He lifted her up by her arms and I got her legs. We started walking. It was difficult because she seemed to get heavier with every step. I had a general idea of where the river was, but any definite sense of direction was lost along the chase. We had been carrying Salena for about a mile. As I struggled to keep Salena off of the ground, my knees began to collapse. I was about to give up, but I saw the color draining from her face as her eyes pleaded for the pain to stop. I forced myself to stop being selfish and pushed forward. Within minutes, the river was in sight. We ran as best we could toward the glassy water.
We got to the bank and walked out to the water. When we were waist deep we let go of her frail body. She looked at me and gave a slight smile, then sank under the water. Toni tried to rush towards her, but I held him back as she went deeper and out of sight. We waited for a few minutes, and she was still submerged. We looked at each other nervously.
“Should one of us go after her?” Toni asked.
“Can you swim?”
“Nope, I’d sink to the bottom like a rock, and never come up.”
“And I wouldn’t be able to go under more than a few feet, I’m too buoyant.”
All of a sudden there was a faint glowing at the bottom of the river.
Salena appeared at the top, coughing up water.
We helped her out of the water and she lay soaked on the shore.
She breathed heavily. Her injuries weren’t completely healed, but she was much better.
We found the boat and put our new First Aid supplies to work. We wrapped her body as best we could and put her arm in a sling.
After we were done we sat in the boat exhausted.
“How did that happen?” Toni asked Salena while gesturing to the water.
She gazed at the water with a wondering look in her eyes, “Greater things are at work here. I’m not even sure.”
We all stared at the water.
Salena’s P.O.V.
We drifted for another day. I was still weak and pain shot through my body every time I moved.
So, I slept.
I knew it wasn’t long before we would have to start travelling by foot. I’m hoping I’ll be well enough by then to walk.
“Here,” Gina said. She handed me some cold food.
I reached out for it with my good hand, “Thanks.”
She sat down beside me, “I wonder where Vlad is.”
I stiffened. I stuffed some bread into my mouth and started chewing furiously.
“I know you miss him.”
I swallowed and looked down, “Nothing can pardon him from what he’s done.”
“Salena, he hasn’t done anything. His father did, but he didn’t.”
“He lied”
She sighed, “He knew you wouldn’t trust him if he didn’t, and there was no way he was leaving you behind just because you have trust issues.”
I glared at her, “How do you know him so well?”
“I was in that dungeon for a long time.” She said looking away.
“Just please don’t bother me about it. You won’t change my mind.”
She gave me a sad look and went to sit on the bow.
I curled into a ball and lay down to face the back of the boat.
A tear slid down my cheek, and I felt myself slip into a deep sleep.
Today was the day we would start to go by foot.
I was absolutely dreading it.
We were going away from water and the pain had not gotten better.
The boat was tied on the side of the river that changed directions and started heading west.
I heaved myself upward and tried my best to ignore the pain. I stood knee deep in the water as if having my own personal cheesy funeral.
“Salena, it’s time.” Toni said to me.
I hesitantly stepped out of the water and we packed our rucksacks. I filled my canteen to the very top.
We left the boat tied to the shore and slowly started the long journey in front of us.
Toni took out his compass and we set out North.
It started to get colder immediately.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is a little shorter. And not as good.
I've just been in a horrible mood latey, sorry.